52°33' / 24°28'
Translation of
Pinkas Pruzhany ve-ha-seviva;
edut ve-ziharon le-kehilot she-hushmedu ba-shoa
Editor: Joseph Friedlaender, United Pruziner and Vicinity Relief Committee
in NY
and Philadelphia and the Pruz'ana Landshaft Assoc. in Israel.
Published in Tel Aviv, 1983
Project Coordinator
Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander
This is a translation from:
Pinkas Pruzhany ve-ha-seviva; edut ve-ziharon le-kehilot she-hushmedu ba-shoa;
Memorial book of Pruz'any and its vicinity (Bereze, Malech, Pruzhany, Shershev,
Seltz, and Lineve);
Chronicle of six communities that perished in the
Editor: Joseph Friedlaender, Tel Aviv 1983: United Pruziner and
Vicinity Relief Committee
in NY and Philadelphia and the Pruz'ana Landshaft Assoc. in Israel.
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Introduction [H&E] | Yosef Friedlaender | 11 |
Pruzana in Three Encyclopaedias [H&E] | 19 | |
The beginning of the Pinkas | N. Zuckerman | 22 |
A. Historical Sources | ||
Pinkas Chevrah Kadisha | M. Wolansky | 25 |
The Book of life | N.Z. | 31 |
Pinkas of the Kahal in Pruzana [H&E] | N. Zuckerman | 32 |
A document about the Cholera epidemic in Pruzhany | G. Urinsky | 38 |
Privileges [H&E] | M. Wolansky | 39 |
B. The establishment of the community and the growth of Jewish life | ||
The establishment of the town | N. Zuckerman | 43 |
The Name of the Town and Date of its Foundation [H&E] | M. Wolansky | 49 |
The author of Bayit Chadash[1] and the author Taz (Turei Zahav) [2] | G. Urinsky | 59 |
The Assembly of the Lithuanian State Committee in Pruzana [H&E] | G. Urinsky | 62 |
The legal status of the Jews in Pruzhany during the 17th century | N. Z. | 64 |
The regulations of Chevrah Kadisha | N. Z. | 67 |
The Kahal in Pruzana [H&E] | G. Urinsky | 72 |
The synagogues in Pruzhany | G. Urinsky | 79 |
Schools in Pruzhany during the second half of the 19th century | N. Z. | 86 |
Intellectuals and book lovers during the first half of the 19th century | Y.P. | 93 |
A collections of articles from Pruzhany in the Hebrew newspapers (at the end of the 19th century) | 94 | |
In Lithuania's Borders | Yitzhak Katzenelson | 103 |
Memories of a Ochel Yamim[3] | A.D. Egoz | 109 |
Social movements in Pruzhany | G. Urinsky | 111 |
C. The Rabbis of Pruzhany in the last generations | ||
HaRav Avigdor son of HaRav Shmuel | 122 | |
HaRav R' Yosef | 122 | |
HaRav Yom-Tov Lipmann Schick | 123 | |
HaRav Zev-Wolf son of Rabbi Yosef Yakov | 123 | |
HaRav Shlomo son of HaRav Avraham Mintz | Moshe Zinowich | 123 |
HaRav R' Mordechai Meidil (or Model) | 124 | |
HaRav R' Asher Zelig Margaliot | 124 | |
HaRav R' Shilm HaCohen | 124 | |
HaRav R' Shaul Zelig son of HaRav R' Meir HaCohen | 125 | |
HaRav R' Eliyahu Chaim son of HaRav Moshe Meizil | 126 | |
HaRav R' Yerucham Leib Perelman The great from Minsk | 127 | |
HaRav David HaLevi Faygenboum R' Eliyahu HaLevi Feinstein | 128 | |
Picture of the title page of Hilchot Eliyahu by R' Eliyahu Feinstein | 133 | |
Details about HaRav R' Eliyahu Feinstein | 134 | |
HaRav R' David Faygenboum - the last rabbi of Pruzhany | Dr. Anna Krakowski | 135 |
The benevolent expression of the last rabbi | Yosef Friedlaender | 143 |
Rabbis natives of Pruzhany who served in other communities | ||
HaRav Eliyahu Nitsberg | Yehezkel Goldberg | 145 |
HaRav Yehudah-Leib Forer | HaRav A.Z. Shhan | 146 |
Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik [H&E] | 147 | |
D. Between the two World War | ||
The First World War and the German Occupation [H&E] | G. Urinsky | 149 |
The Pruzhany Republic | G. Urinsky | 163 |
The first years after the First World War | G. Urinsky | 171 |
A conversion in our city | Y.P. | 175 |
About the Kinderhaim (child care center) | Z. Galin (Gelman) | 175 |
