Sekiryani, Bessarabia - alive and destroyed
(Sokyryany, Ukraine)

48°27' / 27°25'

Translation of
Sekurian (Bessarabia): be-vinyana u-ve-hurbana

Edited by : Ze'ev Igeret

Published in Tel Aviv 1964

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Secureni



Emerita Project Coordinator Carla Brauer-Lalezari


This is a translation from: Sekurian (Bessarabia): be-vinyana u-ve-hurbana
Sekiryani, Bessarabia - alive and destroyed,
Editors: Ze'ev Igeret, Committee of Former Residents of Sekiryani, Tel Aviv 1964 (H, 260 pages)

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TOC translated by Yocheved Klausner

Introduction Z. Igeret 5-7
Milestones in the History of Sokyryany Dr. Y. Bieder 8-22
My Sekiryani Dr. Y. Har–Even 23-29
Between Two Wars Zev Igeret 30-88
The Holocaust, as told by witnesses Z. Igeret 89-120
Elza Schechter - Berman 120-128
Memories 129-170
Figures Z. Igeret 171-202
Figures 202-212
In memory of those who have perished 213-240
Congresses of former Secureni residents in Israel 241-246
More memories 247-252
List of former Sokyryany residents   253-258


Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 12 Jul 2024 by JH