Table of Contents

List of photographs

Photographs repeated in both Hebrew and Yiddish sections are not repeated in this list.

Photo Appendix 1-11: If you can identify any of the photographs missing captions, please Error processing SSI file


4-5 Town Map of Piesk
7 Ofira, granddaughter of Chaya and Yehuda Borovsky
18 The Late Chaya Borovsky and Yehuda Addressing a Group from Argentina
20 A House in Piesk
22 Bet HaKeneset Synagogue in Piesk
29 Youths from Piesk: Yosef (Bamchy) Bshitzky, Yoel Borovsky, Gedeliah Sarafin
30 Group of Youths from Piesk
32 Piesk Youth in the Polish Army
33 Aron Kodesh of the Synagogue
34 Bet Midrash "Der Moyer" of Piesk
35 Piesk Bathhouse (Mikvah)
37 Firemen of Piesk (same photo on 479)
54 Zifzif Group from Piesk (same photo on p. 467)
57 10 Chaverim, 4 Chaverot, 3 children
59 Cheder
60 Moshe Borovsky, Brother of Yehuda
62 Eli Mikal Eizenman
65 Organization of Pieskers in Israel in 1969
66 Organization of Pieskers in Israel in 1969
67 Organization of Pieskers in Israel in 1969
68 Zalman Kaplan
69 My sister Reizel, husband Moshe, and son Beny Kagan
70right – My sister's son Beny Kagan ; left – Ishikar Kaplan
71 right-top - My sister Merky Kaplan, right-lower – My brother Noach Kaplan; left – Khesia and Rivka Zakin
72 right – Pesye Zakin; left – Dobeh Kaplan, mother
73 A. Sh. Emial
  Chana Dikter
77 Chana Dikter at Memorial for the Martyrs of SLONIM. Right is Zlaty Proshbitzky and left is Nemi Rozansky
78 Initiators of First Memorial for the Martyrs Killed in Slonim at Ramat Gan in The School of Piesk
79 Twentieth memorial evening, 1964, for the Martyrs of Piesk
80 top right: Israel Shebach the Naggid; lower right: Reb Israel Polachek; top left: Rabbi Asher Kviat; lower left: Chaim Shlomo Goldberg 
81 top right: R' Shlomo Varhaftig of Piesk; lower right: R' Abraham Moshe Polachek; top left: father of Avigdor Ekhovsky; lower left: R' Yehuda Shebach
84 The Jews of Piesk being taken to forced labor during the First World War
85 top – Yekhezkal Lisovsky
85 A class from the "Tarbut" school. At center is Lejb Lonsky, the first teacher and founder of the school
87 "Tarbut" School 4th Grade class and teacher Koik
89 "Tarbut" School of Piesk 1935
91 In the "Tarbut" school with the teacher, Khazinovsky
92 top – Naftali ben Israel Kaplan; lower Hot Meal for Orphans and the Poor after immigration was allowed
93 Piesk Memorial in Buenos Aires
94 Moshe Shakuri (Zlotnitzky)
95 Histadrut Chalutz of Piesk
98 Histadrut Chalutz Hatza'ir of Piesk 28 August 1932
99 Histadrut Chalutz Hatza'ir of Piesk 28 Aug 1932
99 Meri Tzin Bendor (Bendormaker)
101 top – Zalman Kaplan; lower – Beteir of Piesk Command
102 Founders of Zionist Movement in Piesk Seated left to right: 2. Leiby Lonsky 4. Henya Etzkovitzm. Teacher Zeidl Shebach. Standing left to right: 1. Ekhezkal Lisovsky, 2. Betty Eitzkovitz, 3. Mishka Shebach, Eitzl Shapiro
103 Histadrut youth group in Piesk
104 A group of Chalutzim and their leaders, amongst them Moshe Shchori
105 Meir Kaplan
107 Zeidl Kviat
108 lower – Mother of Tzipora Likhtenshtein; top Tzipora Likhtenshtein
109 A group of Chalutzim in training camp
111 Group of chalutzim from Piesk: seated left to right – Itzak Borovsky, Yaffa Blkowitzky Shebach, Bela Elkhanon Shebach, Chaim Lonsky, Naftali Kaplan. Standing left to right-Rukhkin, Kwiat, Gershon Pelkowitz
112 Sons of Piesk in Buenos Aires Organization
115 Miriam Toirshtein (Plekowitz)
116 Yehuda Rozinsky
119 top – Mendel Finkelshtein and sister; lower – brother Chaim Finkelshtein
120 left – Sara Karmi (Srebrovsky); right SEREBROVSKY family, left to right: mother Leyke, daughters Chaie and Sara, father Eliyahu-Mikhle. Not pictured, son Peretz
121 Rakhel Enkor
122 Chaim Shebach
124 Elka Shebach
125 Moshe Mendel son of Israel Shebach
126 top-Chaya Borovsky; lower – police unit of Piesk immigrant military leaders
129 left – Feigl Kaplan and her cousin Golda; right – Menachem Kaplan and Israel Zolotinitzky
130 Group of Piesk Jewish soldiers in the Polish Army
131 Chana Dicter at 1971 Piesk Memorial
132 Memory of the late Gershon PEKOVITZ
133 Etel Borowski and her friends
134 Family of Malka the Seamstress [Note: Lamudni? Leib?]
135 Zeidl, wife, son, daughter
136 Chana Pomgrin (Lev)
139 Teddy Boyarsky and family
141 left – Zelik Goldberg; right – Zalman Goldberg (standing)
142 Family of Hilka Lev (the Kozhilker), Grandfather Hilka, Grandmother Reizy, and Zalman Goldberg
143 left – Freda Yehuda, daughter of Rabbi Kviat; right – Itzak Kviat
144 top – Shmuel Kviat; lower – Zelbianka River in Piesk
145 Avigdor Dikhovsky
146 Our sister Sarah'la
147 Khesya and Chana Tzin
148 Chalutz group before their emigration to Israel
149 Tzipora Galnitz
