No. | Caption or Description | Page |
1 | Avraham Yitzhak Lev and Moshe Maik | 8 |
2 | Shmuel Kalisher, Editor-in-Chief | 9 |
3 | Market Day in Sokoly (1916) | 12 |
4 | Michael Maik | 17 |
5 | Aryeh (Label) Zilberstein | 26 |
6 | Moshe Lippe Schulmeister | 46 |
7 | Sarah Tabak | 52 |
8 | Yisroel Goldberg | 53 |
9 | HaRav Yaakov Goldberg | 53 |
10 | Yehuda Gritchik | 64 |
11 | Visit of Leah Maik with Friends & Relatives in Sokoly, 1937 | 69 |
12 | Haim Baruch Goldosar and Family | 85 |
13 | Workers at Yitzhak Itsha Baran's Carpentry Shop | 96 |
14 | Shlomo Olsha and Others | 98 |
15 | Naftali Plut | 105 |
16 | Michael Maik and Friends | 106 |
17 | Leah and Shlomo Kravchavitz | 118 |
18 | Moshe Kravchavitz and Family | 119 |
19 | Avraham Goldberg, Polish Army Soldier | 121 |
20 | Chaim Goldberg, Moshe Maik, and Monique Roseman | 122 |
21 | Gritchik Family in Israel | 133 |
22 | The Last Victims of Sokoly | 136 |
23 | David Kosochavsky | 137 |
24 | Yaakov Litwak | 139 |
25 | The Jewish School in Bialystok, 1945 | 140 |
26 | Avraham Klipovitch (New York) | 142 |
27 | Yehudit Klipovitch | 144 |
28 | Shaine Raizel Klipovitch | 146 |
29 | Aharon Yehuda Klipovitch | 153 |
30 | Survivors from Dvorki and Zdrudy (1944) | 155 |
31 | Chaim Goldberg | 158 |
32 | Sokoly Soccer Team, 1938 | 160 |
33 | Avraham and Chaim Goldberg and Family | 187 |
34 | Luba Goldberg | 188 |
35 | Children of Sarah and Pesach Tabak | 195 |
36 | Tsipora Tabak | 201 |
37 | Tabak Family Wedding | 202 |
38 | Tsipora Tabak, IDF Soldier, 1955 | 207 |
39 | Tsipora and Yehiel Burshtein and Family | 207 |
40 | Issur Wandelowicz | 208 |
41 | Moshe Sorasky | 214 |
42 | Zalman Goldberg and David Yehuda Schweiznik | 215 |
43 | Sorasky Family at Kfar Aviv (Israel) | 216 |
44 | Moshe Sorasky Family | 216 |
45 | Rachel Kalisher | 217 |
46 | Bobcheh Shafran | 219 |
47 | Zalman Sukman (Tel Aviv) | 221 |
48 | HaRav Yosef Rosenbloom | 224 |
49 | Photocopy of a Hand-Written Document by Rav Rosenbloom | 225 |
50 | HaRav Aharon Reuven Charney | 231 |
51 | HaRav Charney with Torah Study Group | 235 |
52 | HaRav Yitzhak Meir Ben Menachem Patchiner (Jerusalem) | 237 |
53 | Patchiner Family | 238 |
54 | Gisha Feinbroen-Patchiner | 239 |
55 | Rav Avraham Patchiner | 239 |
56 | Moshe Dworkin (Bialydborsky) (New York) | 240 |
57 | Class of Mordechai Shmuel Spector in Sokoly Talmud Torah | 242 |
58 | Dr. Bernard Kahan (Berel Konofiati (California) | 244 |
59 | Shmuel Patchiner and Friends | 245 |
60 | Dr. Menachem Levin (Jerusalem) | 247 |
61 | Dr. Philip (Raphael Rueven) Goldstein (New York) | 249 |
62 | Rav Shmeul Mordechai Goldstein | 250 |
63 | Gita Risha Goldstein | 250 |
64 | Class of Mordechai "HaShamesh" | 250 |
65 | Nathan Zahavi (Haifa, Israel) | 252 |
66 | Nathan Zahavi at Tel Chai (Israel) | 255 |
67 | Yiroel Leib Elgrod (London) | 257 |
68 | Yisroel Elgrod and Friends | 258 |
69 | Reunion of Elgrod Friends, 1972 (Netanya, Israel) | 259 |
70 | Yisroel Elgrod, Lida Yeshiva Student | 260 |
71 | Avraham Wasserman | 261 |
72 | National Guard (Youth) Assembly, Sokoly 1930 | 262 |
73 | BETAR in Sokoly; Yona Czantkovsky, Leader | 262 |
74 | L. Schmelzinger | 263 |
75 | Teachers in the Popular School (Bet Sefer HaAmami) | 264 |
76 | Tsipora Zatursky-Brill | 265 |
77 | Liba Lepchansky-Langlieb | 268 |
78 | Pupils from the Girl's School; Tova Tsimbal, Principal | 269 |
79 | Masha Kaplansky | 271 |
80 | Masha Kaplansky with her Grandson, Yaakov Kalisher | 272 |
81 | Leon Luriansky | 273 |
82 | Ida Schweizer (Ettel /Czerwonicz) | 275 |
