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Table of Historical Dates of Podhajce

Translated by Jerrold Landau

A. General

1463 The Podolian wojywoda [leader] Jakub Buczacki founds two parishes and the Roman Catholic Church in the city.
1519 Under the influence of the owner of the city Jakub Buczacki, the king grants the right to hold a fair day in Podhajce.
1539 King Zygmunt bestows upon the city Germanic law rather than Polish and Russian law.
1579 Stanislaw Rewer Potocki, a mighty and famous army general, is born.
1590 Marcyn Walaski receives permission from the king to change the day of the fair to a more fitting day.
1630 Members of the Potocki family of noblemen set up residence in the city.
1630 The market day is changed to Saturday.
1663 King Jan Kazimierz and his camp remain in the city for several days
1667 Jan Sowiecki is besieged in the city for two weeks, and a peace treaty is signed with the enemy on October 16.
1667 The city is described by the Frenchman Daliran, one of the court men of Jan Sowiecki.
1670 A second description of the city by the German traveler Vardom.
1675 Podhajce is besieged by Ibrahim Pasha. It is destroyed and its residence were sent to captivity along with the guarding troop.
1677 Podhajce was freed from all types of taxes for 12 years in accordance with a decision of the Sejm.
1687 Sowiecki visits the city as King of Poland, and looks on the battlefield where he reaped his first praise.
1698 Feliks Potocki, the Hetman of the Crown of Poland is pursued by various battalions. He finds security in the walls of the fortress. He took a stand there until the enemy retreated.
1772 Podhajce transfers to Austrian rule.
1870 There are 4,570 residents of the city.

B. Jews

1420 There are old gravestones from this date in the old Jewish cemetery of Podhajce.

In the 16th century, Jews lived in Podhajce – according to Meir Balaban

1602 The Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva of Podhajce for 40 years was Rabbi Binyamin Aharon the son of Avraham Solnik, the author of the “Masaat Binyamin” responsa book. He died in 1620 (5380).
1633 The book “Masaat Binyamin” was published in Krakow on 43 pages (5393).
1648 During the years 5408-5409, the revolt of the enemy of the Jews, Bogdan Chmielnitzky, may his name be blotted out, took place. Many Jews were murdered, and the community of Podhajce was destroyed.
1650 A synagogue for the Jews was erected similar to the church.
1665-1676 Many Sabbatean Jews could be found in the city of Podhajce.
1667 Jews fought a war of self defense shoulder to shoulder with the citizens during the time of the siege of Podhajce.
1672 Podhajce, defended by Jews as well, was conquered by the Turks, and remained under their control until 1699.
1676 The Turks perpetrated a pogrom in the city. Many Jews were murdered, and many were taken captive. Reb Zeev Wolf the son of Rabbi Yehuda Leib authored a Slicha, which was published in the book “Gefen Yechidit” (Berlin 1699).
1676 The Polish Sejm freed the Jews from paying taxes for 12 years on account of their defense of the city.
1680-1690 (5460) Chaim Malach, the Sabbatean emissary, visited Podhajce.
1696 (5456) Reb Moshe David the Sabbatean Kabbalist from Podhajce was born (he died in 1766 – 5526).
1708-1782 The well-known Baal Shem of Podhajce, Reb Chaim Shmuel Yaakov Falk, a native of Podhajce who lived in London.
1746 The book “Birkat Yaakov” was published in Lvov by Rabbi Yaakov the son of Reb Baruch, a rabbi in Podhajce.
1750-1760 Visits by Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov to Podhajce, Tlusti and the region.
1756 Yaakov Frank appeared in Poland, and visited Podhajce many times.
1759 Jewish families from Podhajce were among the Frankists who participated in the mass conversion to Christianity on November 17.
1764 The Council of the Four Lands, which had representatives from Podhajce as well, was disbanded by the Polish Sejm.
1765 The first census of the Jews of Poland. 1,290 Jews were enumerated in Podhajce, including the rabbi of the city, Hirsch the son of Dovber.
1745 5505, Rabbi Yisachar Berish, the rabbi of Podhajce, died. He was the son of the “Pnei Yehoshua”, the head of the rabbinical court of Frankfurt am Main (22 Cheshvan).
1788 The first draft of Jews into the Austrian army. It was later transmuted to the transfer of an exemption tax.
1790 Nine Jewish families of Podhajce moved to earn their livelihood through agriculture with the help of the government.
1791 5552, Rabbi Zecharia Mendel the son of Rabbi Aryeh Leib of Podhajce died. He was a rabbi, author, and representative to the Council of Four Lands.

