Rozyszcze, My Old Home
(Rozhyshche, Ukraine)

50°55' / 25°16'

Translation of
Rosyszcze ayarti

Edited by: Gershon Zik

Published in 1976



Project Coordinator

Selma Neubauer


Our sincere appreciation to Rozyszczer committee in Israel,
for permission to use the English pages from their site on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Rozyszcze ayarati (Rozyszcze my old home), Editors: Gershon Zik, Tel Aviv,
Societies in Israel, the United States, Canada, Brazil and Argentina, 1976 (H,Y,E, 558 pages).

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Geography and History   9
The Jewish Community   15
Religious and Cultural Life   21
Life Under the Soviets
The Soviets Arrive in Rozhishch Daniel Golombka 26
The Great Escape Moshe Grabarski 28
In the Soviet Period Zvi Roiter 29
The Soviet Period in the Surrounding Villages Pnina Korn 29
The Nazis Enter Rozhishch
June 22, 1941, the Germans Come to Rozhishch Berl (Dov) Schneider 31
A Child Watches the Germans Enter Rozhishch Zvi Roiter 32
The Rozhishch Ghetto Berl Schneider 33
In the Ghetto Zvi Roiter 34
Destruction of the Ghetto Berl Schneider 35
The Bitter End Eva Tuzhinska Trauenstein 36
The Last Kol Nidre in Trochimbrod   39
In Hiding   40
Wandering Zipporah Rosen (Faige Sher) 42
Persecution by Ukrainians Sarah Zuckerman 43
My Sister Charna Shoshana Hadash 43
The Extermination of the Jews in the Villages
Kopachivke Moshe Rabin and a lady survivor 45
Chetvertnya Fanya Rosenblatt 45
Berezolup Pnina Koren (Torchiniuk) 49
Last Will and Testament   52
Rozhishchers All Over the World
Rozhishchers Today   53
The Saga of the Peppers Avner Bachmiell 54
Rozhishcher Societies
The Rozhishch Society in Israel   67
The Rozhishch Society in the United States of America   71
The First Rozhishcher Benevolent Association   72
The Rozhishch Society in Canada   73
Rozhishch Society in Brazil   76
Rozhishch Society in Argentina   76

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Updated 16 Jul 2010 by LA