The Zionist Movement {Cont.}
[Page 52]
Zionist Activity during the Balfour Declaration
Yakov Lifshitz Aharon Heruti [Freierman]
(Givat Hashlosha) (Tel Aviv)
Translated by Ala Gamulka
The trademark of Rokitno was the Zionist spirit and the loyalty to Hebrew
culture that permeated the town. All attempts by those opposed to Zionism
collapsed against the reality of a Zionist town. The Hebrew language was
something indisputable – an axiom. No one even suggested that Yiddish be
taught. There was no need for it. Later on, there was a handful of Communists
who operated secretly in town. This was a small weak group and it was not able
to influence Jewish life.
An obvious indication of the Zionist make-up of Jewish life is the fact that,
among all the collection plates placed in the synagogue on the eve of Yom
Kippur, the one belonging to the Jewish National Fund was the most noticeable
one. The largest amount was to be found in this collection plate because there
was almost no Jew who would not donate towards the redemption of the land of
Israel. The Zionist youths, although they were mainly secular, streamed to the
synagogues on the eve of Yom Kippur – mainly to make sure that the Jewish
National Fund collection plate would be filled and to encourage the congregants
to donate.
There were many Jews in town who had donated to the Jewish National Fund before
the Balfour Declaration and were in close contact with the Odessa Committee.
There were some among them who were involved with the coining of the shekel at
the First Zionist Congress and they kept it as an honor certificate.
This Zionist spirit of the parents was also handed down to their children.
Their education, mainly in Hebrew, was imbued with a nationalistic-Zionist
spirit. The cheder in Rokitno was not of the old type common in other parts of
Poland. This cheder was progressive and liberated. This was the embryo of the
modern Hebrew school. At first, secular subjects were taught in Russian, but
eventually they were done in Hebrew.
The Russian language teaching material- “Leyaldenu” (for our
children), used by the cheder teachers, had been specially written for Jewish
children. Its content was Zionist. There were selections from Hebrew and
Yiddish literature, the poetry of Bialik and stories by Peretz and Frug. The
children subscribed to a Hebrew language children's newspaper edited by Aharon
The Balfour Declaration brought the Zionist movement in Rokitno to life. A
strong light was kindled. Even though we did not know what exactly was coming,
we waited for redemption. The historic connection with Eretz Yisrael was
renewed and the gates of Aliyah were opened.
The Balfour Declaration and the October Revolution were bound together in
Rokitno, but the Zionist youths did not follow blindly the alien crowd and did
not pin all their hopes on the Revolution as a source of good things for the
Jews. They lifted their heads towards Zion. The change in government, the
troubles the Jews were suffering and their fears only served to deepen their
yearning for Eretz Yisrael. We, the young children, composed a sad song in
Yiddish. Its refrain was: ”O, that I were far away from here”. It
meant that we wanted to leave this misery and go to Eretz Yisrael.
The Jewish streets of Rokitno were full of demonstrations in favor of the
Balfour Declaration. There were many mass meetings. In those days, the
synagogue served as an assembly place for Zionist meetings. At one of the large
gatherings in honor of the Balfour Declaration, an announcer from Kiev recited
the Yiddish poem by Bialik, “The Last Word”. It begins: “I have
been sent to you by G-d. “ The Hebrew translation by Aharon Zeitlin reads:
“A prophetic G-d created me
He saw you in difficulties
He saw you withering and decaying
From day to day you are more bereaved.”
The children and the older teens were enthusiastic about revival. From early
childhood, we belonged to Zionist youth movements named “Association of
Children of Zion” and “Association of Flowers of Zion”. The
establishment, in 1922, of Polish rule, allowed regular Zionist activities and
a fresh wind energized the sails of the Zionist youth movement.
The youth groups presented several plays with all proceeds dedicated to the
redemption of land. In a storehouse in the courtyard of Hershel Greenberg, a
play was put on. The income of one-and-a-half rubles was used to plant trees in
a Jewish National Fund forest. All the plays and parties planned by these
groups had a distinct Zionist flavor. We wrote songs which reflected the moods
of the time. One song was dramatized by a group of young women on stage wearing
straw hats and carrying pitchforks. The floor was covered with sheaves of straw
representing the harvest. One girl sang: “Are there any foxes there, my
friend?” The boy who is inviting her to go to Eretz Yisrael replied:
“Come here my child, my lovely dove.”
