[Page 490]
Pictures from Stryzow (cont.)
A farewell party for two comrades
In the centre of the picture sitting in the second row are the Zionist leader Tzvi Shapiro. At his left is Sh. Zaleshitz. At his right, Eliezer Schwartz, who were leaving for Palestine |
A farewell party for Beila Auerhun before her departure to Eretz Israel |
Student of Business course at an outing |
[Page 491]
A family celebration in the house of Moshe David Unger
Sitting in the centre is the bride and groom |
Stamps of various institutions in Strzyzow
Stamp of the Jewish Free Loan Society |
Stamp of the City Hall and the signature of the mayor |
Stamp of the Zionist Group, Hanoar Hazioni |
Stamp and signature of the Jewish Registrar |
[Page 492]
A certificate issued by the Jewish National Fund to Leah Loos in 1925, certifying the planting of trees in Eretz Israel |
Contact between Strzyzow and Eretz Israel through the Red Cross. This letter was a response to an inquiry made by Leah Loos about her family. Of course the response was positive… |
Confirmation of Zionist membership issued by the Zionist Committee in Strzyzow to colleagues who were seeking permits to immigrate to Eretz Israel |
[Page 493]
Mendel the water carrier |
The brothers Mendel and Shlomo Mohrer,
freight carriers |
The city policeman |
The mail carrier |
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Strzyzow, Poland
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
Copyright © 1999-2025 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 11 Mar 2022 by LA