The Jews of My Longing:
Memories of My Hometown Shargorod
(Sharhorod, Ukraine)

48°45' / 28°05'

Translation of
Di Yidn fun mayn benḳshafṭ zikhroynes̀
fun mayn heymshṭoṭ Shargorod

Edited by: Mordecai Kuper

Published in Buenos Aires, 1968



Project Coordinator

Phyllis G. Berenson


This is a translation from: Di Yidn fun mayn benḳshafṭ zikhroynes̀ fun mayn heymshṭoṭ Shargorod
(The Jews of My Longing: Memories of My Hometown Shargorod),
Editors: Mordecai Kuper, “KIUM” Buenos Aires, 1968 (Y, 503 pages).

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Moshe Shtarkman 13
Part One – Shargorod Former 'Mother City' in Israel
Slabode the corridor of Shargorod 19
In and around the city 24
The world of the kheyder boys 28
The “Tsar” 32
A Good day – snacks 36
What's in a name? 39
A story of a mamzer (bastard) 41
Moshe the white one 43
Rivals 46
I loved the Lord 53
“My orphan” – “Akhnaliyes” Yozi'e 55
The “ensemble” 58
You must be able to speak 63
One lies under the earth and bakes bagels 64
I learn Russian 66
The Garden of Eden 71
From one tree lots of fruit 73
The Tehilim (psalm saying) Jew and his daughters 76
Fanya and Sonya 78
Class struggle 80
The fligen war 82
Short stories but sad 85
Khazones (cantors) in Shargorod 86
The Reformed Kheyder – Sholem Penzer 100
Honour thy father 105
Up the mountain and down the mountain 108
A terrible story with a moral 112
Back from Siberia 118
Types and talents 120
Part Two – Years and Events
The first strike 131
Reb Aharon Zusye Leibs 140
Reb Shiye – a little apple! 144
The first library 148
Hebrew teachers and kheyders 155
A rich ensemble plays for a poor bride 178
Hebrew teachers, calligraphy and blows 180
The Shargorod shul 186
The Bet Midrash (House of Study) 198
Little shuls 203
The Klarfelds 211
A poor king and a cure for a coat 216
An absolute thief – trust me 220
And Moses struck the rock 221
The new arrivals (country bumpkins) 226
Various Jews, only love 233
Two Khones (this is the name of a man) 238
“Voluntary” rope makers 246
A “klezmer” (musician) on all instruments 251
Part Three – Shargoroder forerunners
The cantonist 258
Interesting talk, undertakings, and a story about a quiet person 280
A Change of place, a change of luck 287
It seems 288
Yosel Kozlovski 298
An excursion in cultural outgrowth 307
Theatre 310
Yiddish theatre in Shargorod 312
Two Dudiyes folk artists 328
A mystery 332
It should not have happened as it did 337
Part Four – A World With Little Worlds
The Tanner road 347
Baruch the beadle – a young boy with fantasies 375
Catch a thief 383
Washing the hands 385
Hard to be a Jew 387
Rakhmana Litslen (not sure) 392
One only dies from death 395
“Triangle” fire 399
The last houses of the county 400
Esther Balitzer 403
Also them one may not wrong 405
Libe the meshugene (crazy) 414
Part Five – Personalities and Fates
Sam Zmure came to America as a young boy 419
Hershel Meniyes 430
Chaim Minkovetzki 436
Shimon Dovid Blovshteyn of blessed memory 442
Vremya Dengi – “time is money” 452
One writes and one erases 455
The fire 461
The meeting 466
The First World War 471
Revolution 474
Bunem Grinshpan and his connections 478
The court case 483
Because the amount of love is great 489


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Phyllis G. Berenson
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 3 Jul 2020 by LA