One of the main activities of the Zionist youth groups was the founding of a
Hebrew library, which also contained books in Russian and in Yiddish. In those
days, Shtibel Publishers was very active and we were among its first
subscribers. We thought this was not sufficient and we worked hard at
introducing Hebrew books into Jewish homes in Rokitno. Shtibel Publishers sent
one of its representatives to Rokitno and we went with him to various homes
where we generated orders for Tolstoy's “War and Peace” translated by
Trivush and Knute Hansen's “Blessing of the Earth”. Many also ordered
volumes of “The Period”. The library was initially located in the
home of Yitzhak Pik and later in the home of Haim Yehuda Shohet. This was the
only Hebrew library in town and the adults also enjoyed it.
The Zionist hopes came to fruition. The first to make Aliyah, during the Polish
regime, was Gedalya Lifshitz. He joined a group of pioneers from Sarny and came
to Eretz Yisrael in 1922. The excitement grew and “Hechalutz”,
“Hechalutz Hatzair”, “Hashomer Hatzair” and later
“Betar” were founded. They pulled in most of the young people.
The temporary Zionist Municipal
committee hereby certifies that
Gedalya Lifshitz
is a member of the temporary committee
of the Zionist Organization
in Rokitno and is a member of the
The lives of the young people were turned upside down with many of them leaving
home to go to Hachshara (pre-Aliyah preparatory settlements) in Klosov and other
places. The first to go from Rokitno to Klosov were Sender Lerner, Eli
Greenberg, Liova Litvak and Avraham Geipman. Lerner and Geipman made Aliyah.
[Page 55]
National Funds in Rokitno
Haim Shteinman (Tel Aviv)
Translated by Ala Gamulka
Keren Hayesod
The activities of Keren Hayesod in our town were run by a few people only
because the residents were canvassed once a year. The amount required was
considerable and only the most influential people were involved. They formed the
committee and pre-assigned sums to be pledged. It is important to note that the
majority accepted the burden cheerfully. Those who argued about the required
sums were blacklisted on the bulletin board in the synagogue. This did the job
and those listed changed their minds and paid up. Every subscriber paid by bank
Jewish National Fund
Unlike Keren Hayesod, Jewish National Fund was a more popular fund, which
conducted its business throughout the year and involved all residents – young
and old. Everyone happily did his or her part as needed.
The local committee consisted of representatives of the Zionist movements in
town. Mr. Haim David Weiner devotedly served as deputy for many years. He was
followed by the teacher Mordechai Gendelman. The secretary was Avraham Binder
and the treasurer- Aharon Lifshitz. Most of the responsibility was carried by
the Zionist youth movements. They competed constantly for the title of the
largest sums collected. “Hashomer Hatzair” usually led. The methods of
collection were varied. First and foremost – the Blue Box which was exhibited
in every home as a sacred icon. Mothers would drop coins every Friday night
prior to candle lighting. The boxes were emptied monthly. They were always full
to the top.
Other activities took place around the holidays. On the eve of Yom Kippur, there
was a special table in the synagogue which contained various bowls for charity.
The Jewish National Fund bowl dwarfed the others. We, the youngsters, watched
carefully and encouraged the worshippers to give as much as possible. The
results proved us right. At every Yizkor service we worked hard: we distributed
printed sheets to the worshippers, which they would fold indicating the amount
pledged. A few days later, we went to their houses to collect the money. There
was a special event at Simchat Torah when a special Zionist minyan was held. The
service leader was always the teacher Mordechai Gendelman. This minyan attracted
many worshippers, especially the young yeshiva students. All proceeds from those
called to the Torah were dedicated to the Jewish National Fund. We even went to
other synagogues to collect our share.
The dedication of the Zionist youth to the Jewish National Fund knew no
boundaries. We tried different methods to increase the income – be it Purim
parties, bazaars, raffles or theater productions. We did not refuse any activity
that could bring in money. Before Shavuot, we went knee-deep in mud to collect
greenery in the forest. We braided the branches into wreaths containing the
Jewish National Fund insignia.
We came to every wedding (uninvited) with the Blue Box and we did not leave
until we filled it up. We did the same at funerals.
The jewel in the crown of our activity for the Jewish National Fund was the 20th
day of Tammuz when a mass memorial rally was organized in memory of Dr. Herzl,
the founder of Zionism. On that day, we used all our artistic ability and we
presented a play to the large crowd. Almost all the Jews of Rokitno and its
surrounding area attended. The harvest was bountiful. The Jews gave generously
to the Jewish National Fund. With great satisfaction we would run to the deputy
house, teeming with happy young people, to bring the money. We waited
impatiently for the counting to end in order to find out who won first place. It
happened that some individuals would leave upset and unhappy because they did
not collect as much as the others. At that point, they made a vow to outdo their
friends the next time. This was the dedication of the youth of Rokitno to the
Jewish National Fund and to their homeland. It was the result of an excellent
Hebrew and Zionist education in which they were steeped from childhood.