A report about Tzeirei Zion | 177 | |
Memories | Pauline Neidos (Pola Perlshtein) | 178 |
The Jewish education during the First World War | Tzvi Leiboshitz | 179 |
The Bund Movement in Pruzhany | Zalman Arjeovitch | 180 |
Pruzhany in the years 1921-1931 | N. Zuckerman | 184 |
Pruzhany's folklore | 206 | |
Public Life as Reflected in the Pruzaner Shtyme Weekly [H&E] | 221 | |
The Zionist Movement | Dov Kirzhner | 227 |
About the Youth Movement | Aharon Lifshitz | 231 |
Memories from my youth | Eliezer Israelit | 232 |
The Zionist pioneer youth movement Gordonia | Yosef Friedlaender | 238 |
Memories from HeHalutz and Hehalutz Hatzair | Zelig Geier | 239 |
A call from the Tarbut activists to the Landshaft Association in the US | 243 | |
Zionist Celebrations | Yosef Babman | 246 |
The Jewish High-School named after A.D. Gordon | Moshe Grynwald | 247 |
Facts and numbers about the Hebrew Education | 249 | |
The establishment and development of the Tarbut library | Zelig Pameranitz | 249 |
Public institutions, charitable organizations and culture | M.W. | 251 |
Articles from Hayom [today] newspaper | Efraim Lifshitz | 265 |
Pruzhany | B. Szefner | 266 |
Focal points of Zionism in our town [H&E] | Yosef Friedlaender | 269 |
E. Public figure and Culture | ||
Gershon Urinsky | S. Kazhdan | 275 |
Yakov Ahvah (Pruzhanski) | 276 | |
Yosef Bavitash | 277 | |
Isar Goldberg | 277 | |
Dr. Olia Goldfein [H&E] | Alexander Rabey | 278 |
Eliyahu Gelman | Z. Glein (Gelman) | 286 |
Moshe Grynwald (Etzion) | Y.H. Blizki | 289 |
Meir Wolansky | 290 | |
Asher Pomeranie. | 291 | |
R' Chaim Feldman | Yosef Friedlaender | 292 |
Nikolai (Nachum) Osipowitch Pruzhanski | Shmuel Leib Zitron | 293 |
Yosef (Yasel) Kleinerman | Yakov Shreibman | 296 |
Yakov Shreibman | Z. Galin (Gelman) | 296 |
F. Annihilation and Destruction | ||
During the days of the Soviets and the Germans | Avraham Braski | 301 |
Pruzhany Jewry in the Ghetto and Camps [H&E] | Zalman Uriewicz | 311 |
The story of my rescue from Pruzhany Ghetto | Dr. Eliya Goldfein | 332 |
The story of Dr. Olga Goldfein from the Black Book[4] | 344 | |
Pruzana in the struggle for Jewish Honor [H&E] | Yosef Friedlaender | 349 |
Memories from Pruzhany Ghetto | Zawel Segel | 360 |
The twenty four members of the Judenrat [the Jewish Council] | Alexander Zakheim | 366 |
From the bunker and from the partisans | Moshe Sorid | 368 |
The diary of a partisan | Shmaryaho Elman | 369 |
From the Ghetto and from the partisans | Yosef Elman | 378 |
Saving Hungarian Jews from death | Moshe Sorid | 387 |
German Documentation on the liquidation of the Pruzhany Ghetto in Auschwitz [H&E] | 388 | |
An escape from Auschwitz [H&E] | Avraham Hershalom | 390 |
I escaped from Auschwitz | Arye Zimiski | 393 |
Pruzhany Jews in Auschwitz | Bar Mark | 398 |
Memories of the Holocaust [H&E] | Larry Korman | 401 |
The Death March | Sheraga (Fajwel) Nitzberg | 406 |
From Pruzhany to Central Asia | Y. Glezer | 417 |
In Pruzhany after the destruction | Kalman Gokman | 419 |
Farewell my town Pruzhany (poem) | Zev Parker | 427 |
G. Five towns in the vicinity of Pruzhany | ||
Bereze (Kartuz Bereza) | ||
Bereze in the Jewish-Russian encyclopedia | 431 | |
Kartuz Bereza, chapters of history and memories | Yakov Gorali (Gazsalka) | 431 |
The Rabbis of Bereze | 437 | |
HaRav R' Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor | 440 | |
The education system in Bereze | E. M. Buckstein | 442 |
The decree on the Yiddish Elementary school in Bereze | Baskeh Grievski-Koval | 444 |
The folklore of Kartuz Bereza | 445 | |
Peretz Markish in Bereza | Y. Rotenberg | 447 |
Aharon Davis Egoz, translated the book Chovot ha-Levavot[5] to Yiddish | 452 | |
The Polish concentration camp in Bereza | E. M. Buckstein | 453 |
