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Index of the Hebrew Section

Translated by Jerrold Landau

Rabbi Avraham, Admor of Sochaczew 612-621, 623, 625-628, 631, 632, 700, 709, 769, 774
Rabbi Avraham, Admor of Ciechanów 620
Avigdor Leibish 636
Aurswald (Ghetto Commissar) 638
Admor of Grochow 713
Unger Yoel 684
Oklanski Berl 734, 738
Auerbach Yitzchak 778
Auerbach Meir 778, 779
Orlean Yehuda Leib 681, 682
Egier the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo 677
Asz Reb Chaim Yisrael of Zurich 685
Ajsman Meir 702
Ajzenberg Pesach 739
Ajzenman Gavriel 677
Ajzensztadt Rabbi Meir (author of Panim Meorot) 609
Ajzenszteajn Mendel 730
Izraelowicz 734
Izraelski Gershon 735
Izraelski Gershon 739
Ejnes David 730
Ajsman Yisrael 654, 656
Albert Zalman 759, 760
Aldslach 735
Alter Rabbi Avraham the head of the rabbinical court of Pabianice 685
Alter Reb Moshe Betzalel (brother of the Gerrer Rebbe) 685
Alter Reb Mendel, head of the rabbinical court of Kalisz 638
Alter head of the rabbinical court of Pabianice 638
Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk 613, 622, 624
Rabbi Elimelech, Admor of Grodzisk 700
Rabbi Eliezer Lipman, the son-in-law of the Admor of Radomsk 628
Rabbi Eliezer Shalom the rabbi of Zadnoska Wola 634
Rabbi Eliezer HaKohn head of the rabbinical court of Sochaczew 720, 730
Ambaras Berl 650
Engelbrecht 745
Erlich teacher 684
Erlich Heinrich 654
Ish Shalom 659
Baum Arele 761
Baum David 761
Baum Tzipora 759-764
Balas Yudel 730, 732, 735
Balas Leizer 731, 732, 735, 738
Balcarska 730
Barbis 654
Bochner-Szteier 684
Rabbi Bunim of Przysucha 626
Bornsztejn Rabbi Avraham, Admor – see Rabbi Avraham  
Bornsztejn Aharon Yisrael 633, 674
Bornsztejn Ita Leah, wife of the Admor Rabbi Shmuel 628
Bornsztejn Esther, wife of Reb Meir 629
Bornsztejn Esther wife of the Admor Rabbi David 632
Bornsztejn Rabbi David Admor 632, 633, 635, 639, 640
Bornsztejn Volvish of Czestochowa 634
Bornsztejn Yechezkel 730
Bornsztejn Rabbi Meir, brother and son-in-law of the Admor Rabbi Avraham 629, 634
Bornsztejn Mirl wife of the Admor Rabbi Shmuel 628
Bornsztejn Mendel (of Siedlice) 633
Bornsztejn Mania 739
Bornsztejn Moshe Eliezer 604, 648, 769, 770
Bornsztejn Rivka 774
Bornsztejn Rabbi Shmuel Admor 628, 630, 632, 634, 769
Bornsztejn Shmuel-Avraham 774
Bornsztejn Sara Tzina wife of the Admor Rabbi Avraham 628
Burkowski (“Brodka”) 654
Bursztejn 743
Brzozowski Esther 746
Brzozowski Bronia 730
Boznicki Moshe 733
Biezanski Mordechai 730, 737
Biezanska Freda 744
Bienkowski 657
Biderman 737, 739, 743
Biderman Yaakov 653, 657, 730
Biderman Rabbi Yaakov Meir the brother-in-law of the Gerrer Rebbe  
Beinish the Shamash 609
Bajkowski Dr. Z. 620
Blumental 657
Blumental Eliahu 653
Baumhertzer Mottel 653
Bliaschik (German captain) 730
Ben-Natan Shimon 610
Ben-Shlomo Mechel Mordechai (Marek) 608
Binyamin the smith 652
Becker 733
Rabbi Ber the Magid of Mezherich 613
Besht (Baal Shem tov) Rabbi Yisrael 612, 688
Brand (head of the Gestapo) 638