83 | Girls' Class and Teachers in the Popular School, 1922 | 276 |
84 | Ida and Zeev Schweizer | 277 |
85 | Yosef Ben Motel Czerwonicz, Grandson to Rav Yosef | 277 |
86 | Moshe Goldberg | 278 |
87 | Olsha Family and Friends with Leah Maik | 279 |
88 | Nissel (Nissan) Lichubar and Male Companions in Fedora Hats | 279 |
89 | Dubka Goldberg | 280 |
90 | Yehosha (Joshua) Sorawitch, Solicitor in Sokoly | 281 |
91 | Alter Schneider | 283 |
92 | Zippora Breinsky | 284 |
93 | Bela Sorasky-Vaslowsky | 286 |
94 | Bracha Broin | 287 |
95 | Batia Metzner-Paziger | 288 |
96 | Yehuda Ilan (Olshker) | 289 |
97 | Yehuda Ilan with his Wife | 289 |
98 | Aharon Zamir (Shostak) | 290 |
99 | Rav Yitzhak Meir Greenspan | 293 |
100 | Talmud Torah Class of Mordechai Shmuel Spector | 296 |
101 | Chaim Olsha | 300 |
102 | Yaffa Sorwitz, Yehuda Ilan (Olshkar), & Rachel Borowitch | 303 |
103 | Rav Shmuel Rogowitz (died in 1940 at age 76) | 304 |
104 | Raphael and Shamai Guttman | 308 |
105 | Yitom and Guttman Family Members | 309 |
106 | Alter Sokolovitz and his wife, Malka Leah | 312 |
107 | Chaikel Ben Moshe Kopel Bialy | 313 |
108 | Rachel, Wife of Chaim Olsha | 316 |
109 | HaRav Avraham HaLevi Epstein | 317 |
110 | HaRabanit Sarah Epstein | 317 |
111 | HaRav Tzvi Dachowitz | 319 |
112 | Rav Moshe Kopel with Wife and Daughters | 325 |
113 | Rav Shmuel Kravchavitz and Family | 326 |
114 | Gendele Shapira and Grandson Menachem Allenberg | 326 |
115 | Tzvi Dov (Hirsch Ber) Shapira | 326 |
116 | Chaim Label Rosen and his Wife (Sokoly Soc. Of Chicago) | 327 |
117 | Koenigsberg Family Gathering | 329 |
118 | Rav Yoel Tzvi Konofiati and Family | 330 |
119 | Rav Berko Zholty and his wife, Chaya Rachel | 331 |
120 | Sokoly Friends at the Wedding of Tsippora Maik | 332 |
121 | Moshe & Sara Maik with their sons, Yossi and Michael | 332 |
122 | Yaakov and Tsippora Maik, IDF Soldiers | 332 |
123 | Michael and Zippa Maik | 332 |
124 | Dov Rachelsky | 333 |
125 | Uva and Zvi (Libsheh and Herschel) Zilberstein | 333 |
126 | Rav Arye (Label) Brill | 336 |
127 | Ettel and Chaim Kolocznesky with daughters, Sarah & Idkah | 337 |
128 | Rav Abba Borowitch | 341 |
129 | Rav Abba Borowitch & His Family | 341 |
130 | Shabtai Lev | 342 |
131 | Fraidel Levin | 344 |
132 | Yitzhak Levin | 344 |
133 | Yehudit Levin | 344 |
134 | Yechezkel Czerwonicz with His Wife, Malka | 345 |
135 | Moshe Dworkin (Bialydborsky), Wife, Mircha & Sons | 346 |
136 | Yitzhak Goldstein, Fighter in the Warsaw Ghetto | 346 |
137 | Avraham Kaplansky | 348 |
138 | Yaakov Kaplansky | 348 |
139 | Kalisher Family | 349 |
140 | HaRav Moshe Pikarsky | 350 |
141 | Rivka Czerwonicz | 350 |
142 | Bar-Mitzva Celebration for Grandson to Gedalia Slodky 12/61 | 351 |
143 | Rav Zerach Maik, His Wife, Chava and Grandchildren | 354 |
144 | Leah and Shlomo Maik and Family | 354 |
145 | Rav Boruch Yitzhak Lev | 355 |
146 | Zalman Lev | 356 |
147 | Chaya Penina Lev | 356 |
148 | Feivel Lev, Wife, Rivka, and Sons | 356 |
149 | Ginzberg Family and Companions | 357 |
150 | Tova and Leon Lichubar | 358 |
151 | Alter Payis | 358 |
152 | Mordechai Sorowitch | 359 |
153 | Yitzhak Meir Lichubar | 361 |
154 | HaRav Shlomo Yosef Elgrod | 362 |
155 | Yisroel Aryeh Elgrod in Dedication Ceremony of New School | 363 |
156 | Yisroel Elgrod and Family | 363 |
157 | David Elgrod and Family Wedding | 364 |
158 | Feivel Elgrod | 364 |
159 | Sara Marka and Family | 365 |
160 | Dina Brecht and Family | 365 |
161 | Shalom Brecht, Soldier in the Polish Army | 365 |
