[Page 200]
Pages | |
A | |
Abelov, Zalman Schneur | 41, 123, 126 |
Aeronson, Moshe | 172 |
Agudat Israel | 95, 106 |
Aharonowitz, Rabbi Itzchak Ben-Nachum Menachem | 91-92, 93, 95 |
Akiva, Rabbi | 156-157 |
Aliyah, post-Second World War | 172 |
Alkalaim, Rabbi | 92 |
Alter, Yentel Gershovitz, Holocaust recollections of | 160-162 |
Anti-Semitism, see also Holocaust. Lithuania, early history of | 27, 31, 32, 33, 74, 80, 174 |
Arama, Rabbi Isaac ben | 92 |
Arman-Ptyorski, Rachel, memories of | 82-83 |
Auerbach, Chaya | 30 |
Auerbach, Rivkah (later Rivkah Yad-Shalom) | 123 |
Auschwitz | 153, 158 |
B | |
B'noth Zion Association | 21 |
Babchiks, David and family | 122 |
Babush, Chone | 81 |
Babush Faige | 30 |
Babush, Shlomo | 81 |
Babush, Shoshana Berelowitz | 123 |
Babuv, Buka | 163 |
Balfour Declaration | 62, 113, 139 |
Ballin, Moshe | 81 |
Ballin, Shraga | 186 |
Beit Midrash, opposite | 34, new 41, 43-44, 60, 64, 68, 70, 83, 130, 143, 154, 156, 164, 168 |
Beit Midrash, old | 40, 51 |
Ben Amara, Rabbi Isaac | |
Bendet, Rabbi Baruch | 91, 92, 95, 97 |
Bendet, Yoel | 97 |
Berelowitz, Leah | 123 |
Bergen Belsen concentration camp | 82 |
Berman, Rabbi Isaac Gershon | 97-98 |
Berman, Uri | 121 |
Betar | 53, 55 |
Betrak (Linde), Tzila, memories of | 66-67 |
Biers | 176-177 |
Bikkur Cholim Society | 21, 59 |
Birger, Mirz | 187-188 |
Birk, Dov and family | 123 |
Blockh, Esther | 161-163 |
Bloch Isaac | 168 |
Bloch, Rachel | 162 |
Bloch, Rochel - see Groll, Rochel | |
Borstein, Rabbi Avraham Aaron | 103-104 |
Bramson, Moshe | 120 |
Brik, Miriam recollections of | 51, 53-55 |
Brik, Tsvi | 73-74 |
Broer, Sarah | 177-178 |
Bronfman, Edgar | 170 |
Bund, Bundists | 19, 50, 54 |
Burstein, Rabbi Avraham Aron | 94 |
C | |
Caspar, Rabbi | 24 |
Chaim, Rabbi of Volozchin | 23 |
Chanaya,Nachman Liopman | 92 |
Chazan, Yehudit, memories of | 77-79 |
Chinitz, Chana Goldberg, memories | 63 |
Cohani, Shmaryahu and Leah | 122 |
Communists, Communism | 54, 143, 150, 160 |
Conscription | 15-16, 41-42 |
Council of the Four Lands | 14,35 |
D | |
Davidowitz, Rabbi Moshe Aharon | 103-104 |
[Page 201]
Depression, post First World War | 50-51 |
Dinaburg (Dinur), Professor Ben-Zion | 120 |
Dinitz, Simcha | 170 |
Displalced Persons Cam, Feldafing | 156 |
Displaced Persons Camps, Germany | 149 |
Dovar, Ida Yanke | 60 |
Dvinsk, Latvia | 98 |
E | |
Eblin Mr. bank manager | 62 |
Einsatzkommando 2 | 145, 152 |
Einsatzkommando 3 | 145, 146 |
Einsatzgruppe-A | 144, 145, 150 |
Einsatzgruppe-B | 144 |
Einsatzgruppe-C | 144 |
Einsatzgruppen-D | 144 |
Einsatzguppen | 144 |
Eishyshok | 98 |
Elijah, Rabbi with wife Masha, sons Avraham and Meir | 123 |
Emigration from Lithuania, see also Riteve, immigration to USA and South Africa, and Aliyah from | 18-19 |
Enlightenment Movement | 18, 23, 24, 45, 55 |
