

Translation of
Reminiscences of Jacob Greenebaum, Sr.


Project Coordinator

Susan E. King

Translated by

Henriette Greenebaum Frank (daughter) 1917

Notes and footnotes by

John H. Rubel

This is a translation from: Reminiscences of Jacob Greenebaum, Sr. Written for his Children in 1859;
compiled for the JewishGen by Susan E. King.

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rheinpfalz01.jpg (24 KB)

Farmland in the Rheinpfalz of Germany
around Kaiserslautern
Photo, copyright 1995, Susan E. King. All rights reserved

About 140 years ago (1719) there lived in Fussgonheim, canton Mutterstadt, a man named Benjamin JOSEPH (GREENEBAUM) and his wife Feile (Viola); these had among them a number of children, one by the name of Hirsch. As at that time the Israelites had no surnames, they took the first name of the father as surname; therefore Hirsch was called Hirsch BENJAMIN (GREENEBAUM). He married Barbara JACOB, whose Hebrew name was Beier. She was from Imsbach, canton Winnweiler, and the couple settled in Munchweiler, in the same canton, as citizens enjoying the protection of the government for a certain length of time. It is to be noted in this connection that at the time, Jews had no right of citizenship; they had to pay a certain tax to the government each year, for which they received a bill of protection, which did not guarantee them all the rights of citizenship. They had to pay besides a water tax and money for permission to graze cattle on the communal meadows. These disabilities were removed under the regency of Napoleon I, when the Jews received rights of citizenship. [1]

rheinpfalz02.jpg (26 KB)

Street scene in Munchweiler
Photo, copyright 1995, Susan E. King. All rights reserved

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  1. These rights were rolled back almost everywhere in German lands following the defeat of Napoleon I. Return

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