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[Page 372]

Szydlowiec in Pictures (cont.)

Shidlovtser with their Chaver Moshe Handsher in America


Purim-Shpiler in Szydlowiec 1937
H. Flacbaum, M. Szwiecznik, M. Dymant, A. Milstein, A. Tenebaum

[Page 373]

The Castle, the main deportation place

[Page 374]

The Castle
The Jews are driven to the Deportation


The Jewish cemetery after the deportation

[Page 375]

A street after the destruction


The final place where all the Shidlovtser Jews were deported from Treblinka

[Page 375]

A street after the destruction


The final place where all the Shidlovtser Jews were deported from Treblinka

[Page 376]

The Eastern wall of the Shul


Shidlovtser in Camp Yanishev, 1940


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 25 Jun 2022 by LA