Eppel, Aaron, photographer | 118 |
Epstein, Rabbi Mordecai | 108 |
Epstein, Rabbi Moshe | 108 |
Erman, Asher | 75 |
Estonia, death camps in | 148 |
F | |
Faktor, Zvi | 36 |
Feivish, Mishka | 159 |
Fellow Townsmen Association of Ritavas in Israel and Abroad | 21 |
Finkel, Rabbi Natan Zvi (Grandfather from Slobodka) | 98, 107-110 |
First World War | 46-49, 110, 138 |
Flax dealing | 78, 80 |
Flax industry | 35 |
Fleisher, Leah | 162 |
Folkists | 54 |
Folksbank | 89, 123, 126 |
Forced labour camps, German First World War | 48 |
Freedman, Bertha | 118 |
Friedman, Rachel | 30, 36, 39 |
Friedman, Shimon | 65, 81 |
Friedman, Shimon, memories of | 64-65 |
Friedman, Yehuda | 185-186 |
Fundiler, David | 72 |
Fundiler, Rabbi Shmuel | 21, 28, 106-107, 108, 109, 110, 149-150, 154, 157, 159, 160 |
G | |
Galaun, Abe | 171, 179 |
Galaun, Mrs. H | 79 |
Galaun, Moshe | 60 |
Gaon of Vilna | 23, 24, 83 |
Geffen, Lyova, wife of Rabbi AS Geffen | 62 |
Geffen, Rabbi avraham Shimon | 62, 99-100, 101 |
Geffen, Rabbi Daven Ben Zion | 98 |
Geffen, Yitzchak Eliyahu | 98-99 |
Gelman, Chana | 122 |
Geniss, Malka | 30 |
Gerber, Herschel | 157, 160 |
German Orthodox Movement | 95, 108 |
Germany, death camps in | 148-149 |
Gillon, Zvi | 81 |
Giroli, near Telx | 83, 152, 155, 157, 164 |
Girshowitz, Yaakov Ber | 161 |
Goldberg, Avraham (Alter) Izchak | 36, 109 (2), 141 |
Goldberg. Elikum Yehuda | 95 |
Goldberg, Shenka | 30 |
Goldshmidt, Shlomo, Centre | 46 |
Gordon, Rabbi Eliezer | 100 |
Grandfather from Slobodka - see Finkel, Rabbi Natan Zvi | |
Grod, Gavariel (Gabriel) Ben Za'ev | 91 |
Groll, David | 180, 181, 182 |
Groll, Israel | 168, 180, 181, 182 |
Groll, Rachel see Karniel, Rachel | |
Groll, Rochel | 168-169, 180, 182, 183 |
Groll, Ura | 182 |
Gross, Alte | 30 |
Gross, Uri | 163 |
Grudzenski, Rabbi Chaim Ozer | 100 |
H | |
Hachsharah | 74-75, 83, 122, 158 |
Hacohen, Rabbi Avraham | 98 |
Halachah, see also Riteve, scholarship in | 27, 101 |
[Page 202]
Halkin, S. memories of | 88-89 |
Ha-Magid | 96 |
Ha-Melitz | 96, 98 |
Handler, David | 41 |
Harris, Rabbi Cyril | 24 |
Hashomer Hatzair | 22, 53, 54, 74, 79, 80, 82, 122, 124(2), 125(2) |
Haskalah - see Enlightenment Movement | |
Hassidim | 24, 28 |
Hatsfira | 96 |
Hebrew School | 13, 21, 32(2), 36, 37-39, (6), 41, 42, 50, 52(2), 53, 55, 58, 62, 63, 72-73, 79, 82, 111, 141(2), 156 |
He-Chalutz | 22, 53, 54 |
Heidekrug - see Labour camps | |
Heiman, Rabbi David (Dov) Zvi | 110 |
Heiman, Ze'ev | 81 |
Hieller, Rabbi Dr. Chaim | 99 |
Herz, Rabbi Naftali | 91 |
Herzl, Theodore | 25, 79, 83, 103 |
Heydrich, Reinhard | 143-144 |
Heyman, Rabbi Moshe Aharon | 59 |
Hibbat-Zion Movement | 44, 92, 113 |
Hildesheimer, Rabbi Dr. Azriel | 96, 99 |
Hirsch, Rabbi Neta | 108 |
Hirsch, Rabbi Raphael of Frankfurt am Main | 108 |
Hirshovitz, Miss | 30 |
