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[Page 445]

Hershel and Sarah

Born and lived all their years in Radomsk; presided over a traditional religious Yiddish home and at the end were torn away with a frightening death at the hands of the bestial criminals.

Honor Their Memory

Isidor Pinkowicz


Nakha Pinkowicz and her husband Haim (Khamil) Szwarc
were torn away from their home in Paris (France),
deported to a death camp and there tragically
lost their young lives.

Honor Their Memory

The Pinkowicz Family
(Los Angeles)

With a painful heart I mourn
the untimely death of my dear brother

Alter Bril

With his wife and beloved children,
who tragically perished during the Hitlerist rule.

The only surviving sister
New York

[Page 446]

Shmuel and Sarah Pariz

With deep sorrow I immortalize the memory of my dear parents

Their daughter
Helenka Pariz-Moskowicz and family
(Buenos Aires)
To the memory of the Keselman Family
From the right:
Ruszka (perished in Warsaw); Celina (lives in Argentina); Hershel (lives in France);
the father Abraham-Moishe (perished in a forest bunker); the mother Nekhe and daughter
(perished after the war at the hands of the Polish murderers);
Eidel and Elijah (live in Argentina).

Celina, Eidel and Elijah

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