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[Page 363]

153. Informational board on the wall of the cemetery on Szkolna Street
(photograph by the author)

[Jewish Cemetery in Siedlce
Established in 1807
Jews settled in Siedlce in the XVI century,
contributing to the economic and cultural development of the city.
In 1941, German Nazis created a ghetto in Siedlce.
During World War II, Germans executed Jews in the cemetery.
Those who survived were deported to the extermination camp in Treblinka.
May their souls be woven into the knot of eternal life
Jewish Religious Council
in Warsaw]


154. Sign pointing the way to the Jewish cemetery
(photograph by the author)

[Page 364]

155. Place of executions. Imprints of bullet holes on the inside of the cemetery wall
(photograph by the author)


156. Religious teenagers from Israel and Siedlce teenagers from General Preparatory High School No. 1 during a joint prayer at the Jewish cemetery on 19 March 2009
(photograph by Witold Bobryk)


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 8 May 2015 by LA