Hirshovitz, Shmuel, see Shavit, Shmuel | |
Hirshowitz, Feige Rachel | 60, 77, 97 |
Hitahudat | 53, 55 |
Holocaust, see also Riteve, Holocaust in, summary of | 26, 35, 57, 90, 104, 143-149, 170 |
Holocaust, view of scenes today | 173-174, 177, 182 |
Hon, Meir (Meir the Meirer) | 59 |
Hurwitz, Rabbi Jozel | 98 |
I | |
Ittes, Elka | 103 |
Itzikowitz, Chaim | 81 |
Itzikowitz, Rabbi Joseph | 113 |
J | |
Jager, Karl | 146 |
Japan, see Russo-Japanese War | |
Jewish Agency | 170 |
Jewish Central Historical Committee | 149, 156 |
Jewish Community Centre Building, Riga | 171, 172 |
Jewish National Council | 31 |
Jewish National Fund | 21-22, 62, 64, 78, 102, 120, 121 |
Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemet) | 113, 139 |
Jewish People's bank see Folksbank | |
Hjews, education of | 17-18, 27 |
Joseph, Reb Dov Ber | 60 |
Judelis, Alexander v | 21, 22, 174, 176, 180-182, 181 |
Judelis, Leokadija | 176, 181 |
Jurmala, seaside resort near Riga | 172, 173 |
K | |
Kahaneman, Rabbi | 23 |
Kaidan | 98, 99 |
Kalisher, Rabbi Zvi Hirsch | 92 |
Kaplan, David | 170, 173, 175 |
Kaplan, Jessie | 183 |
Kaplan, Jill | 170, 173, 174, 175 |
Kaplan, Menachem Mendel (Max) | 168, 178 |
Kaplan, Mendel, recollections of return to Lithuanian shtetl | 168-183 |
Kaplan, Rabbi Avraham Eliyahu | 99 |
Karabelnik, Rose | 168 |
Karmon-Kemil, Ita B, memories of | 68, 70-71 |
Karniel, Rachel, memories of | 79-80 |
Karon, Rabbi Chaim Zulman Ben-Eliyahu Leib | 94 |
Katz, Leib | 75 |
Katz, Moshe | 157, 160 |
Kelm | 77, 107 |
Keren Hayesod | 100, 113, 120 |
Keren Kayemet see Jewish National Fund | |
Kleizmerim (folk musicians) | 60, 82 |
Kol Israel | 106 |
Koppel, Leah | 162 |
Kos, David | 36, 41 |
Kos, Moshe | 36, 37, 41 |
Kovno (Kaunas) | 29, 31, 43, 78, 80, 98, 101, 104, 112, 115, 118, 146, 147, 174 |
[Page 203]
Kovno ghetto | 147-148 |
Krakinovo | 168, 179-180 |
Kruskal family | 21, 51, 52 |
Kushlick, Janie | 183 |
L | |
Labour camps in environs of Heidekrug, near Memel | 150, 152, 157, 158 |
Landsman, Hadassah Katz, memories of | 63-64, 124 |
Landsman, Yaron | 187 |
Latvia, death camps in | 148 |
Latvian Cultural Society | 171-172 |
Law and Order Police (Ordnungspolizei) | 144 |
League of Nations | 29-31 |
Leib der Satnik | 103 |
Leviatan, Ya'acov ('Yankel der Lerer') | 101-102 |
Levinson, Frieda | 36, 58 |
Levinson-Friedman, ethel, Holocaust recollections of | 154-156 |
Levit-Berelowitz, Rachel | 155 |
Levite, Alter frontispiece, | 13, 21, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39(2), 40-51 |
(author) | 41, 58, 62, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 82, 101-102 |
(author) | 111 |
(author) | 115 |
(author) | 138-140 |
Levite, Dvora | 30 |
Levite, Joseph | 120 |
Levite, Miriam (Tzvik) | 30, 36, 38, 42, 58, 74, 75, 91-92 |
(author) | 141 |