Bergzin Yitzchak 734, 739
Bergzin Shlomo Mendel 739
Bergelson 661
Brojtman 744
Bronia 745
“Broko” the enemy 657
Brokier Moshe 744
Berliner Neta Yerucham 682
Berman Hertzka 729, 734
Berman Sara Yentl 729
Bresler Yona 654
Bressler. Pinchas 652
The Gaon of Vilna (the Gra) 688
Galek Feivel 649
Reb Gidel the teacher 670
Guzik David (the director of the JOINT) 684
Gothelf Hirsch 730, 732, 737
Gothelf Shmuel Leib 745
Goteskind (children's teacher) 670
Goldberg Chaim 732, 734
Goldberg Leibel 734
Goldberg Simcha 652, 657
Goldberg (the cobbler) 732
Goldman 654
Goldfaden 659
Goldfarb Aharon 742
Goldfarb Yisrael 729
Goldsztejn Yehoshua 705
Rabbi Shlomo Goldsztejn 739
Rabbi Y. Goldszlag head of the rabbinical court of Pieszyce  
Gordon 659
Gurski M. 645, 764
Guthajm 649
Gajer Moshe 652
Glebsztejn Itza 730, 737, 738
Gelbsztejn Yoel 732, 743
Gelman Sh. 670
Gerszt Yerachmiel 734
Graubard Leibish 708, 723
Graubard Moshe 735
Graubard Matityahu 739
Graubard Pinchas 601, 604, 648, 723, 761
Graubard (shoemaker) 744
Grosjman Aharon 731
Grosjman Yoska 740
Grundwag Simcha 648, 652-654, 657, 692, 693
Grundwag Rivka 659
Grundwag Nachum 648, 654, 659, 693, 730
Grundwag Machla 659, 669
Grundwag Dina 659
Grundwag Yossel 656
Grynberg Aharon 657, 658
Grynberg Eliezer 771
Grynberg Leib 670
Grynberg Mindel-Tauba 771
Gryngard Yitzchak 739
Rabbi David Admor of Sochaczew 632, 633, 635, 639, 640
Dostoyevski 764
Jiwicky 735
Diament Itza 735
Diament Lipman 731, 735
Deitcher Moshe (Censor from Krakow) 682
Derber (head of the P.P.s.) 652, 657
Haber Yosef Moshe (head of the community of Kalusz) 684
Hollander 732
The Holy Jew (Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak, Admor of Przysucha) 612, 613, 635
Hajnter Meir 682
Hindes Dr. T. 670
Hirsch (communist from Blonie) 650
Hirzbejn Peretz 659
Halbersztam Rabbi David (Rabbi of Sosnowiec) 685
Heler 739
Hendel Avraham 684, 690, 691
Rabbi Henech Admor of Aleksander 614, 617
Hermelin (actor) 661
Hertzfeld A. 761
Herskowicz Pessi 739
Wajsenberg Izak 657
Warszawiak Reb Pinchas (the brother-in-law of the Gerrer Rebbe) 689
Warszawski G. 669, 671
Warszawski Hershel 653, 654, 657, 658
Warszawski Wolf 744
Warszawski Yosef 732
Warszawski Ozer 601, 647
Warszawski Reb Sh. N. 670
Wazninski 733
Wolman K. 669, 670
Wiedislawski Moshe 744
Wajnberg Avraham Yitzchak 756
Wisznia Eli 738
Wisznia Eli 744
Wajnberg the Gaon Rabbi Avraham (Reb Avraham Stucziner) 634, 637
Wajnberg Bluma 659
Wajnberg Pinchas 653, 654, 656, 657, 668
Wajnberg Rachel 659
Wajntraub Y. 670
Winer Yitzchak 653, 657
Winer Mordechai (Mottel) 653
Wajnsenberg Y. M. 648, 770
Wyszogrodzki (secretary from Wyszogrod) 649
Waldenberg Izak 653, 657
Wolkowicz Yosef 653, 702
Wachler Reb Mendel (Rosh Yeshiva) 633
Zawadski Yehoshua 742
Zajac 746
Zand Yechiel 735, 742
Zwitkower Shmuel 610, 677
Zhokowski Jan 730
Zygmunt August (King of Poland) 609
Rabbi Zusia of Anipoli 622
Zysman Eliezer 657
Zolonka 738
Zolonka Moshe 732
Jelozko Yitzchak 731, 742
Zalcman Yechiel-Meir 652
