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[Page 260]

Sos260.jpg [34 KB] - The management committee of 'Linat Holim' in 1939
The management committee of “Linat Holim” in 1939

First row, sitting from right: Szymon Koplowicz, Aron Jakob Cygler (treasurer),
Szmul Aron Pardes (vice chairman), Itzhak Goldkorn (chairman),
Binem Szpiler (vice chairman), Mosze Wolf Rozenberg (manager).
Second row from right: Ajzyk Igra, Dr. Zilberberg, Wolf Ingster,
Majer Rozenbaum, Mosze Perenc, Lipe Klajnman (honorary secretary).
Third row from right: Mosze Waserman, Zelig Lubelski, Henech Weksler,
Jozef Monczyk, Jozef Lenczner.

[Page 262]

Sos262.jpg [16 KB] - Rabbi Menachem Hager
Rabbi Menachem Hager

Chairman of the “Beth Lechem” Society and member
of the management committee of the Jewish high
school in Sosnowiec. Delegate to many Zionist
conferences, member of the administrative council
of the Jewish Agency, member of the administrative
council of the “Mizrahi” world Zionist organization.
Well-known leader of the Polish “Mizrahi” movement.
Founding member and member of the presidium of
“Mizrahi” assembly of rabbis. Former head of the
Judicial council of Halicz (1909-1914). Rabbi of the
Galician Jewish refugees during WWI (1915-1918) in
Porlitz, Bohemia. Chairman of the “Mizrahi” and the
Polish Hebrew school system “M'zion Tetse Torah”
in Lemberg (1919-1923). Rabbi of Neustadt, Galicia
(1923-1930). Since 1930, Rabbi and active in social
matters in Sosnowiec.

[Page 263]

Sos263.jpg [34 KB] - A group of Jewish refugees from Germany eating in the dining hall of the 'Beth Lechem' Society
A group of Jewish refugees from Germany eating in the
dining hall of the “Beth Lechem” Society

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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