Levite, Miriam (Tsvik), memories of | 57, 59-60, 62 |
Liba the musician | 60 |
Licht, Rabbi Abraham | 92 |
Lietivos Taryba - see Lithuania, National Council of | |
Lifshitz, Rabbi and wife | 122 |
Lifshitz, Ya'acov | 120 |
Linat Tzedak | 27, 59, 79, 82, 89, 123, 127 |
Linder, Rachel | 71, 124 |
Lipkin, Rabbi Israel of Salant (Rabbi Salanta) | 24, 107 |
Lipowitz, Rabbi Joseph Ze've | 94, 106, 108-110 |
Lithuania, census 1923-31, Council of | 23 |
early history of | 12-14 |
emigration from | 27, 33 |
map of | 10-11 |
National Council of (Lietuvos Taryba) | 29, 50 |
new government in | 49-50 |
yeshivot | 23 |
Lithuanian Active Front | 145 |
Lithuanian Cultural Society | 172, 174 |
Loit, Rivka | 159 |
Londe, Eliezer | 75 |
Lubavitch Movement | 24 |
Luykeve | 157 |
M | |
Ma'ot Hittim | 21 |
Mabush, Chayka | 159 |
Maccabi in Riteve | 115, 116-117, 118-199 |
Machati, Isvi Nadel | 122 |
Marcus, Rrabbi Baruch | 100-101 |
Marcus, Rabbi Meir Falk | 100 |
Melamed, Loyova | 36, 39 |
Memel | 35, 40, 48, 53, 70, 71, 74, 77, 78, 80, 154 |
Memel, flax laboratory in | 158 |
Meyerowitz, Sheva Katz | 60 |
Mildorf camp, near Dachau | 152, 158 |
Miller, Bina | 30 |
Miller, Chana | 30 |
Mina (nicknamed 'the Kitkah') | 60 |
Mir, yeshiva at | 104 |
Mitnagdim | 24 |
Movashovitz, Abraham Shabtai | 110-111 |
Movshovits, Chaya | 155 |
Musar movement | 97-97, 100-101, 104, 157 |
N | |
Neustadt | 157-158 |
Nieman, River | 35, 68, 107-108, 112-113 |
Nigowitz, Zira | 30 |
Ninth Fort, near Kovno | 148 |
O | |
Oginski family | 17, 19-20, 40-41, 43, 87-88, 91-92, 103, 118, 168, 182 |
Oginski park | 66-67, 68, 78, 80, 87 |
opposite | 114, 150, 160, 181 |
[Page 204]
Olshwang, Moshe | 163 |
Olshwang, Zlatta, Holocaust memories of | 162-164 |
Orbach, Ema | 60 |
Oshn, Rabbi Ephraim | 154 |
P | |
Paktor, Izchak Zvi | 36, 38, 42, 141 |
Pale of Settlement | 15, 17-18 |
Pahuski, Penina | 30 |
Pastravinska | 168, 179, 180-181, 183 |
Pastravinska, Kaplan/Kushlick family group at | 182 |
Peddling | 57, 70-71 |
Peskin (student, first name unknown) | 81 |
Peskin, Shmuel | 81 |
Pikin, Dr | 38, 62, 121 |
ilsudski, ozef | 29 |
Ploksht, Nathan | 72 |
Plungyan | 53, 113, 118, 157 |
Pogroms | 17-18, 45, 145 |
Poland | 14, 29, 31 |
Poland, death camps in | 148, 149 |
Polish-Lithuanian disjpute | 30 |
Ponery | 147, 148 |
Ponery, forest of | 170, 173 |
Ponevezh | 23, 105, 107 |
Pose sisters, Leika and Esther | 71 |
Prisman (Zundel), Chanoch, account of father | 112-114 |
Prisman, Eliezer | 36, 62, 112-114, 119-120, 121 |
Prisman, Reshl | 123 |
Prisman,Zipora | 30 |
R | |
Rabinowitz, Miriam | 36,38 |
Rabinowitz, Sarah Gitel | 30 |
Rabinowitz, Rabbi Itzchak Yaakov (Isaac Jacob) | 104, 107 |
Radiskansky,Felix | 157, 160 |
Radviliskis | 174, 175, 176 |
Raidan, province of | 35 |
Rayin, near Telz | 152, 161, 162, 164 |
