Herzlia Hanoar Hazioni
In 1930, high school students joined the Herzlia movement, which stressed the study of Zionist history and Palestinography. They combined with Hanoar Hazioni,
whose ideals were Aliah and scouting. Numerous members made Hachshara and then Aliah, settling in Eretz Israel
The Scouting Organization
In 1916, high school students founded the Zydowsi Zwiazek Kolezenski, which later became a scouting organization. They studied the Morse Code, Palestinography, physical culture and first aid and organized trips and plays. The group was disbanded in 1922, after it had arranged outings, learned various skills, performed plays, held symposia, etc.
Mizrachi the religious Zionist organization |
Young Mizrachi members bid farewell to I. Gotesman, who leaves for Eretz Israel |
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