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[Pages 251-264]

Translated by Jerrold Landau

{Translator's note: This section of names of those who perished is translated in the Necrology section , and is sorted alphabetically in English. The opening paragraph on page 251 is translated there. The concluding paragraph on page 264 is the traditional Kel Maleh prayer, adapted for Podhajce. It is translated as follows:

[Page 264]

Kel Maleh Rachamim

G-d full of mercy, who dwells on high, find proper rest under the wings of the Divine presence, in the heights, holy and pure as the splendor of the shining heavens, for the souls of the natives of our city, the martyrs of Podhajce and its region, men, women, boys and girls, who were murdered, burned, slaughtered, and strangled by the enemy in the European Diaspora. All of them are pure and holy, among them were sages and pious people, cedars of Lebanon and mighty in Torah. May their repose be in the Garden of Eden. May the Master of Mercy bind their souls in the bonds of eternal life, G-d is their memory, and may their sacrifice be remembered for us, and may their merit stand for us and all of Israel. May the land not hide their blood, and may there be a place for their outcry. In their merit, may the dispersed of Israel return to their homeland, and may the righteousness of the martyrs be constantly before Your eyes. May peace come, and may they rest in peace, and let us say Amen.

[Page 265]

Old Monuments in the Podhajce Cemetery


The Monument of the rabbi and Gaon, the author of “Masaat Binyamin” of holy blessed memory, from the year 5380 (1620)

The monument reads as follows:

Masaat Binyamin
Year 5380

This monument and marker is from the great Gaon who is buried here, as well as all of the monuments from here were fixed and erected by the local Chevra Kadisha in the year 5591 (1831).


The monument of his wife Malka the daughter of Reb Shmuel

The monument reads as follows:

The eve of the new moon of Tammuz 5384
{Much of the rest of the monument, except for the name, is not fully legible.}


Below, from right to left: the monument of the grandson of the author of the “Masaat Binyamin” Reb Yeshaya the son of the rabbi and Gaon Rabbi Avraham, who died in the year 5398 (1638);
The Monument of the martyr Rabbi Moshe the son of Rabbi Nachman from the year 5431 (1671);
The monument of the martyr Reb Natan the son of Reb Yechezkel from the year 5443 (1683)


The monument reads as follows (some phrases are omitted).

The crown of our head has fallen
On Friday, 7 Adar 5493, the head of the teachers fell. Bitter weeping and lamentation is heard. For he was a lion among lions, the rabbi and head of the rabbinical court Rabbi Yeshayahu the son of the Gaon the head of the rabbinical court of Lvov, Rabbi Avraham Ashkenazi, may his merit protect us


The monument reads as follows:

Here is buried
A pious and faithful man
Like Darda and Heiman
This is the holy man Rabbi
Nachman who was killed in his house, and his
Soul left him in holiness
And purity, like Rabbi Akiva and his friends
With him. May his soul be bound in the bonds of eternal life


The monument reads as follows (some phrases are omitted)

On the day of the Sabbath
{date cannot be made out}
He fell in Sanctification of the Divine
And Pure Name
The martyr, Natan the son of Reb Yechezkel
May his soul be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Translator's Footnote

  1. Names of two pious Biblical personalities known from the books of Chronicles and Psalms. Rabbi Akiva, mentioned a few lines below, was a Talmudic sage who met his death by martyrdom. Return

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