Pinsk Historical Volume:
History of the Jews of Pinsk,
1506-1941 (Volume 1)


52°07' / 26°07'

Translation of
Pinsk Sefer Edut ve-Zikaron le-Kehilat Pinsk-Karlin

Edited by Dr. Wolf Zeev Rabinowitsch
Editorial Secretary: Nachum Boneh, Chairman of the the Association
of the Former Jewish Residents of Pinsk-Karlin and the Surrounding Area.

Published in Tel Aviv, 1966-1977 (H, Y)



Project Coordinator

Ellen Stepak


Ellen Stepak


Donated material
Jerry Schneider


With appreciation to Nachum Boneh z”l, former president of the Pinsk Association in Israel,
for granting permission to translate the Pinsk Yizkor Book and put it on the JewishGen website.

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem for the submission
of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Pinsk Sefer Edut ve-Zikaron le-Kehilat Pinsk-Karlin,
Pinsk Historical Volume: History of the Jews of Pinsk, 1506-1941
Editors: Dr. Wolf Zeev Rabinowitsch, Nachman Tamir (Mirski),
Former residents of Pinsk-Karlin in Israel, 1966-1977, Volume 1 (H,Y,E).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Pinsk (1966)

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Part 1

The Story of a Community - An Introduction to the Volume The Editor
History of the Jews of Pinsk: 1506 - 1880 Dr. Mordekhai Nadav
Chapter  1: From the Establishment of the Community to the Union of Lublin (1506 – 1569)
Chapter  2: From the Union of Lublin to the Khmelnitsky Massacres (1569 – 1648)
Chapter  3: From the Khmelnitsky Massacres to the Peace of Andruszow (1648 – 1667)
Chapter  4: From the Peace of Andruszow to the Capture of Pinsk by the Swedes (1667 – 1706)
Chapter  5: History of the Jews of Pinsk in the 18th Century
Chapter  6: History of the Jews of Pinsk under Russian Rule (1793 – 1880)
History of the Jews of Pinsk: 1881 - 1940 Professor Azriel Shohat
Chapter  1: The Character of Pinsk from the 1880's to the First World War
Chapter  2: During the First World War (1914 – 1920)
Chapter  3: Under Polish Rule (1920 – 1939)
The “Rothschilds” of Pinsk and Karlin Dr. Wolf Zeev Rabinowitch
List of the Institutions Established or Directed by Members of the Levin – Lourié – Halpern – Eliasberg Famlies  
Commercial and Industrial Enterprises Established in Pinsk by Members of the Levin – Lourié – Halpern – Eliasberg Famlies  
Russian Sources  
The Legend: Pinsk Dr. Yehoshua Gottlieb
Illustrations (Part 1)

Part 2

Hasidim in Pinsk and Karlin
Illustrations (Part 2)
Note on the Transliteration
Forward Simon Dubnow
Author's Note
Karlin Hasidim
A. R. Aharon the Great (1765 - 1772)
B. R. Shelomo of Karlin (1772 - 1792)
C. The Second Ascendancy of Karlin Hasidism (1792 - 1794)
D. Struggle and Victory (1794 - 1801)
E. Rabbi Asher the First (1793 - 1826)
F. R. Aharon the Second (1826 - 1872)
G. Ha-Yenuka (The Child) (1873 - 1921)
H. The Final Tragedy and the Present Situation (1921 - 1974)
The Libeshei Dynasty
The Horodok Dynasty
The Berezna Dynasty
Manuscripts of the Stolin Geniza
Pledge of Allegiance by the Disciples of the ARI and R. Hayyim Vital (1575)
'Sefer Ha-Tsoreg' R. Yehoshua Heshel Tsoref
A Map of Lithuania Hasidim
Genealogical Table of the Karlin Dynasty and its Branches
Genealogical Table of the Libeshei and Berezna Dynasties
Genealogical Table of the Horodok Dynasty
Musical Scores of Hasidic Melodies
   Ekhsof Noam Shabbath (Karlin Melody)
   Esheth Hayil (Karlin Melody)
   Kol Beruei Maalah (Karlin Melody)
   Menuhah ve-Simhah (Libeshei Melody)
   Hatsileni Na mi-Yad Ahi (Karlin Melody)
The Holocaust Nahum Boneh (Mular)
Chapter  1: The First Month of the Nazi Occupation
Chapter  2: Two Days of Mass Murder
Chapter  3: The Murderers' Testimony on the August Slaughter
Chapter  4: The Oppressors in Action
Chapter  5: In the Ghetto
Chapter  6: Signs of Resistance
Chapter  7: The Extermination
Chapter  8: The End of the Last Remnant
Chapter  9: The Destruction of Pinsk Jewry According to Enemy Records
Chapter 10: Survivors and Their Rescuers
In the Revolt Nahum Boneh (Mular)
Chapter  1: In the Revolt
Chapter  2: Polesia – Partisan's Base
Chapter  3: Jews in the Forest
Chapter  4: Sons of Pinsk in One Partisan Unit
Chapter  5: In the Various Partisan Units
Chapter  6:  In the Jewish Underground Movement and Among the Ghetto Fighters

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Ellen Stepak
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 23 Jan 2013 by LA

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