Women of all ages played a considerable role in the work for the Jewish National
Fund. They organized special parties, raffles, prepared the food and decorated
the halls elegantly. The atmosphere was that of pioneering in Eretz Yisrael.
This was always done with dedication in order to achieve success and to collect
This is how the Rokitno residents showed their loyalty to Eretz Yisrael and to
its national funds.
[Page 58]
The Origins of the “Hechalutz” in Rokitno
Dov Ben Yehoshua [Vorona] (Tel Aviv)
Translated by Ala Gamulka
General Background to the Founding of “Hechalutz”
After years of riots, suffering and torture during World War I, peace finally
came between Poland- who gained independence, and the Bolsheviks- who
annihilated the Kingdom of Tzar Nikolai.
Rokitno became a border village. The Jews awoke to a new energetic life and they
resurrected their economic and cultural lives. The lumber trade began to
flourish. The sawmills and the glass factory worked at full steam. Brick plants
were built and new ways of earning a living were discovered. Everything was
blooming and the standard of living improved. Every storage space became a shop
and every vegetable garden became a building lot.
The general growth drew many Jews from nearby villages to Rokitno – from
Stariky, Osnitzek, Dert, Krapilovka and from nearby towns – Stolin,
Dombrovitza, Sarny, Visotzk, etc.
However, the economic growth, which knew no precedent before the war, did not
blind anyone. The Zionist movement in Rokitno began to ferment during this time.
The youth, in spite of the economic freedom enjoyed in their homes, did not pine
for a golden calf, but they were excited by the national Zionist dream. Zionism
meant pioneering-Zionism.
This excitement was expressed by a song that was popular in the Zionist
“Bless our G-d who created us as pioneers
He separated us from the General Zionists
He gave us the knowledge of fulfillment
He sowed in us love of group life.”
This was not a meaningless excitement. It was translated into practical terms.
In 1925, the residents of Rokitno began to make Aliyah – the Gurman family,
Zeidel Binder, Sade Lavan and my brother Nachman.
The Founding of a Hachshara Unit (Preparatory) in Rokitno
After my brother's Aliyah, when I was 15 or 16 years old, I saw my future in
Eretz Yisrael and I began to prepare myself. In those days, there was selective
Aliyah and only those who could be productive were chosen. I dedicated myself to
learning carpentry with my brother-in-law, Betzalel Eisenberg.
One day I was working with Betzalel Eisenberg in the construction of the new
synagogue in the “new town”. Usually near a synagogue, one can always see
Jews. I entered into a conversation with Vitia Hefetz, Liova Litvak, Avraham
Geipman and others. They asked me why I was learning to be a carpenter. My reply
was: “In order to prepare myself for Aliyah. My older brother, Nachman, has
made Aliyah and I do not intend to remain in Rokitno.”
Geipman told me that there was no need to learn a trade as there was a better,
more useful way. He secretly told me about “Hechalutz” which was functioning
in many towns near Rokitno. The Rokitno youth would also found a branch of “Hechalutz”
where they would prepare themselves for Aliyah.
His words fell on willing ears and an eager heart. We immediately became
practical. Aryeh (Leibl) Geipman went to Warsaw often and he was entrusted with
finding out what were the possibilities of founding a branch of “Hechalutz”
in Rokitno and how to go about it. As a result of the information he obtained,
we began to work. My task was to organize a meeting between the youth in the
village of Rokitno and those in town.
At the end of 1924, the Rokitno branch of “Hechalutz” was founded. Leibl
Geipman registered it at the head office. After a few months, we performed a
daring deed: we formed a preparatory group in Rokitno. At first, we feared we
would not have enough candidates who would give up the comforts of home and who
would willingly begin a life of hard labor in a collective. They would have to
give up their regular life because of ideology. However, we were wrong. The
youth of Rokitno were prepared emotionally for these difficult physical
sacrifices. The following song sums it up:
“Tell us pioneers,
What is bread?
Rich people think it is
White bread.
For us, the pioneers,
The poor ones,
It is just a piece of crust.”
I was one of the first who came forward without hesitating. I left my
brother-in-law and my home and I joined the collective. The other members were:
Naftali Gilman, Avraham Geipman, Reuven Frital and Itzhak Pik (Itzhak was
permitted to sleep at home since he had to help his elderly mother). Others from
the village were: Shlomke and Shimon Gendelman. There were also two women: Anka
(Hanna) Shlafer and Hava Barman.