Reichssicherheitshauptamt - RSHA | 143, 147 |
Rifkus, Moses | 14-15 |
Riga | 170, 171, 173, 174 |
Riga ghetto | 173 |
Ritavas community, title page of original book | frontpiece |
Riteve, alternative names of | 8 |
Aliyah from | 53, 58, 64, 66, 71, 74-75, 76, 78, 79+, 80, 82, 84, 90, 91, 95, 100, 104, 105, 106, 111, 126 |
see also photos of Hashomer Hatzair; artisans in | 44, 57-58 |
babies, newborn, customs pertaining to | 84 |
Beilis trial, effect of | 45-46 |
Bessarabia, donations to the hungry from, list of donors 1900 | 184 |
books, school printing of | 72-73, 111 |
business statistics | 22 |
candle factory in | 102 |
Chevra Gemara group in | 59-60 |
Chevra Kadisha (burial society) | 60, 61(2), 138 |
commerce in | 44, 53, 57, 71, 74, 159 |
community library in | 53, 62, 72 |
'Di-shul' synagogue | 60 |
doctors from, see also Dr Pikin; | 95 |
Dramatic Circle in | 65 |
dramatic entertainment by Posel sisters | 71 |
dramatic performances by schoolchildren in | 71 |
dramatic performances by visiting groups | 72 |
emigration from | 8, 46, 51, 55, 78, |
electricity in | 43, 77, 183 |
Erev Pesach incident in 1925 or | 26, 131-133 |
famine in | 43 |
Fifteenth of Shevat in | 140 |
film shows on Sundays in | 71, 82 |
fire brigade in | 45, 46 |
fire in | 45 |
forest trees in | 79 |
fruit in | 80 |
funerals in | 60, 86, 103 |
Hachnasat Kalah in | 89 |
Hannukah in | 76, 140 |
history of | 35-55 |
Holocaust in | 106, 112, 119, 143-167 |
Holocaust in, list of victims | 165-167 |
Holocaust in summary of | 149-150, 152 |
Holocaust, recollections of | 68-70, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 85, 89,113-144 |
Holy Ark in synagiogyue | 83, 85, 130 |
houses in | 43 |
immigration to USA and South africa | 71, 76, 100, 104, 110 |
Junior Talmudic College in | 156 |
kindergarten in | 72 |
Lag Ba'Omer in | 133-134 |
market opposite | 16, 53, 57, 67, 78, 82, 129 |
Maos Chitim (Matzot fund for Pesach) | 60, 89 |
music in, see also kleizerim | 76, 82, 83-84, 86, 103, 112, 118 |
memorial to martyrs of, Holocaust Memorial, Mount Zion | 145 |
mikveh, modern | 77, 97 |
newspapers read in | 76 |
night classes in | 30 |
Ninth of Av in | 134-135 |
[Page 205]
Passover in | 82, 129, 131 |
plagues in | 42-43 |
population of | 19-20, 26-27 |
Purim in | 141-142 |
Purim after suicide of Oginski | 168 |
rabbinical court in | 91 |
rabbis of, early | 91 |
Rosh Hashanah in | 135 |
Sabbath in | 82, 88-89, 128-129 |
scholarship in | 36, 43-44, 48, 54-55, 57, 59, 64, 72, 77, 83, 89, 90, 99, 106 |
schools in | 45, 47-48, 48-49 |
schools in (German), see also Hebrew School | 77, 78, 108, 120, 133, 159 |
Scout Group (Tsofim) in | 69(2), 73-74, 79 |
Shavuot in | 134 |
Simchat Torah incident in 1920s | 138-140 |
street in picture of | 89 |
Succoth in | 137-138 |
synagogue in | 54, 59, 60, 73-74, 75, 76, 78, 85 |