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1855 The head of the community of Podhajce was dismissed by the government.
1876 The obligatory draft for Jews.
1876 5636. The founding of the organization for the reading of works in Hebrew and other languages in Podhajce, called “Beit Aseifat Ezrachei Yehudim” (The Meeting Place of Jewish Citizens).
1879 5639. Rabbi Yitzchak Izak Menachem Eichenstein was born. He was the Admor in Podhajce from 5689.
1880 5,943 people lived in Podhajce, including 4,012 Jews.
1881 Yehuda Leib Elerhand and Shaul Schorr founded a branch of the Israelite “Alians” of Vienna in Podhajce.
1890 5650. Dr. Michael Weichert, jurist playwright, and well-known reviewer was born in Podhajce. He died on March 12, 1967 in Tel Aviv.
1895 5655. Rabbi Dr. Nachum Werman, great scholar and author, was born in Podhajce. He died in Israel.
1898 Elyakim Getzel Perel of Podhajce was among those who made aliya to the Land of Israel. He settled in the Machanaim settlement in the Galilee.

At the end of the 19th century, there was a large fire in the city, and 2/3 of the Jewish houses went up in smoke.

1896 5656. Rabbi Avraham Weiss, a Professor of Talmud who lives in Jerusalem, was born in Podhajce.
1876 There was an article in Hamagid from November 1 about Podhajce by David Polisiuk.
1900 “Congregation Rodef Shalom Anshe Podhajce” was founded in America.
1901 The “Podhajcer Young Men's Benevolent Association” was founded in America.
1895 Congregation “Masaat Binyamin Anshe Podhajce” was founded in the United States.
1903 The “First United Podhajcer Congregation” was founded in America.
1905 A general Talmud Torah was founded in Podhajce by Rabbi Shalom Lilienfeld.
1905 Rudolf Szwager was the first Jewish lawyer in Podhajce.
1905 Binyamin Kutner of Podhajce was chosen as a member of the region committee of the Zionist organization of Lvov.
1906 A branch of Poale Zion was founded in Podhajce
1906 The Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Meir of Kapuscince visited the city and donated significant sums to the Talmud Torah and various communal institutions.
1909 Rabbi Shalom HaKohen Lilienfeld died on September 31 at the age of 53.
1914 The Austrians retreated from Podhajce, and it was conquered by the Russian armies who attacked the Jews.
1918 A branch of Hashomer Hatzair was founded in Podhajce.
1919 Pogroms were perpetrated against the Jews at the end of October.
1920 During the war of Poland against the Bolsheviks, Petliura's troops came to the city, followed by the Bolsheviks, and caused trouble for the Jews.
1929 A charitable fund was established by the communal council.
1930 A Jewish cooperative bank was founded in the city as a branch of the Jewish cooperatives of Poland.
1931 The Kadima students corporation was founded in Podhajce.
1931 300 Shkalim{38} were sold in Podhajce during the elections to the Zionist Congress.
1933 The Zionists won in the elections to the Podhajce community. Five members were elected.
1939 There were 3,155 Jews in Podhajce out of a population of 6,000.
1939 The U. S. S. R. invaded Podhajce in October.
1941 The Nazis entered Podhajce on July 6 at the time of the outbreak of the war of the Nazis against Russia.
1942 The first aktion in the city took place on Yom Kippur, and the ghetto was established the following day.
1945 Russian Partisans appeared in Podhajce in March.

3rd of Sivan – the memorial day to the martyrs of Podhajce and environs.


The “Nes Tziona” group
of Hashomer Hatzair (1931)

Translator's Footnotes

  1. A shekel (plural shkalim) is a token of membership of the Zionist organization. Return

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