Part I
Dr. Einbinder's letter was given by him to a Gentile friend of the family who
promised to forward it to his parents, who had been exiled by the Russians to
Siberia. And indeed, at the end of the war, the young Pole, who was a captain
in the Polish army, forwarded it to his father, and the latter sent it to his
relative, Avraham Einbinder/Even-Dar residing in Tel Aviv. Additional
biographic notes about him appear below. <back>
We received these pages from the
activist, Leizer Levin. Towards the end of July 1944, Levin visited Pinsk on
his way from Russia to Poland. In a stone warehouse on Albrekhtowska Street, he
found a pile of papers and documents which turned out to be part of the
Archives of the City of Pinsk Office of Civil Administration dealing with Jews,
and the Registers of the Judenrat. Included in these papers were hand-written pages of lists of all the Jews in
the ghetto who had received work-permits, also type-written pages of all the
employees of the Judenrat and the Polish police, and records of wages paid these employees in a certain
month. The pages were signed by the Judenrat Administration.
Half a year later, when Levin visited Lublin, Melekh Bakalchuk of Pinsk and Dr.
Philip Friedman, who were founding the Jewish Historical Committee, asked him
to let them see these pages, promising to return them; however, they were never
returned. Levin retained several dozen pages; these have reached us and served
as source material in this work. <back>
The evidence of Yehoshua Gurevich, a blacksmith from Pinsk, was recorded by
Melekh Bakalchuk, who had himself been a partisan, and was at that time editor
of the Jewish newspaper
in Linz, Austria. It was the journal of the Jewish refugees in Austria and
appeared in Yiddish in Latin print, as no Yiddish type was available. The
memoirs of Bakalchuk appeared in Buenos Aires in 1958, see source no. 19.
See Source No. 1. The footnote numbers refer to the sources as listed at the
end of this work. <back>
Herzl Turkan, according to the evidence, was twelve years old when the ghetto
was destroyed. He learned about this from a Gentile peasant from the village of
Fishnitze where he had been hidden by his parents who lost their life in Pinsk.
He became a partisan and joined the Missiura Company. <back>
The final concluding report (
) of the Attorney for the Prosecution, Dr. Arzt, at the Center for Legal
Services in Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart, who prepared the trial of the Nazi
criminals involved in the extermination of the Jews of Pinsk. <back>
Chapter 1
Dr. Arzt <back>
Dolinko. How the Communities of Pinsk and Karlin were destroyed by
Aryeh Dolinko (in Yiddish, manuscript). Introduction and translation into
Hebrew by Zeev Livneh. Published by the Society of Former Residents of Pinsk
and Karlin in Eretz-Israel, Tel Aviv, Sept. 1946 (mimeograph).
Testimony by Chayah Sherman, Moreshet Archives, Givat Chaviva, c.9.26.4 & 9.30
Testimony by Yehoshua Neidich, Moreshet Archives, Givat Chaviva, c.9.26.6
Testimony by David Gleibman/Globe, Moreshet Archives, Givat Chaviva, c. 9. 34
Testimony by Yehoshua Gurevich, Moreshet Archives, Givat Chaviva, c.9.36 &
Neidich above <back>
Testimonies by Dolinko & Gurevich <back>
Dolinko <back>
Globe <back>
Neidich <back>
Globe <back>
Sherman <back>
Dolinko <back>
Dolinko, Globe <back>
Gurevich <back>
Testimony by Shukhman, Moreshet Archives, Givat Chaviva, c.9.28
Globe <back>
Letter from Dr. Einbinder, Moreshet Archives, Givat Chaviva, c.9.5, Gurevich &
20 Years Later, Memoirs by Milya Ratnovsky-Cohen <back>
Dolinko <back>
Dolinko <back>
A Woman Facing the Gallows
was published in 1971 by the Hebrew Library (Sifriat Hapoalim) in English
translation. A Polish translation appeared in a 1993 version
Getto i Gwiazdy
(Czytelnik) i. e.,
Ghetto & Stars <back>
Chapter 2
Dolinko <back>
Dolinko, Gurevich <back>
Testimony by Tamar (Tema) Garbuz Kobrinchuk, Moreshet Archives, Givat Chaviva,
c.9.38 <back>
Dolinko <back>
Dolinko, Neidich <back>
Dolinko <back>
Chapter 3
Dr. Arzt <back>
Chapter 4
Dolinko, Neidich, Kobrinchuk, Gurevich <back>
Dr. Einbinder <back>
Gurevich <back>
Dolinko, Shukhman <back>
Gurevich <back>
Dolinko, Globe, Neidich, Dr. Einbinder <back>
Globe <back>
Dolinko <back>
Shukhman <back>
Chapter 4 continued
Dr. Arzt <back>
Dolinko, Neidich, Kobrinchuk, Gurevich <back>
Chapter 5
Dr. Einbunder <back>
Dolinko, Globe, Neidich, Kobrinchuk, Dr. Einbinder <back>
Lotz, Ratnovski Cohen <back>
Dolinko, Shukhman <back>
Lotz, Ratnovski Cohen <back>
Dolinko, Neidich, Kobrinchuk, List of Sources, # 25 <back>
Kobrinchuk, Gurevich <back>
Neidich <back>
Manya Finkel Shenberg, Testimonies, Moreshet Archives, Givat Chaviva, c.9.31.1
& 31.2. <back>
Gurevich <back>
Neidich, Milya Ratnovski Cohen <back>
Neidich, Milya Ratnovski Cohen <back>
Globe <back>
Dolinko <back>
Dolinko <back>
Dolinko <back>
Globe <back>
Chapter 6
Dolinko <back>
Globe <back>
Neidich <back>
Dolinko, Gurevich <back>
Chapter 7
Globe <back>
Gurevich <back>
Dolinko <back>
Sherman, her testimony at Police Headquarters <back>
Sherman <back>
Sherman <back>
Gurevich <back>
Testimony by Avraham Perchik, Moreshet Archives, Givat Chaviva, c.9.32.1
Testimony by Golda Sherman Galetski, Moreshet Archives, Givat Chaviva,c.9.29
Dolinko <back>
Neidich <back>
Gurevich <back>
Neidich <back>
Dolinko <back>
Perchik <back>
Sherman Galetski <back>
Dolinko <back>
Tsila Dolinko, In the Small Ghetto, testimony, Moreshet Archives,
Givat Chaviva, c.9.27 <back>
Chapter 8
Dolinko <back>
Tsila Dolinko, In the Small Ghetto, testimony, Moreshet Archives,
Givat Chaviva, c.9.27 <back>
Dolinko <back>
Dolinko <back>
Gurevich <back>
Sherman Geletski <back>
Kalivach <back>
Dolinko <back>
Tsila Dolinko <back>
Dolinko <back>
Tsila Dolinko <back>
Globe <back>
Globe <back>
Chapter 9
Dr. Arzt <back>
Chapter 10
Testimonies and the names of persons appear in the body of the text itself.
Table of Contents
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