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Jacob Josef Bunka with his wood sculptures
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Jacob Josef Bunka with his wood sculptures
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Jacob Josef Bunka's wood sculptures
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Bunka arranged for access paths leading to each mass grave
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Lithuanians at the annual Yahrzeit in the Koshan forest
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Plungyan "Maccabee" soccer team
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A group of Plungyaner Jews in 1925
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Jacob Josef Bunka's family picture in about 1932
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Plungyaner Organization "Bund"
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Members of the Committee of the Plungyan Jewish Community
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Jacob Josef Bunka and the memorial stone at Koshan
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Jacob Josef Bunka today

Table of Contents

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 11 Sep 2005 by LA