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Translated by Moshe Devere
The information was edited after it was compiled from the government Ministry of Defense's Yizkor memorial site and families of the fallen. We express regret in advance for any omission or error. |
Mordechai Gross, Israel Huebner, Yehudah Tennenhaus and Benzion Fuchs |
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Son of Fruma and Jehoshua, born in 1930 in Suceava, Bucovina. He was educated there in the religious and traditional manner, and was a member of the BneiAkiva movement. At 11, he was deported with his family to Transnistria, and after three years of suffering, was released by the Russians. He returned to Bucovina, and from there he went to Constanta, snuck into the ship, Max Nordau, arriving in Eretz [Israel] in 1946. Under Youth Aliyah, he was sent to Neve Amiel, a religious agricultural institution in Sde Yaakov, worked as a tractor driver and was liked by everyone.
After November 29, 1947, he was among the first fighters for Israel's independence. Served in the Navy's commandos. On the night of July 17-18, 1948, Operation Death to Invader was conducted to make a breakthrough into the Negev. In this operation, the commandos supported the Givati Brigade. A Givati Company attacked Beit `Afa village from the south while they attacked the village from the north. Josef fell in this battle on 11 Tammuz, 5708 (July 18, 1948). On 16 Tishrei 5710 (October 9, 1949) he was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Naḥalat Yitzchak.
The only son of Max and Melita. Born on 12 Sivan 5706 (June 11, 1946) in Suceava. After graduating from elementary school and four high school grades there, the family immigrated to Israel in 1962. Josef loved to occupy himself with radios and saw electronics not only a hobby but also a profession. Therefore, he studied
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at the ORT School (Yad Singalovsky) as well as at the IAF (Israel Air Force) Technical School in Haifa. He was drafted into the IDF (Israel Defense Force) in March 1964. On the 13 Iyyar 5726 (May 3, 1966), he fell in the line of duty and was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul Cemetery.
Son of Moshe-Ḥaim and Hava. Born on 27 Iyyar 5691 (May 15, 1931) in Romania. He graduated from an elementary school in Suceava. After attending the first high school grades, he transferred to a vocational school in Bucharest. Belonged to Bnei Akiva. He spent his youth in the Transnistria detention camp, where his father perished. Upon his release, he emigrated to Eretz [Israel] but the British sent him to Cyprus along with thousands of his brethren. In Cyprus, he took part in Haganah training. When he arrived in Eretz [Israel] in 1947-1948, he joined the Neve Amiel Institution as an educator. In 1948, he volunteered for guard duty in Ein Hashofet, and also took part in the evacuation of the Kaukji army from the gates of Mishmar Ha-Emek. He was drafted into the IDF in March 1949. Near his release time from the army, he took part in a battle with the Syrian enemy in the Jordan estuary near the Sea of Galilee, where he fell on 30 Nissan 5711 (May 6, 1951) and was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rosh Pina.
Son of Hanna and Meir, Holocaust survivors, born on 18 Elul 5704 (September 7, 1944) in Dorohoi, Romania. After the war, the family moved to Suceava, where Zvika finished the elementary school. In 1958, the family emigrated to Israel and was sent to Pardes Hanna. Zvika was sent to Kibbutz Negba to learn the language and to get to know the country. After 9th grade, he moved in with his parents in Hadera, attended the high school and ORT School in Netanya, and graduated from the Electronics Program in 1961. He was drafted into the IDF in August 1964, volunteered for the Navy and served as an electronics technician on the destroyer Eilat, and also fought in the Six-Day War. After his release, he continued as a sailor in the merchant marine. In 1970, he married Hanna and studied engineering at the Holon Institute of Technology. During the Yom Kippur War, Zwi was drafted into service in the Artillery Corps, wounded on October 14, 1973, and died on 23 Tevet 5734 (January 17, 1974). He was buried in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul near Tel-Aviv.
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Son of Moshe-Ḥaim and Hava. Born 9 Menaḥem Av, 5687 [August 7, 1927] in Partesti, Bucovina, Romania. He studied in the ḥeder and the elementary school in Suceava and then began carpentry training. He was exiled with his family to Transnistria. After liberation, he joined the Agudat Israel Workers' training farm. He left on the escape route to Italy and in 1946 landed in Eretz [Israel] on the Haganah ship. After a time at Kibbutz Naḥalat Yehuda, he moved to Tel-Aviv, worked in the building and enlisted in the 5707 [1947] in the Haganah's Religious Company. He took part in many ambushes and combat operations against the rioters, rebuffing an attack by an armored Arab Legion on Jimzo [Gamzu] near Ben Shemen, and took part in the battles of Operation Danny. He was seriously wounded in the head on July 11, 1948. He was operated on several times and even before his death, he said that as soon as he recovered, he would return to the front. He died at Beilinson Hospital on August 28, 1948. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Naḥalat Yitzchak.
