“Siaudine” - Encyclopedia of Jewish
Communities in Lithuania
(Šiaudinė, Lithuania)

55° 04' / 22° 48'

Translation of the “Siaudine” chapter from
Pinkas Hakehillot Lita

Written by Josef Rosin

Published by Yad Vashem

Published in Jerusalem, 1996



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This is a translation from: Pinkas Hakehillot Lita: Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Lithuania,
Editor: Prof. Dov Levin, Assistant Editor: Josef Rosin, published by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.

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(Pages 653-654)


In Yiddish, Shaudine

Written by Dov Levin

Translated by Shimon Joffe

A village near the Nemunas River and opposite of Jurbarkas in the Kiduliai county, in the district of Sakiai in western Lithuania.

In 1923, the village had 38 farms with 390 inhabitants. About a third of them were Jews. In 1931, the village had 120 Jews. Some derived their livelihood from trade and craftwork and some 10 families were farmers. According to a survey conducted by the Lithuanian government in 1931, the village had one Jewish grain merchant.

In 1931, Siaudine had 11 telephones and one of these belonged to a Jewish family. The village had a prayer house, built in 1920, as well as a “Kheder”, with a dozen students. Some of them continued their studies in nearby Jurbarkas, which also provided them with entertainment and society. As there was no rabbi in the village, a Jew from Sudargas, some 10 km distant, provided the necessary services. There they also buried the dead. Zalman Leviush, a youth from Siaudine, who immigrated to Eretz Yisrael, made a name for himself as an actor on the Hebrew stage.

In 1940, with the annexation of Siaudine to the Soviet Union, some 70 Jews remained in the village. The rabbi was Rabbi Shmuel Murak.

Siaudine was taken by the Germans on the first day of their attack on the Soviet Union, on June 22, 1941. Arrests of Jews took place in the very first days, with the assistance of armed Lithuanian nationalists. At the beginning of July all the men in the village were arrested by the Lithuanians and were taken together with the Sudargas Jews to Siauliai. On July 5, 1941 (10 Tamuz, 5701) they were all murdered by rifle fire, some 1.5 km north of Sakiai. The women and children were murdered at the end of July (according to a different account, on September 13) and were buried in a place 2 km from Siaudine, along the road to Sudargas.


Yad Vashem Archives, Jerusalem, M-1/2-1275/1241; file 0-57, testimony of Meir Leviush.

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