Zalcman Meir 661
Zalcman Paula 739
Zmiaowski 657
Zemba the Gaon Rabbi Menachem 678, 683
Rabbi Chaim Halberstam Admor of Sanz 613, 616, 632
Rabbi Chaim head of the rabbinical court of Konstantyn 634
Chaim Bliacharz 738
Chaim Nissan the son of Chaikel 713
Rabbi Chanoch Henech, Admor of Aleksander 614, 617
Chaikel the wagon driver 602, 712, 714
Chofetz Chaim (The Gaon Rabbi Yisrael of Radun) 688
Chetzroni A. 57, 97
Tabans (Shiff) 744
Taub Avraham 656
Tovim 654
Tolstoy 654, 764
Tilman Avraham 734, 738
Tilman Hertzka 656, 733, 735
Tilman Yechiel-Meir 658, 704, 739
Tilman Yitzchak 734
Tilman Moshe 730
Tilman Nachman 731, 733
Tindel Hirsch 666, 746
Temes Moshe 649
Tritel (father of Yosef and Yaakov) Sucha 609
Trukenhajm Yaakov 685
Yancha (the porter) 734
Jasinowski lawyer 670
Jasinski Eli 735
Jasinski Dina 775
Jasinski Hershel 654, 743
Jasinski Menashe 775
Jasinski Moshe Aharon 735
Jasinski Shmuel (Shmulek) 775, 777
Rabbi Yehoshua (the son of Rabbi Eliezer HaKohn) 669
The Gaon Rabbi Yoav Yehoshua head of the rabbinical court of Kinczak (author of the Chelkat Yoav book) 631
Yosef Sucha 609
Yaakov Sucha 609
Yochanan (surgeon and obstetrician of the city) 610
Yaakov the son of the Shamach Beinish 609
Yaakov the doctor (or rabbi) 609
Rabbi Yaakov Aharon head of the rabbinical court of Konstantyn 769
Yaakov Aharon 738
Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Admor of Radzimin 637
Yaakov David (water drawer) 733
Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak of Przysucha (the Holy Jew) 612, 613, 635
Jakubowicz Leizer 732, 733
Jakubowicz Hirsch Leib 734
Jakubowicz Moshe 648, 737
Jakubowicz Tzalka 746
Jakubowicz Shlomo 733, 734
Jakubowicz Shmuel 657
Rabbi Yitzchak Zelig Morgiensztern Admor of Sokolow 774
Rabbi Yitzchak Meir, Admor of Ger (Chidushei Harim) 614, 621, 627
Rabbi Yitzchak Mendel Danziger Admor of Aleksander 638
Rabbi Yitzchak Shlomo Liberman 632
Yakir the shoemaker 602, 716, 717
Rabbi Yisrael Besht (Baal Shem Tov) 612, 688
Rabbi Yisrael the Magid of Kozienice 613
Rabbi Yisrael Morgensztern Admor of Pylow 634
Rabbi Yisrael Zelower rabbi and teacher in Radomsk 634
Rabbi Yissachar Kohn of Gustinin 637
Kohn Avraham 654, 656
Cohen Avraham – Gan Yavneh 779
Kohn Gittel 742
Kohn Michael 653, 654, 658
Kohn Paula (the daughter of Gittel) 742
Kohn Simcha 648, 654
Kohn Pinchas 746
Chmiel Freda 661
Kac Hershel 659
Lodzer Moshe (Jakubowicz) 657
Lewkowicz Shlomo 702
Lawancka (or Lazancka) Dorota 609
Levi Zak 661
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev 613, 616
Lewita (father of L. Lewita) 670
Lewin 743
Lewin Rabbi Aharon head of the rabbinical court of Rzeszow 681
Lewin David 776
Lewin Chana 776
Lewin Rabbi Yitzchak Meir 678, 679, 682, 684
Lewin Meir 739
Lewin Menachem Zeev 700
Lewin Noach 734, 739
Lewin Tzvi (Hershele) 776, 777
Lewin Tzvi 756
Lewin Shlomo 730, 734
Lewin Sara Leah 700, 740
Lewintal Rabbi Lipman Tzvi, head of the rabbinical court of Cialadz 634
Laufer Berl 648
Luksztyk 743
