Ştefan Cel Mare High School |
St. Demetrius Church in Suceava |
The GACH Synagogue; Holy Ark |
The GACH Synagogue; front doors |
The GACH Bet Midrash Management 1929
The Sadigora Synagogue |
The Vizhnitz Synagogue |
Matriculation Certificate (1916)of Anna Dalfen (later, Weiner)
Wedding invitation of Mirel Tennenhaus and Samuel Oberweger (1900) |
Certification for Ephraim Weissbuch on passing test for Rabbinate
Advertisement from 19th century, shaped as an ashtray
The Jews' Street in Suceava
Jewish High School in 1945
Pupils of Vocational School for Commerce, 1936
From right: Standing: Nehemiah Costiner, David Bacal; Seated: Isaac Costiner, Isaac Kerzner, Shlomo Zwibel |
Jacob Leinburd and friends, 1937From right: Standing: Nozio Bernstein, Monio Felig, Jacob Leinburd;
Sitting: Foldi Kern |
The Jews' Street, another view
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Suceava, Romania
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 7 Jul 2023 by LA