Kartuz Bereza 1939-1941 | E. M. Buckstein | 455 |
The Destruction of Bereze [H&E] | Moshe Tuchman | 459 |
Malech | ||
Malech in the Jewish Encyclopedia | 463 | |
Malech Community | Shmuel Appelbaum | 463 |
Rabbi Zalman Sander Kahana Shapira of Blessed Memory | Moshe Tsinowitz | 469 |
Rabbi Aharon Shmuel (Tamares) Tamaret | 472 | |
Malech Between Two World Wars | Shmuel Kamsky | 473 |
The Destruction of Malech [H&E] | Shmuel Chomski | 477 |
Shershev | ||
Shershev in the Jewish-Russian encyclopedia | 479 | |
Our hometown Shershev | Zundel Yablonovich | 480 |
The Rabbis of Shershev | 487 | |
The history of the Hebrew School in Shershev | 489 | |
My town Shershev in the Death March [H&E] | Chaim Malecki | 491 |
Seltz | ||
Seltz in the Jewish-Russian encyclopedia | 493 | |
Historical information about Seltz | 493 | |
Seltz the cradle of the Vilna Gaon | 494 | |
The meetings of The Lithuanian State Committee in Seltz [H&E] | Mordechai Berenstein | 495 |
Seltz for the benefit of Vaad Hayeshivot[6] | 498 | |
Linewe | ||
The Destruction of Lineve [H&E] | Berel Bluestein | 499 |
H. Pruzhany and its Vicinity Landshaft Association around the world | ||
Pruzhany and its Vicinity Landshaft Association around the world | Dov Forer | 506 |
The First Organisation of Pruzana Jews in the U.S. [H&E] | Adina Gross | 511 |
Branch 244 of the Arbeter Ring [7] named after Max Kronstat | 511 | |
The United Pruzana Aid Committee in the U.S.A. [H&E] | Philip Kunick | 513 |
Pruzana survivors in the United States [H&E] | Morris (Moshe) Sorid | 516 |
Our townsmen Harold Morrow (Hershel Murkowski) [H&E] | Moshe Rudnitzki | 517 |
Pruzhany Landshaft Area Jewry in Argentina [H&E] | Dov Forer | 519 |
The Pruzhany Landshaft Association in Israel [H&E] | Yitzhak Zutta | 524 |
Index of names and places | 529 | |
List of photos | 542 | |
Pruzana in Three Encyclopaedias | 5 | |
Introduction | Joseph Friedlaender | 9 |
Pinkas of the Kahal in Pruzana | N. Zuckerman | 17 |
Privileges | M. Wolansky | 21 |
The Name of the Town and Date of its Foundation | M. Wolansky | 23 |
The Assembly of the Lithuanian State Committee in Pruzana | G. Urinsky | 30 |
The Kahal in Pruzana | G. Urinsky | 32 |
The First World War and the German Occupation | G. Urinsky | 36 |
Public Life as Reflected in the Pruzaner Shtyme Weekly | 51 | |
Dr. Olia Goldfein | Alexander Rabey | 59 |
Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik | 62 | |
The Last Two Rabbis in Pruzana | Dr. Anna Krakovski | 64 |
Focal points of Zionism in our town | Joseph Friedlaender | 85 |
Pruzana Jewry in the Ghetto and Camps | Zalman Uriewicz | 90 |
German documentation of the liquidation of the Pruzana ghetto in Auschwitz | A. Harshalom (Friedberg) | 115 |
An Escape from Auschwitz | Avraham Harshalom | 117 |
Pruzana in the Struggle for Jewish Honor | Yitzhak Friedberg | 120 |
Memories of the Holocaust | Larry Korman (Lazar Kartahamker) | 133 |
The Destruction of Bereze | Moshe Tuchman | 140 |
The Destruction of Malech | Shmuel Chomski | 144 |
My town Shershev in the Death March | Chaim Malecki | 147 |
The meetings of The Lithuanian State Committee in Seltz | Mordechai W. Berenstein | 148 |
The Destruction of Lineve | Berl Blustein | 151 |
The United Pruzana Aid Committee in the U.S.A. | Philip Kunik | 154 |
The First Organisation of Pruzana Jews in the U.S. | Adina Gross (Eydl Averbuch) | 158 |
Pruzana survivors in the United States | Morris Sorid (Moshe Yudewicz) | 158 |
Our townsman Harold Morrow | Morris Rudnicki | 160 |
Pruzana Landshaft Area Jewry in Argentina | David Forer | 162 |
The Pruzana Landshaft Association in Israel | Yitzhak Zutta | 168 |
Bereza (Byaroza) Necrology | ||
Pinkas Pruzhany Index | ||
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