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Suprasl pictures

Dedication ceremony of the Forest planted in memory of Suprasl martyrs in the Jerusalem mountain, May 1953. Third from right is Jakob Pat and the child is his son Boaz z"l, 9 years old. Dedication ceremony of the Forest planted in memory of Suprasl martyrs in the Jerusalem mountain, May 1953
Suprasl, the forest and the river Suprasl, the forest and the river
A Memorial in Suprasl erected by the Suprasl Landsmanschaft in Israel A Memorial in Suprasl erected by the Suprasl Landsmanschaft in Israel
Chaika Grossman z"l in Treblinka 1991 Chaika Grossman z'l in Treblinka 1991
Jakob Pat, the author of the Yizkor Book Jakob Pat, the author of the Yizkor Book
The old Post House in Suprasl by winter The old Post House in Suprasl by winter
The Fire Brigade in front of the Cytron factory The Fire Brigade in front of the Cytron factory
Jakob Pat and the well in 1989, last remain from the "Jewish Street" Jakob Pat and the well in 1989, last remain from the 'Jewish Street'
The house of Rabbi Szlomo Awigdor Rabinowicz who was killed in the first Aktion The house of Rabbi Szlomo Awigdor Rabinowicz who was killed in the first Aktion
The biggest but neglected "Tatark" (saw mill) of Gotlieb, Suprasl 1989 The biggest but neglected 'Tatark' (saw mill) of Gotlieb, Suprasl 1989
Old photograph of Suprasl more than 100 years ago Old photograph of Suprasl more than 100 years ago
The remains of the Cytron factory which was burnt down by the Nazis in 1942 The remains of the Cytron factory which was burnt down by the Nazis in 1942
Chaim Cytron z"l Chaim Cytron z'l
The Memorial in Mount Zion Jerusalem The Memorial in Mount Zion Jerusalem
Suprasl name in the "Valley of the Communities" Memorial at Yad Vashem Jerusalem Suprasl name in the 'Valley of the Communities' Memorial at Yad Vashem Jerusalem
The Suprasl Committee in Israel. From right: Zelig Gotlib z"l, Yehudit Even nee' Kaplan, Jakob Patt, Miriam (Mania) Braz, Dajdusz Fajn z"l, the Partisan. The Suprasl Committee in Israel
Suprasl, a painting by a Polish artist Cz. Sadowski Suprasl, a painting by a Polish artist Cz. Sadowski
The Buchholc Palace in Suprasl The Buchholc Palace in Suprasl
Jankel Fink and his daughter, Ilana, taste of blackberries of the past Jankel Fink and his daughter, Ilana, taste of blackberries of the past
Visit Suprasl in 1989: 3 cousins from right to left: Leon Lipkes z"l, Jakob Pat, Arie Fink z"l Visit Suprasl in 1989
A rare photgraph of Rabbis in the Holocaust with Rabbi Szlomo Awigdor Rabinowicz, the last Rabbi of Suprasl, with a new year card from Rabbi Rabinowicz in the 30s. A rare photgraph of Rabbis in the Holocaust with Rabbi Szlomo Awigdor Rabinowicz, the last Rabbi of Suprasl, with a new year card from Rabbi Rabinowicz in the 30s

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 11 Jan 2003 by LA