Son of Moshe and Elisheva. Born in 1922 in Suceava. As a teenager, he attended the Vizhnitz Yeshiva and graduated from high school. In 1942, he immigrated to Eretz (Israel) as a member of the Bnei Akiva movement and joined Kvutzat Kfar Etzion. He was a member of the Haganah, and after leaving the kibbutz, he served as a guard. Then he settled in Jerusalem and worked as a furrier. In the evenings, he served as an instructor in the Haganah underground. After he could bring his mother from the Transnistria exile, he took care of her livelihood. He was a man of action and astute. During the War of Independence, he defended besieged Jerusalem, taking part in all its battles. He survived the battles of the breakthrough to the Old City and the conquest of the Katamon neighborhood. Killed in the battles of Sheikh Jarrah on 19 Iyyar, 5708 (May 28, 1948). He was first buried in Adar and on September 10, 1950, his body was reburied in Mount Herzl, Jerusalem.
Son of Meshulem and Heniya. Born on April 24, 1921 in Suceava. Completed elementary school, learned mechanics and worked in his vocation. Even before the Nazis and their atrocities came, he moved to Bucharest. There he was accepted to the training of BneiAkiva training farm and in 1944, emigrated to Eretz [Israel], joined the Addicted group in Kfar Hassidim and like all the group members, he was a member of the Haganah. Shlomo did not get
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to take part in the group's establishment on its land, because in the meantime, he enlisted in the army. He was among the liberators of Haifa and the conquerors of the Galilee. He handled medical services in his group and served in the army as a medic. He was a conscientious pioneer and soldier, joyfully and flawlessly fulfilling his duties. He was a gentle young man, satisfied with little, but demanded the maximum of himself. He fell on August 15, 1948, when rushing to aid a mounded comrade under enemy fire at a Kfar Yavetz strong-point. He was buried in Tel Mond and on the 11 Nissan, 5711 (May 17, 1951) he was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa.
Daughter of Eliyahu and Ruti. Born on 22 Elul, 5717 (September 18, 1957) in Moshav Segulla, near Ashkelon. She studied for three years in the moshavim in the area's joint school, MNS [abbreviation of participating moshavim?]. In 1966, the family moved to Kiryat Gat, where Shoshana continued her studies at the BenZvi School and middle and high school at Rogozin Comprehensive School in Kiryat Gat. She successfully finished school in the humanities track. At the end of January 1976, Shoshana was recruited to the regular army service and assigned to one of the Air Force bases, and a few months later, at her request, she was transferred to a helicopter squadron base. On 18 Tishrei, 5737 (October 12, 1976), Shoshana fell in the line of duty. She was laid to rest in the military section in the Netanya cemetery. She was survived by her parents and siblings.
Son of Bracha and Moshe was born on 16 Nissan, 5687 (April 18, 1927) in Lespezi, Romania. His family moved to Iţcani near Suceava, where he graduated from elementary school and attended several classes in high school. In 1941, he was deported with his family to the Mogilev concentration camp in Transnistria, where he endured three years of famine, beatings, humiliations and barely recovered from typhus. After liberation, he returned to his hometown and then moved to Bucharest, where he graduated from high school. He joined the Zionist Youth movement, where he studied agriculture and [military?] training. In 1947, Dov and his group left for Eretz Israel; however,
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they were captured by the British and sent to a camp in Cyprus. As soon as he arrived in Israel, he was attached to the Palmach Negev brigade, and fought the Egyptian invader. In the Ten Day battles between the two cease-fires, he took part in an attack on the IraqiSweiden Police Station. On the night of July 8-9, 1948, fierce enemy fire rained upon them and Dov was wounded in the head. He was flown to Israel's central district where he was operated on. However, on Thursday in 5 Tammuz, 5708 (July 12, 1948) he died of his injuries, and was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Petah Tikva.
The only son of Avraham and Elka. Born on 6 Kislev, 5702 (December 3, 1941) in Murafa, in the Transnistria exile. The family emigrated to Israel from Suceava in 1950. He graduated from the Moriah Religious Elementary School and later studied at the Yeshivat Merom Zion religious vocational school until his graduation. He belonged to the BneiAkiva movement and a member of Shevet Ḥalutzim. He worked in fine mechanics, but tended to literature and art. He was inducted into the IDF in September 1961. He fell in the line of duty on 18 Shvat, 5722 (January 23, 1962) and laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
Son of David and Sarah. Born on 19 Tevet, 5695 (December 25, 1934) in Suceava. In 1941, he was exiled by the Nazis along with his father and mother to Transnistria, where they endured famine and suffering. After his father died of starvation and serious illness, the mother returned with him to Suceava in 1944. His mother worked hard to support her only child. With her support, he studied pharmacy and dental technology. He eventually emigrated to Israel and his mother followed him a year later. After his mother arrived, he was already serving in the reserves. On 25 Iyyar, 5727 (June 4, 1967), Yakov fell on the Syrian border and did not have time to enjoy the dental clinic he had opened for a living. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Zefat.
