[Page 318]
63. Dawid Jom-Tow in the uniform of the Polish Army (photograph from the collection of Helen Herman |
64. Next to the camera, Jakub Woda, who left for Birobidzhan (city in the Asiatic part of Russia, the capital city of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast); next to him, Maria Międzyrzecka, 1936 (photograph from the collection of the Halber family) |
[Page 319]
65. From the right, Maria Międzyrzecka and Hanna Apel in front of the Queen Jadwiga Preparatory School, 1937 (photograph from the collection of the Halber family) |
66. In the middle, Kuba Międzyrzecki in the uniform of the Poznań Light Cavalry Regiment; on the left, Hela Rodzyńska and Wowa Wiszniepolski; fourth person unknown, 1938 (photograph from the collection of the Halber family) |
[Page 320]
67. Izaak Halber in front of the liquor store on Piłsudski Street, 1937 (photograph from the collection of the Halber family) |
68. Jewish youths during a swim in the Muchawka River, Sekuła suburb; first on the right is Izaak Halber (photograph from the collection of the Halber family) |
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Siedlce, Poland
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 6 Feb 2015 by LA