162 | Rachel Itzkowsky-Wasserman and Son, Reuven | 367 |
163 | Chaim Lev and Sister Hennia | 370 |
164 | Rav Avraham Yaakov Olsha and Wife, Baila Rivka [Rutkiewicz] | 371 |
165 | Esther Leah Olsha | 372 |
166 | Tzvi (Herschel) Olsha | 372 |
167 | Dr. Fischel Olsha | 372 |
168 | Rachel Olsha-Shotsofkewitch | 372 |
169 | Michol Yosef Solarcz | 373 |
170 | Felix Baran | 374 |
171 | Yosef Okune and Companions | 376 |
172 | Tzvi Tikoczynsky and Friends | 377 |
173 | Koschavsky Family | 379 |
174 | Chaim and Chana Gornosteinsky | 380 |
175 | Tzvi and Mottele Roseman (New York) | 383 |
176 | Rav Yisroel Chaim Roseman | 383 |
177 | Yoel Dov Roseman and Family | 384 |
178 | Chaim Plut | 385 |
179 | Rachel Plut and Daughter, Shaine-Chenkeh (Chana) | 385 |
180 | Tuvia and Rachel Goldberg and Family | 386 |
181 | Shlomo Goldberg | 386 |
182 | Work Area of the Brothers Nissel and Aryeh Lepchansky | 387 |
183 | Aharon Eliyahu Syness and Family | 388 |
184 | Reuven Lev | 407 |
185 | Chaya Goldberg (Patchiner Family) | 409 |
186 | Capt. Dov Sorasky | 413 |
187 | Sokoly Youth 1916-1917 | 415 |
188 | Itshka Forest Gathering, Year of the Great Fire 1929 | 416 |
189 | Shmuel Borowitch to USA, 1929 Given Bon-Voyage by Friends | 416 |
190 | Moshe and Hadassah Sokolovitz and Friends | 417 |
191 | Shaine Ginzberg and Friends | 417 |
192 | Kroshba Forest Gathering of "Healthful Living" Group | 418 |
192 | "Halutzim" Group at Krushba Train Station, 1925 | 418 |
193 | "Bibliotech Farweltung" Sokoly 1916-25 Men's Association | 419 |
194 | "Chentsha" Epstein and Friends | 419 |
195 | Yehuda Sokolovitz and Friends | 420 |
196 | David Zholty, Rachel Olsha and Others | 420 |
197 | Malka Goldberg and Girlfriends | 420 |
198 | Chaim Shmuel Lepchansky, Warsaw Ghetto Fighter | 420 |
199 | Bezalel Yechnes, Yechezkel Czerwonicz, & Shmuel Borowitch | 420 |
200 | Alter Lev, Russian Army Officer, 1913 | 421 |
201 | Elimelech Goldberg, Polish Army Soldier 1939 | 421 |
202 | Tzvi Olsha, Soldier of the Czar | 421 |
203 | Yisroel Morashkewitz, Russian Soldier Under Czar Nicholas | 421 |
204 | HaRav Shlomo Olsha and Wife, Sarah Miriam | 422 |
205 | Yaakov Moshe Gritchik | 422 |
206 | Rav Pesach Brill | 422 |
207 | Sarah Hennia Gritchik | 422 |
208 | Rav Zalman Yechnes | 423 |
209 | Razel Yechnes | 423 |
210 | Nachum Yechnes | 423 |
211 | Chana Yechnes | 423 |
212 | Luba Goldberg | 424 |
213 | Shlomo Goldberg | 424 |
214 | Frieda Perl Koenigsberg | 424 |
215 | Chana Raizel Koenigsberg | 424 |
216 | Avraham Siata (and Wife Sarah), Secy. Sokoly Soc.of NY, 1958 | 425 |
217 | Chaim Eliezer Shapira and Tzvi Konofiati | 425 |
218 | Kalman Kahan (Konofiati) -- d. in Montreal Canada, 1951 | 425 |
219 | Aharon Tzvi Yiskolka | 425 |
220 | Poale Zion Committee, Sokoly 1919-1920 | 426 |
221 | Bon-Voyage Party for Chaim Patinka to USA | 426 |
222 | National Guard (Youth) Group in Training Camp | 427 |
223 | Shoshka Kravitz in Girls' Friendship Circle | 427 |
224 | "Khan Betar" Gathering, Sokoly 1935, Yona Zilbershein, Leader | 428 |
225 | Pioneer Guard Youth Movement, Sokoly 1935 | 429 |
226 | Sarah Nurzycz & 5th Grade, Sokoly Popular School 15.6.1934 | 430 |
227 | Shalom Blustein & 5th Grade, 1936 | 430 |
228 | Stirah Burstein with Grades 2 & 3, Girls' School & Teachers | 431 |
229 | Yoel Olsha & Australian Sokoly Society 1969 | 431 |
230 | Nissel Sorasky & Argentine Sokoly Society | 432 |
231 | Sokoly Survivors Meeting in Israel,1954 | 433 |
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