[Page 472]
Exalted compassionate God, Judge of widows, and Father of orphans, please do not be silent or restrain Yourself for the blood of Yisrael that was spilled like water. Grant infinite rest, in Your sheltering Presence, among the holy and the pure, for the souls of the 6,000,000 children of Israel, and among them, the holy community of Shebreshin, men, women, boys and girls who were murdered, slaughtered, burned, suffocated, and buried alive by the hands of the deadly German monsters and their evil legions—Polish, Ukrainian, and others throughout Europe (in the concentration camps in Belzec, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Treblinka).
May all of them, holy and pure, find peace in Gan Eden. Therefore Master of Mercy, may their souls be bound in the bond of life, the Lord is their inheritance, and may we remember their sacrifice, and stand with us and all Israel for their merit, and let us say, amen.
Land, do not cover their blood, nor become a place in which their cries are not heard! |
[Pages 473- 518]
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