We rented an apartment in a Polish house in the new town. We organized the
household and prepared sleeping quarters. Each one of us took his belongings
from home and came to live in the apartment, which we named Kibbutz.
The Hechalutz center sent to us members from Kremenetz, Shumsk and other
villages. When the new members arrived, the Jews of Rokitno looked at us in a
more positive light. They began to respect us because they felt that the Kibbutz
would bring an improvement in the lot of the Diaspora Jews.
Our numbers grew and we did not have enough room in our apartment. After much
searching, we found a more convenient place. Shlomo the tailor had tried to
build a bathhouse on Messiviche Street and did not finish it. He only erected a
skeleton. We renovated the unfinished house and adapted it to our needs.
The Kibbutz rejuvenated the town. It became a meeting place for the youth. They
benefited intellectually. The place was full of people in the evenings,
especially on Friday nights. They came to listen to lectures and to dance
pioneer dances with Hasidic enthusiasm.
The exotic atmosphere of the Kibbutz caused curiosity. Young people, who were
used to drinking tea from delicate cups, felt a special flavor in drinking tea
in aluminum and clay cups. There was competition among them to see who would be
first to use these cups.
Our visitors especially relished our hit song, which became an anthem of
Hechalutz. It was the “Ani Maamin” of the movement:
“Pioneer, pioneer, am I
Without clothes and shoes
Without any herring
I did not know from where I came
And I did not ask for much
There is work, there is no work
I did not give up
I already forgot my family
Moshe, Hanna, Devora –
These are my brother and sisters
All the Hora dancers
A one and a two
Day and night
Boy will dance with girl.”
The Depression Years in Hechalutz
In 1926 after several years of existence of the Kibbutz, some members, I among
them, were approved for Aliyah. They did go, but I was forced to postpone my
trip because my documents were not in order. The authorities did not allow me to
leave Poland. Weeks and months passed until one fine day the British Mandate
government did not allow anyone to come. “Stop immigration!”
The news we received from Eretz Yisrael was not encouraging. Many of the people
who came with the Gravsky group for economic reasons, now left due to the poor
economy in the country. Even Rokitno had its own returnees. They were Zeidel
Binder and his son Moshe. All this contributed to a lowering in the image of the
Zionist movement in 1927-28 and one heard voices of despair and helplessness.
I waited for the gates to reopen. In time, there was a change in the Hachshara
group. It amalgamated with Kibbutz Klesov and was now called the “Rokitno
Division”. The mood was dark and sad. However, we had been educated in
Brenner's motto- “in spite of everything” and we had a strong belief that
one day things would improve. We managed to overcome the difficulties and we
continued with our Zionist mission.
At the beginning of 1928, I went to Klesov with Shimon Gendelman. Benny Marshak,
one of the organizers, commissioned me to direct the new members in their work
and in kibbutz ideology. Our motto was: “Work is our life. It will save us
from all trouble”.
In due time, the chances for Aliyah improved. Pressured by the Zionist
organization and the Zionist Congress, the British government was forced to
reopen the gates. This news blew like a fresh wind and caused a great
reawakening in the Zionist movement. The preparatory kibbutzim grew and hundreds
of members joined. The emissaries from Eretz Israel came to visit and formed
strong ties with them. They came to guide, to encourage and to prepare. The
visitors were Ben Ari and Tzizling from Eyn Harod and Eliahu Dubkin, Berginsky
and Pinchas Kozlovsky from Hechalutz headquarters (now Pinchas Sapir, Minister
of Finance).
I recall an interesting episode with Tzizling. He came off the train in Sarny, a
large man dressed like Tolstoy in white pants and a peasant shirt. He looked
suspicious to the police, ever wary for security reasons. He was asked to come
for questioning, but the British passport calmed them down immediately. They had
no common language because Tzizling announced that he only spoke Hebrew (he did,
of course, speak other languages). The police had no choice but to find someone,
in the middle of the night, who could speak Hebrew. Naturally, in Sarny, it was
not difficult to find such a Jew to act as translator. After a short while,
Tzizling was released and arrived in Klesov.
At the end of Tzizling's visit there was in Klesov, a large kibbutz of hundreds
waiting for Aliyah. As the members were approved, the kibbutz was almost
completely emptied of veterans and in their place arrived new members who were
not as knowledgeable in the “Hechalutz” beliefs or the labor movement. The
kibbutz was forced to organize a core of veterans whose mission was to prepare
Zionist youth groups for Aliyah. I was fortunate to be one of these veterans,
but not for long. In May 1929, I was called up to the Polish army and was due to
go on active duty in two months. This was a good reason for me to be approved
for Aliyah.
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