Rudki Memorial Book;
Of the Jews of Rudki and Vicinity
(Rudky, Ukraine)

49° 39' / 23° 29'

Translation of
Rudki; sefer yizkor le-yehudei Rudki ve-ha-seviva

Edited by: Joseph Chrust

Published in Israel 1978

This is a translation of: Rudki; sefer yizkor le-yehudei Rudki ve-ha-seviva
(Rudki memorial book; of the Jews of Rudki and vicinity);
Edited by Joseph Chrust; published by Rudki Society,
Israel 1978 (374 pages, H, Y, E)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Rudky

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

A Rudki, location and history 11-46
B The Jews in Rudki in the years 1914-1926 49-78
C Communal and social activity in Rudki 81-144
D Religion and religious officials 147-176
E Personalities, figures and types 179-208
F Way of life and folklore in Rudki 211-246
G Holocaust and revival 249-332
H In the battles of Israel 335-340
I Memorial pages 343-367
J English Section 368-372

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