opposite | 90, 103, 130, 158, 164 |
weddings in | 56, 58, 60-61, 83-84, 86 |
Women's Society | 60, 97 |
yeshiva in | 68, 106, 107, 108 |
Yom Kippur in | 136 |
view of early 1930s | 18 |
Zionism in | 44, 45, 53, 55, 62, 70, 73, 75, 78, 82, 83, 119-123, 138-140 |
See also Beit Midrash, Bikkur Cholim, Linat Tedek, Maccabi in Riteve, Oginski family, Oginski park | |
Riteve, martyrs of, memorial to in Forest of the Sacred | 151(2), 153(2) |
Riteve tablet at Mount Zion, Jerusalem, Holocaust Memorial | 145-148 |
Ritover, Rabbi Berl | 97 |
Robinson, Dr. Jacob | 34 |
Rosin, Rabbi Joseph | 98 |
Rosenbaum, Shimon | 31 |
RSHA - see Reichssicherheitshauptamt | |
Rumbulas, forest at | 173 |
Russian Emire, ownership of land in, ch. 4 note 1 | 193 |
Russian Revolution | 49 |
Russo-Japanese War | 44 |
S | |
Saks, Dr. Bendet | 72, 78 |
Saks, Gita | 30 |
memories of | 77-79 |
Saks, Gits, family of | 78-79 |
Saks, Hillel | 112 |
Saks (Zaks), Nachum, treasurer of synagogue | 60, 78 |
Saks, Rabbi Joel Dov | 112 |
Saks, Samuel | 62 |
Saks, Shalom | 81 |
Saks, Shmuel | 41 |
Saks, Tamar | 30 |
Saks-Noy, Chaya, memories of | 80, 82 |
Salanta, Rabbi see Lipkin, Rabbi Israel | |
Salzman, David | 75, 155 |
Salzman, David, Holocaust recollections of | 158-160 |
Salzman, Shlomop Jakov | 81 |
Schweitzen, Rivkin and Rivka | 163 |
Second World War - see also Holocaust and Riteve, Holocaust in | 140 |
Security Police, Nazi (Sipo) | 144 |
Security Service, Nazi (Sicherheitsdienst) | 144 |
Sefer Kesher Torah, title page | 93 |
Segal, Mendel | 118 |
Segal, Menucha | 30 |
Segal,Mordecai Isaac | 36, 60 |
Segal, Rabbi Mordecai Itzchak | 96 |
Serfdom system | 16-17 |
Shadove | 104, 177, 178, 179-180 |
Shapira, Esther | 30 |
Shapira, Feige Rosa | 30 |
Shapiro, Chanan | 159 |
Shavit, Shmuel (formerly Hirshowitz) | 122 |
Shavli | 51, 80, 146, 152, 158 |
Shavli ghetto | 147, 152 |
ch.9 note | 58, 162 |
Shemot (damaged books), funeral of | 61(2) |
Shenker, Shaul, Holocaust recollections of | 156-158 |
Shera, Dr. Mwendel Yehuda Leib | 95 |
Shera, Rabbi Vol Shlomo | 95 |
Shmole, Gutman | 75 |
Shurin (Mishuris), Rabbi Moshe | 104-105 |
Shurin (Mishuris), Rabbi Moshe, children of | 105 |
Shurin, Rabbi Aharon Ben Zion | 105-106 |
author | 106-108 |
author | 131-133 |
Shurin, Rabbi Aharon Ben Zion, memories of | 68 |
Singer, Chaya | 30 |
Singer, Harry v. | 21, 58, 115, 118-119 |
Singer, Leah and husband | 122 |
Singer, Michah | 122 |
Singer, Miss | 30 |
[Page 206]
Slobodka yeshiva | 36, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 110, 111, 113, 119 |
Smetona, Antanas | 31 |
Smoller, Nachman | 157, 160 |
Soloveichik, Mordecai (Max) | 31, 50 |
Soloveichik, Rabbi Chaim Halevi | 104 |
Sore the 'Drei Kop' | 103 |
Soviet Union | 33, 34 |
Stahlecker, Franz | 145-146, 150 |