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Son of Miriam and Menaḥem was born on 6 Tevet 5682 (January 6, 1922) in Suceava. He attended Yeshiva and a high school for commerce and worked as an accountant. In 1941, he was exiled with his family to Transnistria, experienced all the tribulations. His father perished there. He returned after the war, was active in organizing the escape from Romania and in illegal immigration. In 1946, he emigrated to Eretz [Israel] on the ship Max Nordau, and worked in construction. Moshe-Josef was inducted in April 1948 and completed a sapper's course. After which he served in a field unit on the staff of the Kiryati Brigade. He took part in many sabotage operations and dismantling of mines on the central front. The Moshe's Bridge constructed by his unit over Nahal Sorek, is named in his memory. While handling a minefield at Sha'ar ha-Gai, he activated a land-mine and was killed on the 17 Tevet, 5709 (January 18, 1949). At the request of his mother, who immigrated to Israel, he was brought to rest in the Military Cemetery in Haifa on 19 Shvat, 5709 (January 21, 1949).
Son of Leopold and Frima. Born on 23 Sivan, 5704 (June 14, 1944) in Suceava. There he studied until he graduated from high school and then studied chemical engineering for two years at the university in Galatz. During these years, he also served in the Romanian army during school recesses. In 1964, he emigrated to Israel and joined Kibbutz Na'an. Meir was an athlete, heart and soul. He excelled in volleyball and even took part in the Israel's national team trips to Greece and Turkey. He also got to participate in the Maccabiah Games. He studied at Wingate Institute Seminary for Physical Education. After graduating, he worked as a gym and sports instructor in Na'an. In November 1966, he was drafted into the Golani Brigade for three months. At the outbreak of the Six-Day War, he fought at Abu Tor in Jerusalem, and fell in this battle on 27 Iyyar, 5727 (June 6, 1967). He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
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Son of Daviga and Karl. Born on 17 Tammuz, 5724 (June 26, 1964) in Haifa. From 1968 to 1971, he lived with his family in London. After returning to Israel, they lived in Ramat Hasharon, where he attended Golan Elementary School, Alumim Middle School and Rothberg High School. He also studied music at the Ramat Hasharon Conservatory, graduating at sixteen. Lior highly excelled in his studies in many fields, while maintaining his modesty and kindness. He was a member of the Working and Studying Youth Movement in Ramat Hasharon.
In 1982, he was accepted to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Technion as part of the Academic Reserve. A degree in Electrical Engineering was conferred on him in 1987, as well as completing an officers' course. He did regular service from 1987 in the Armored Corps, developing the Merkava tank. In 1990, he was promoted to captain and fell while serving on 27 Sivan, 5751 (June 9, 1991). He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. In 2003, a Mark IV Merkava Integration Laboratory was opened in his memory. He is survived by parents and a brother.
Son of Adina and Israel, born on 3 Kislev 5713 (November 21, 1952) in Tel-Aviv. He first studied at the Etzion Religious Elementary School in Tel-Aviv. And then at the Naḥalim Yeshiva High School. He was a plebe and then a counselor in the Bnei Akiva movement and played a lot of sports. In February 1971, he enlisted in the IDF, underwent a tank commanders' course and an officers' course in the Armored Corps, fought in the Yom Kippur War on the Egyptian front and was wounded, but despite his injuries, Sephy returned to the front lines. He continued in the professional army, reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel at age 27, and commander of an Armored Battalion. Sephy also studied at BarIlan University, completing his studies in two years as a graduate of the Departments of Economics and Business Administration. In his last position, he served as commander of the Armored Officers' School, fought in the Galilee Peace War, leading his cadets and in the battle for the break-in of the western axis of the Bak'a Valley. Sephy fell on 19 Sivan, 5742 (June 9, 1982) in the village of Ein Atina. He was 29 years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon. He is survived by his parents, wife, son, daughter and sister.
