“Domaradz” - Encyclopedia of Jewish
Communities in Poland, Volume III

49°47' / 21°57'

Translation of “Domaradz” chapter from
Pinkas Hakehillot Polin

Published by Yad Vashem

Published in Jerusalem



Project Coordinator

William Leibner


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem for permission
to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Pinkas Hakehillot: Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Poland,
Volume III, page 107, published by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

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(page 107)

Domaradz, Galicia, Poland

(District of Bzozow, region of Lemberg)
(Domaradz is located East of Krakow, south of Jaslo and north of Krosno, Galicia)

Translated by Bill Leibner

The first time the village of Domaradz is mentioned is in 1359. It is also mentioned in 1384 when it was transferred to the ownership of the bishop of Przemysl. The place gained prominence due to its geographic location —namely, it is located on the road that leads to the mountain pass of Dukla, which crosses the Carpathian mountains. This passage enables merchandise to be transported from Czechoslovakia and Hungary to Poland and Russia. In the 19th century, most of the people of Domaradz worked in agriculture and some worked in the local brewery. Between the two great wars, the village was administered by a rural council called gmina.

The Jewish presence in Domaradz is first noted in documents dating to 1808. Their number then reached 35, and in the census of 1921 there were 135 Jews listed in Domaradz The same census listed a total population for the village of 3,386 people. Between the two great wars, the Jews dealt primarily in small commerce and peddling. There were also four Jewish families that cultivated their 50-dunam farms.

In 1935, a branch of the “Akiva” youth movement was opened in Domaradz. Twenty-four shekalim were sold the same year to Jews in the village that enabled them to vote for delegates to the Zionist Convention. All 24 votes were cast for the “General Zionist” party.

With the German conquest of the area, the Jews were forced to perform forced labor, mainly building roads, bridges etc. This situation lasted until July 1942 when the Gestapo arrived and within minutes chased all the Jews to the nearby hamlet of Jasienica Rosielna , a distance of six kilometers. Four or five sick and elderly Jews were killed on the spot. Most of the other Jews of Domaradz were killed with the Jews of Jasienica Rosielna when that ghetto was destroyed on August 12th 1942.


Yad Vashem Archives, 016/2045
YIVO Archives; Wilner archive, zamlung yugentforshung, series aspirantor, brief 3965, years 1928-1930
Central Historical Archives of the Jewish People in Jerusalem;
Central Zionist Archives; Z-4/234-13
“Divrei Akiva” 8/12/1933

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