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[Page 441]

Yizkor (cont.)


In Loving memory

My Parents:
Samuel-Hirsh and Chaya-Sarah Rosenbaum
Brother: Teve-Osher
Sisters: Prive, Perl
Uncles Israel, Jacob and Yechiel and Malka Rosenbaum
Cousins: Getzel and wife and children
Isaac and Faige Alpert-Rosenbaum
Leybl, Hershe, Iske, Prive, Chana

Bernard Rosenbaum and Family

[Page 442]


In loving memory of my beloved family:

Parents: Israel and Shaindl Rosenbaum
Sisters: Sarah-Hanah, Perl and Reeva
My unforgotten wife: Shaindl (Sonszain) Rosenbaum

Uncle: Hershl, Auntie Shifra Manela
Cousins: Mayer, Zelig, wife Pola Manela

Mailech Rosenbaum, Chicago

[Page 443]

In loving memory
of our dear Parents and Grandparents:

Dovid and Mindel Zomber

Jeffrey and Malkie Zell and children
Samuel and Riva Zomber and children

[Page 444]


In loving memory of
our dear Brothers and Sisters
who were killed during the Holocaust

Elchanon Yaakov
Yitchok Mordechai

Jeffrey and Malkie Zell
Samuel and Reva Zomber

[Page 445]


In Loving Memory of my dearest

Parents: David and Bina Fryszman
Brother: Dov Ber (Berish) and Family
Israel and Family
Abraham and Family
Zew Wolf the youngest
Sister: Perl, husband Jacob Aizenberg
Daughter: Nehama
Sister: Rosa and David Goldberg,
and the new born baby on the day of deportation
Mother and child were shot by
the murderers on Sept. 23, 1942

Their devoted survivor son and brother
Baruch Frishman and Family
Dallas, Texas

[Page 446]

I would like to add a few words about my brothers and myself. My brother Bairech from Strachowice saw the only way to survive is to give away his warehouse of piece goods to some Nazi in Lager, Starachowice. He hoped that they would hide him and protect him, but one night, the Nazi came suddenly to take his wife and child away. He had a chance to survive but he chose to go with his loved ones to death. The maiden name of his wife was Brotbeker. My brother Israel passed away during the war in Szydlowiec. Another brother from Radom, Avraham, used to work in Schtainbrook in Radom. I want to add here an unknown fact of the murderous tricks of the Nazi. In 1944, the Nazi in Schtainbrook announced that anybody who had family in Israel could register so the Nazi could swap him for a German in Israel. He and 34 other Jews registered. They were then gathered together and taken to a nearby forest and shot there.

On Yom Kippur, before everyone was forced on board the trains to Treblinka, my father told me that I had more of a chance to survive if I would be registered to go to Starachowice and I did. From there, I was sent to Auswitz-Birkenau. I was then sent to Orenienburg, later to Flossenburg. I was liberated in Immendingen Bathem Batham.

[Page 447]


In loving memory
of our Parents:

Yechiel Yehoshua and Gitele Lederman
Brothers: Leizer and Itsche Lederman
Sisters: Rebecca and Leon Gertner
Sister: Sabina Svinkelstein (Lederman)

Hershel Lederman and Family, Vineland
Rachela Lederman-Celniker, Tel-Aviv
Sonia Lederman (Monk), Israel
Bluma Lederman-Sheinwar, Brazil

[Page 448]


In loving memory of
our Beloved Mother and Wife:

Sabina Svinkelstein (Lederman),
who was taken away so early in life

Her devoted Children:
Gail Svinkelstein
Allen Svinkelstein (husband)
Emanuel Svinkelstein

[Page 449]


In memory of my dearest

Parents: Moshe and Mindl Midlarski
Brothers: Ruven and Rachel-Ita and children
Yidl and Wife, Yitshe his wife Yocheved (Roseneweig) Midlarski
Sister: Sarah Midlarski Kohen
Children: Mashale and Ytizykl

Rosa Midlarski Kwiatowsky, Paris

[Page 450]

In Eternal Memory

My Parents:
Shimele and Cipe Grichman
Sister and sister-in law:
Libe and Abraham-Isaac Grichman
Sisters: Pese and Hinde
Brothers: Mordechai-Aron, Rafael and Shamai
Rivka Grichman-Mendelson

My Parents:
Jecheskel, Golde-Riva Mendelson
Sister: Friede-Feiga
Brothers: Mordechai and Heskel

From: Joseph and Rivka Mendelson
Los Angeles


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