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Son of Pnina and Yosef, born on 8 Av, 5724 (July 17, 1964) in Haifa. Avi attended Rambam Elementary School in NeveSha'anan, then at the Yavne School in Haifa and at the boarding school in Kfar Haroeh until the ninth grade and continued at the Netanya Yeshiva, where he completed 10th to 12th grades. Avi was active in the BneiAkiva movement. When he was in 12th grade, he was orphaned by his father. He then moved to Yeshivat Azata in Netivot. In January 1983, Avi enlisted in the IDF. His friends called him Company Rabbi, for the special spirit he cultivated in the company. In May 1983, Avi completed a professional course in the Armored Corps, rose to corporal and was transferred with his unit for operational service in Lebanon. On May 27, 1984, on a patrol in the JebbJenin area, Avi suffered critical head wounds from enemy fire. He struggled for his life for about a month. He died on 25 Sivan, 5744 (June 24, 1984). He was 20 years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the Kfar Samir civilian cemetery near Haifa. He is survived by a mother, brother and sister.
Son of Rut and Reuven. He is the firstborn to his parents on 25 Elul, 5738 (September 27, 1978) in Alon Shevut in Gush Etzion. At the age of two, he moved with his family to Kiryat Shemona, attended kindergarten and state religious elementary school; for grades 7-8, attended the Yeshiva High School in Ḥispin in the Golan Heights and later moved to the Jerusalem to the Yeshiva High School for Youngsters near Mercaz Harav. Upon completion of his studies, he joined the establishment of an advanced yeshiva in Tel-Aviv, headed by Rabbi Ḥaim Ganz. Three years later, he joined the Yeshivat Hesder in Mitzpe Ramon. Elnathan possessed musical talent, sang and played the guitar. In December 1999, he enlisted in the IDF and served as a battery NCO (Non-commissioned Officer) in the Artillery Corps. On 26 Nissan 5761 (April 19, 2001 [incorrect Gregorian year in source!]), Elnathan was killed on his way to operational activity. He was 22 when he fell. He was posthumously promoted to sergeant and laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shemona. He is survived by parents, two brothers and three sisters.
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Son of Sara-Haya (nee Bagel) and YitzchakYehuda. Born on 25 Adar 5735 (March 8, 1975) in Haifa, the third among six children of the Schaechter family. Yishai studied for two years at the Yavne School and then two years at the Naḥalat Zvi School in Elon Moreh. When the family moved to Kedumim, he studied there for another two years and continued his studies in the Karnei Shomron Yeshiva High School. After graduation, Yishai enlisted in the IDF in July 1993, joining the Engineering Company in the Nahal Brigade. He joined the Micah Team in August 1993, underwent infantry basic training in the Nahal and was selected as signalman for the team commander. He later underwent a basic sapper's course and went on to a squad leaders and sabotage NCOs, and later to engineering and infantry officers' courses. At its end, Yishai returned to the unit in August 1995 and commanded the Schaechter Team. In March 1996, they went onto the line in Lebanon. Yishai fell in battle on 23 Sivan, 5756 (June 10, 1996). he was posthumously promoted to lieutenant. He was 21 years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kedumim. He is survived by parents, two brothers and three sisters.
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Translated by Moshe Devere מראי המקום מסודרים בסדר אלפבתי של המחברים, קודם העבריים ואחר כך הלועזיים The references are in alphabetical order of author; the first section in Hebrew then in foreign languages.
ש' אבני
ש' אבני
א' אברהמי
ר' אהרוני |
[Page 226]
ז' אנצ'ל תולדות השואה - רומניה - (א) כרך I; (ב) כרך II; (ג) כרך III, הוצאת יד ושם ירושלים 2002
י' ארצי
ש' בן ציון
י' גוטמן (עורך),
מ' גילברט
לי וייסבוך
הרב ימ לאו |
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י' לבנון מצא חן במדבר: פרקים בתולדות הציונות הדתית ברומניה, הוצאת ארגון העסקנים הציוניים מרומניה בישראל, חיפה תשמב 1981.
מ' נאור
א' שחן
ד' שערי
יהדות בוקובינה בין שתי מלחמות העולם |
גורה הומורה עיירה בדרום בוקובינה (קורותיה של קהילה יהודית) עורך: שרגא ישורון (יורגראו) הוצאת עמותת קהילת גורה הומורה והסביבה ישראל 1992
ספר הזיכרון של יהודי וטרה דורניי והסביבה |
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סירט (סרט) שלנו עורכים: יצחק ארצי, פייביש הרמן, דוד שערי, הוצאת ארגון יוצאי סירט בישראל, תל אביב, 2003
ספר זיכרון לקהילת יהודי קימפולונג בוקובינה והסביבה
שואת יהודי צפון בוקובינה |
איוש - ארכיון יד ושם, ירושלים.
גווילי אש, הוצאת משרד הביטחון, תל אביב, 1981.
פנקס הקהילות - רומניה ארכיון זיגפריד ייגנדורף, בארכיון יד ושם ירושלים. יד ושם - היכל השמות - תד 3477, ירושלים 91034. הארכיון הציוני - ירושלים. |
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