Luksztyk Yosef 658, 730
Laznowski, Rabbi Baruch, head of the rabbinical court of Ujazd 634
Lazar Aharon 739
Libert H. 743
Libert Munik 730, 737, 738
Libert Shmuel 730
Leibishel the small 708
Leizer Droszkosz 666
Leizer the butcher 733
Leist, German ruler 638
Lichtensztejn Y. 669
Lipszyc Rabbi Shlomo Zalman (Chemdat Shlomo) head of the rabbinical court of Warsaw 638
Landenberg Falik 681
Laskowski Rabbi Eliahu head of the rabbinical court of Dobrut 634
Lejman Shmuel 601
Meir Hauser 732
Meir Binyamin 698, 699
Rabbi Meir Yechiel, Admor of Ostrowiec 700
Muney Yosef 648, 654, 730, 732, 734
Montcik 656
Montcik 657
Mokotowski Reb Avraham 675, 682
Moszkoski Mayor of the city 648
Moszko, smith 712
Mazor Eliahu 679
Rabbi Michel, head of the rabbinical court of Biala 627
Meisel Chana 761
Miller Yoel 654, 657, 734
Miller Rachel 735
Minc Yosef 738
Miszrowicer Rabbi Chaim 670
Mechel and Mordechai (Marek) son of Shlomo 608
Malinberg Bracha 739, 740
Mendele Mocher Sefarim 656
Mendel (shoemaker from Wiskiti) 746
Rabbi Menachem Mendel the Admor of Kock 613-616, 625-628, 632, 770
Mendelsohn Klara 656
Maroz 756
Marienfeld Aharon Zelig 731, 738
Marienfeld Yaakov Y. 732
Rabbi Moshe Sochaczewer the son in law of the “Panim Meirot” 609
Moshe of Sochaczew 735
Moshe Soliaj 738
Moshe Aharon “Shulklaper” 697, 698
Moszenberg Hirsch Nisan 739
Nadbornik Moshe 731
Noelson Levi 610
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov 620
Neihaus Rabbi Meir Bunem 633
Nelson Moshe 649
Nelson Shmuel 697
Naftali (watchmaker) 734
Nasielewicz Avraham 659
Nasielewicz Rabbi Meir 670
Sokolow Nachum 670
Strawinski (Financial director of the Z.T. A.S.) 698
Strindberg 659
Salomon Dr. 652
Sliwa Jan 730
Rabbi Y. Sender of Posen 685
Skotnicki Lutek 648, 654, 656, 689
Skrunik Azriel 650
Skrunik Rachtsha 746
Skrant 654
Elbingier Reb Yosef 638
Elbingier Reb Yitzchak Meir 638
Elbingier Leibel 634
Podliszowski A. 670
Piatczak 745
Poznanski Eli 732
Pola 743
The Rabbi of Piatek 634
Fajgenbaum the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak the head of the rabbinical court of Warsaw 631
Fajn Hella 735
Fajn Mordechai 666
Fajn Roza 739
Fajngold Y. L. 638
Pinczowski A. 746
Pinczowsk Velvel 730, 743
Pinczowski Chaim 652, 657, 658
Pinczowski Mottel 702
Fisher (German ruler) 638
Plonski Chana 739
Plonski Mendel 650
Plonski Nechama 739
Feliks, Jewish doctor 608
Flajszman 734
Flajszman Chaya-Rashel 659
Flajszman Tova-Leah 759
Rabbi Pinchas of Korec 613
Rabbi Pinchas, the author of “Haflaah” 613
Pestalozzi 710
Festman A. 669
Festman Bina 659
Festman M. 670
Prouza Julian 729, 732, 743
Farbsztejn Reb Heshel (Sejm representative) 679
Frum Leibel 681
Frumer the Gaon Rabbi Aryeh Tzvi (Rosh Yeshiva of Chachmei Lublin) 631, 633, 634, 636, 637
Pruszynowski Reb David 633
Freda, wife of Kalman Yankel 718, 720
Frydman Aharon Yehoshua 675
Frydman Aleksander Zisha 601, 647, 674-691, 705
Frydman Amnon 758
Frydman Gisha 701
Frydman Taba 700
Frydman Yehudit 703
Frydman Yechiel 700