Stras, Joseph (Reb Yosheik) | 36 |
Strass, Baruch | 81 |
Sulvak province | 119 |
Svekotos Potikrinti ghetto | 162 |
T | |
Tagblat | 96 |
Tamuz | 114 |
Tavrig | 16, 111 |
Telz | 16, 35, 77, 78, 161,164, 176 |
Telz, forests near | 173 |
Telz ghetto | 152, 157, 164 |
Telz, Jews living in today | 174 |
Telz, work camps near | 164 |
Telz, yeshiva | 21, 36,. 78,. 81(2), 82, 99, 101, 105, 110, 112, 175 |
Tel yeshiva students | 81(2) |
Timber industry | 35, 77 |
Todres, Amula | 60 |
Tollman, Jehiel | 81 |
Troyv, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Simcha | 98 |
Tsar Alexander II | 16 |
Tsar Alexander III | 18, 43 |
Tsar Nicholas I | 15, 42 |
Tsar, rebellion against 1905 | 44-45 |
Tavik, Miriam - see Levite, Miriam | 75 |
Tverige | 75, 77 |
Tzvi, Shmuel, wife Sara Frida and two sons | 76-77 |
U | |
Udwin, Joseph | 62 |
Udwin, Reb Feivel | 60 |
Ukranian Cossack Rebellion 1648 | 14 |
Union of Lublin | 14-15 |
V | |
Va'ad Lita | 14, 22-23 |
Varkul, Shimon | 72-73, 111, 121 |
Varna | 92 |
Velves, Feiga | 76 |
Verkul, Dvorah | 122 |
Verkul,Rachel | 123 |
Verkul, Shima | 62 |
Verkul, Shimon | 121, 122 |
Verkul, Zita | 30 |
Vershminkai (organisation of Lithuanian traders and workers) | 33 |
Vilna (Vilnius) | 29, 30, 31, 33, 93, 146, 147, 158, 159, 170, 172, 173, 176 |
Vilna Gaon - see Gaon of Vilna | |
Vilna ghetto | 147-148 |
Vilna, synagogye in | 169, 174 |
Vishtevian, camp near Telz | 150, 152, 161 |
Volozchin yeshiva | 101 |
W | |
Waffen SS | 144 |
Wagner, General Edward | 144 |
Warsaw | 120, 152, 158 |
Wehrmacht | 144-147 |
Weiner Ya'kov, memories of | 83-84 |
Wolf, Isser Ber | 120 |
Wolf, Izchak | 81 |
Wolfovits, Gershke | 163 |
World Jewish Congress | 169-170 |
Wygodsky, Dr. Jacob | 31 |
Y | |
Yad Vashem | 149 |
Yanke, Meir ('The Hare') | 103 |
Yarkovski, Sara (Memories of) | 72-76 |
Yeshiva students, hospitality to | 64, 77 |
Yeshivot | 28 |
YIVO | 149 |
Yizhak, Saks | 185 |
Yizkor book, purpose of | 85 |
Yossel, Rev, daughters of | 157 |
Yureh, River | 35, 66, 68, 80, 82 |
Z | |
Zaacks, Aharon Ben Dov | 60 |
Zaks, Hillel | 72 |
Zalmanovitz, Rabbi Aron | 94 |
Zalmonovitz, Aharon Shlomo (Solomon) (Riteve Reb) | 20 |
Zalmonowitz, Rabbi Solomon | 100-101, 121 |
Zaltsman, Miriam | 59 |
[Page 207]
Zaltsman, Rivka | 123 |
Zaltsman, Rivka, memories of | 76-77, 103, 123 |
Zaltsman, Shmuel Zvi | 60 |
Zalutsky, Graf | 40 |
Ze'irel Zion Movement | 82, 119 |
Zelikovitz, Rabbi Getzel | 20-21, 40, 86-88 |
(memories of) | 95-96, 122 |
Zelker, Moshe | 118 |
Zilber, Rabbi Fishel | 157 |
Zinger-Taich, Rachel | 152 |
Zionism | 18, 21-22, 25, 27, 28, 50, 54, 92, 111, 113, 115 |
see also Riteve, Zionism in | |
Zusman, Ber and Tovah | 122 |
Zvik, Miriam, recollections of 'characters' | 103 |
Zwi, Rabbi Simcha Zissel | 107 |
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