A Thousand Years of Pinsk;
History of the City its Jewish Community, Institutions, Social Movements,
Personalities, Community Leaders, Pinskers Around the World

(Pinsk, Belarus)

52°07' / 26°07'

Translation of
Toyznt yor Pinsk; geshikhte fun der shtot, der yidisher yishev, institutsyes,
sotsyale bavegungen, perzenlekhkeytn, gezelshaftlekhe tuer, Pinsk iber der velt

Edited by: Ben Tzion Hoffman

Published in New York 1941


This is a translation from: Toyznt yor Pinsk; geshikhte fun der shtot, der yidisher yishev, institutsyes,
sotsyale bavegungen, perzenlekhkeytn, gezelshaftlekhe tuer, Pinsk iber der velt

(A thousand years of Pinsk; history of the city its Jewish community, institutions, social movements,
personalities, community leaders, Pinskers around the world),
Editor: Ben Tzion Hoffman, Pinsker Branch 210, Workmen's Circle, New York 1941 (Y, 515 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Pinsk (1941)

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TOC translated by Pamela Russ

[Page V]

Forward IX
Pinsk and its history:
From the earliest times until the political downfall of Poland 1
The history of Jews in Pinsk 20
The history of the Jewish labor movement in Pinsk 90
The “Bund” 98
Events and people in the Pinsk Bund movement 127
Zionists-Socialists (S-S) 150
Leftist Poalei Tziyon 163
Tzeirei Tziyon - Poalei Tziyon 166
The Zionist movement in Pinsk 171
Pinsk in the World War and in the passage of that time 179
At the threshold of a new era 204
Martyrs of Pinsk 213
The Economics of Pinsk:
Jews in the economics of life in Pinsk for the last 50 years 220
Pinsk, a Jewish industrial center 230
Handworkers [manual laborers] of Pinsk 239
The Jewish agricultural colony “Ivanik” 242
The financial means in Pinsk 245
Rabbis of Pinsk
In the era of the Lithuanian rabbinical council – in the times of the conflict against the chassidim – these are the Pinsk rabbis of the last hundred years.

[Page VI]

The Pinsk community
Jewish community life in the years 1921-1938
Institutions in Pinsk:
The Moshele Gloiberman shul 279
The Hebrew Gymnasium [secondary school] “Tarbut” 283
The central dormitory (for girls) 284
Talmud Torah 284
The organization “Linat Hatzedek” [social welfare] 285
I. Nature – II. The Person
Pinkers around the world
Pinsk personalities:
HaRav Moshe Ostrovski, Aaron Eisenberg, Yehuda Leib Berger, Leib Berman, Michel Bersinski, Yosef Avraham Bregman, Dr. Yehoshua Gotlieb, Moshe Dov Goldman, Yisroel Garbuz (Lola), Moshel Gleiberman, Avraham Dov Dubzevitch, George (Gad) Halperin, Dr. B. Hofman (Tzviyon), Dr. Chaim Weitzman, Y. Weitzman, A. Zarecki, M. Zarecki, Zavel Zilbertz, Yehuda Leib Ziselman, Alexander Zushe Czeczik, Chaim Czemerinski, (Reb Mordechai'le), Y. Czertok, Sh.Y. Yanovski, Sh. Yanovski, Noach London, Gregory (Gavriel) Luria, Pinchas Lachovetski, Shaul Lieberman, Reuven Liff, Efraim Dov Lipshitz, Tzvi Hirsh Maslianski, Yakov Marinov, Mishel Menachowski, Yitzchak Neuditch, Dr. Aaron Eliasberg, Boruch Halevi Epstein, Chaim Pialkov, Avraham Asher Feinstein, Moshe Feinstein, Aasron Feldma, Agronom Aaron Feldman, Shmuel Friedman, Pro. Jacob Popisz, Yosef Kamenietzki, Yankel Kantor, Yehuda Karni, Simshon Rosenbaum, Avraham Chaim Rosenberg, Dr. Nesanel Ratnov, Pro. Aaron Yehoshua Rosanov, Pro. Martin A. Rosanov, HaRav Tzvi Yakov Reines, Moshe Aaron Shatzkes, ShM"R (Nachum Meir Shaikevitch, Avraham Shomer, Miriam Shomer-Tzunzer, Aaron Yidel Shliakman, Shlomo Shmulevitz, Tzvi Hersh Szereszevski, Pro. Yehuda Leib Szereszevski, Chaim Gutman the lively one), Berta Singerman, Leib Morgentau.
Institutions and Movements
Pinsk branch – 210, workman's circle – women's branch 210 B, workman's circle – "Pinfor Club" – social club for Pinsk furriers – Dorshei Tov Anshei Pinsk – Independent social club for People of Pinsk – Ezras Achim Bnei Pinsk – Pinsk Branch 10 – International Workers Organization – Pinsk Ladies Gemilas Chasadim and Charity Society – Lubeszow Branch 231 workman's circle – "Ner Tamid people of Lubeszow" – Stolin Progressive Branch 531 workman's circle – "Agudas Achim Anshei Druhoczyn" – Pinsk branch 252 workman's circle – Ladies' Club Branch 252 B workman's circle – Pinsk Independent Union and its auxiliary – Lohysz Benevolent Aid Society – Lohysz Ladies Gemilas Chasadim Auxiliary – Pinsk Ladies Orphan Aid Society – Ivanik Club – Pinsk Help Union

[Page VII]

Karlin Chassidic Dynasty in America 400
GBT – Settlement in the name of the Pinsk Martyrs 404
Pinsk activists in the Jewish social life in America
Moshe Adler, Philip Eisenberg, Dr. Velvel Ostrovski, Charles Ostrovski, Leibel Begun, Yosef Bren, Hyman (Mania) Goldberg, Philip Goldberg, Max Jasper, Moshe Derevenski, Dovid Volf Valivelski, Aaron Asher Weinberg, Moshe Chaim (Alter) Toizner, Louis Levy, Rivka Levy, Shamme Levin, Dr. Dovid Miller, Shmaye Stok, Shlomo Selnik (Dzeleznikov), Avraham Yitzchak Elman, Mordechai Leib Finkelstein, N. Fishkof, Ike Frankel, Becky Cohen, Max Cohen, Luzer Kantor, Yosef A. Kaplan, Yisroel Kuper, Yisroel Steinman, Asher Shaffer, Philip Shtilerman, Dovid Sherman.
Pinsk in America
The migration and redeployment process of the Pinsk compatriots in the United States
Bibliography 453
Our colleagues 455
Index 459
Illustrations, maps, portraits, and group photographs 468
Who is who 473


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