Frydman Yaakov 604, 659, 765-768
Frydman Mendel 652, 654, 656, 657, 700
Frydman Menachem 756
Frydman Nicha 703
Frydman Friman Hirsch (Shalom Tzvi) 670, 696, 697, 700, 705, 756
Frydman Shlomo (Grodzisker) 700, 703
Frydman Shimon (Chilkele) 732
Frydman Sara 756
Frejdenson Reb Eliezer Gershon 682, 684
Priwes Reb Eliezer 677
Priwes Reb Yeshaya 677
Prever (head of the Gestapo) 744
Prilucki Noach 654
Perkal Rabbi Tzvi 666, 703-705, 731, 732
Fersztynberg Leibel 656
Rabbi Tzadok HaKohen, the Admor of Lublin 620
Zimerinski Reb Eliezer 705
Zimerinski Reb Menashe 700
Czerniakow Adam 638, 683, 684, 689, 734
Kon Aharon 735
Kon Liza 739
Kon Reb Meir 670
Kon Meir 735
Kon Mordechai 730
Kon Simcha 734
Kon Chaim Nissan 730
Kojawa 745
Korczak Janusz 710, 741
Kirszbraun Reb Eliahu 679, 688
Kluska Adam 652
Kluska Aharon 738
Klioski (shoemaker brothers) 732
Kalman Yankel 664, 718, 720
Keller Yisrael 652
Kampelmacher 653, 704, 710
Knott Avraham Yaakov 731
Knott Menashe 644, 656, 731, 738, 744
Kaplan Dr. 654, 657
Kaplan Chana 771
Kaplan Yosef 775
Korotkin 670
Krakow Shimon 734, 742
Krojn Reb Ben-Zion 670
Krongrad Avraham Meir 684
Carlebach Dr. Emanuel 676
Rabicz, teacher 684
Rozenberg Vove 601, 604, 648, 659
Rabinowicz Reb Menashe 670
Rabinowicz Tema 652
Radzinski Yaakov (Mizrachi activist) 685
Rogowy Avraham Mordechai 681, 684
Rozen Yuntel 652, 657
Rozenfeld A. 669, 670
Rotsztejn Golda 740
Rotsztejn Yossel 739
Rotsztejn Yisrael 731, 738, 739
Rotsztejn Shabtai 702
Rolen 654
Rozenkop Pinchas 730, 737, 738, 743
Rozenkop Roza 741
Rotenberg Aharon the son-in-law of the Admor Rabbi Shmuel 633
Rajtman Hirsch 732, 746
Ringelblum Dr. 687, 689
Rechtman Avraham 706
Rechtman Reb David 706
Rechtman Malka 706
Rechtman Moshe 708, 723
Rechtman Pinchas Eliahu 709
Rappaport Aharon (from Bielec) 685
Rappaport Yaakov (from Bielec) 685
Rappaport Simcha (from Bielec) 685
Szafran David 684
Szwarc Binyamin 731
Szwarc Moshe 648, 659
Swarcsztejn Meir Yoel 676
Szotland Rafael 761
Swiatlowski Shlomo 652
Szulc 685, 690, 691
“Shulklaper” Moshe Aharon 697
Steiglic Ziama 652
Sztejn A. Sh. 604
Sztern Yechiel 731
Szajnwald (son of Yankele the teacher) 653
Szajnwald 744
Szanwald Moshe 742
Szanwald Tzvi (Hirsch) 742, 746
Shalom Aleichem 659
Sleznger Mordechai 778
Rabbi Shlomo the Admor of Radomsk (“Tiferet Shlomo”) 628
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Lipschitz (“Chemdat Shlomo”) 638
Rabbi Shmuel the Admor, see Bornsztejn Rabbi Shmuel  
Szmiontek 657
Szmiontek A. L. 670
Szmajser Paula 740
Szmelc (tailor) 743
Szmelc Menachem 731, 738
Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg 613
Shimon ben Natan 610
Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (the “Tanya”) 613, 620
Szpotrik (dental technician) 656
Szapira Asher 682
Szapira Yitzchak 735
Szapira Rabbi Moshe Natan, the head of the rabbinical court of Kosienice 628
Szapira Rabbi Kalonymus Admor of Piaszczyna 685
Sczitner 737
Szereszewski (banker) 677

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