150 Chaim Shebach
152 Leaders of Piesker Landsmanshaften in Argentina
153 Mordechai and family
154 Mordechai Borovsky
155 Brother Leibl Zlotnitzky
156 left-Nachum Zlotnitzky; right-Zeidl Shebach
158 Itzak Shapiro
159 Miriam Prosbitzky Boruch
160 Yehuda Rozinsky at 1971 Memorial
161 Gitel Egel
163 Kheina Domanshitzky
164 Tzipora Galnitz at 1971 Memorial
165 Khesya Bendormacher
168 Berl Glembotzky
169 Sara Hinda Kaplan
170 Tenachum Kaplan at 1971 Piesk Memorial
171 top - Malka Lamudni; right - Malka Leib; lower-Yehuda Leib
172 Abraham Lev
173 Shmuel Orshevsky
174 no caption
175 Bunya Vinokor and brother Shimon *
176 The Late Yoel Godes
179 Kviat Family
180 Meri Kviat and family
181 left - Devora Reitbord; right - David Reitbord
182 Astrinsky Family
184 Aviva Kaplan
185 left - Chana, sister Aviva Kaplan; center - Kaplan father; right - Mother of Aviva
188 Chaim Pshinsky
189 Abraham and Sara Pshinsky
192 Jehuda Borovsky from Safed at son, the late Shraga beside Statue of Fallen Military/Lieberation of Bet Sefer commissioned officers mourning 1969
193 left - Yehuda Rozinsky; right - Zisel and Berl Rozinsky
194 left - sister Sheina Rozinsky; right - Yosef Rozinsky
195 Moshe Natan Shivovsky
197 left - Grandmother Elka and brother Itzak at grave of grandfather Mordechai Hirsh; right - Yosef and Berl Prosbitzky
200 Yakob and Sedya Emial
201 A. Sh. Emial
202 Family of A. Sh. Emial
210 Nazi sheep-shears a Jew's beard
211 Shimon Orshovsky
213 Top – "Stürmer" [Military Sector Newspaper] of the Nazis and in it incitement against the Jews; Lower – Township Sacrificed in Flames – The Nazi inferno
214 Top - Jews walking to the ghetto; Lower - Arrested Jews
217 Top – Before being sent to the deathcamp. Jewish pray and wait for a miracle; Lower – Jews board the death train carrying them to Auschwitz
218 Top – General view of the Auschwitz death camp; Lower – Auschwitz surrounded by electrified gate and fence
220 Memorial to the Martyrs of Piesk in Buenos Aires, Argentina
221 Nduri b'tkuft the Holocaust
222 Chaya-Reizel and Rozinsky and girls from the township
223 Meir Rakkin
225 top – Jews above mass grave awaiting execution; lower – last Moment as Jews await execution
226 top-Germans and a young Jewish girl; lower-Jewish children, guinea pigs of Mengele
231 top – Effects of starvation, dead bodies in every corner Lower-Dachau, murdered corpses strewn on surface of railway stations
232 The pedantic German "Order" – strict registration of all the dead
234 Hirshl Rakkin, brother of writer of this article
236 top-group of women and girls as they entered the gas chamber in Treblinka; lower-Auschwitz
237 top – a life of stripping garments from the pointless winter execution to warm a few in vain; lower – Auschwitz, piles of eyeglasses of annihilated Jews
238 Piesk and Most Memorial
240 no caption
241 Mathausen creatorium
242 top – Dachau, the liberating army shows German citizens who cry in vain at the nightmare; lower-dead bodies of the murdered
243 bodies of murdered Kews in the R.I.F. Factory
245 top  –  alive at the time of liberation
246 top – death camp & rows of the dead; lower – mobile death gassing apparatus
247 Meir Borovsky
248 Yoel Godes
249 Shraga Feivel Godes
250 right   –  Shraga Borovsky; left  –  Shimon Domshovitzky
251 Yehuda Borovsky at Piesk Memorial
253 The boat that Shraga used to abandon the "Massada" ship whilst it was sinking
259 Shraga Borovsky
260 "Masada" ship
262 Chaim Lev
263 R' Yakob Aharon "the teacher", wife, and son
265 Chana Shela
266 Ekutiel Shebach
267 Mlkovitzky Family
269 Ekuitel Shebach
270 Ekutiel and an Arab
272 Yekhezkal Lisovsky at memorial for Freda, daughter of, Rabbi Kviat
273 The Late Chaya Borovsky
274 Chaya and Shraga at emigration to Israel from aliyah ID card
275 Chaya and husband Yehuda
276 Chaya and husband Yehuda about 1948
277 Chaya at House of David Adom
278 Chaya about 1930
279 Chaya, husband Yehuda and son Shraga 1927
281 Certificates of Chaya Boyarsky: top – A "Haganah" emblem - given to Chaya; lower – A decoration given to the country's fighters - was given to Chaya for her dedicated service in the "Haganah"
282 Pouring the foundation of the Afula bus station
283 Group of Jews from Piesk in Acre about 1927
285 Chaya in the garden near her house
287 Chaya addressing a gathering of retired persons in 1968
288 A meeting of station operators (Chaya is seated in the third row on the left-hand side)
289 The boat that Shraga used to abandon the "Massada" ship whilst it was sinking
291 Chaya addressing a reception in Haifa for visitors from Argentina
297 Chaya, grandaughter Ofira, and Yehuda at Ofira's August 1971 wedding
298 Chaya and husband at bus station in Haifa
350 Piesk Synagogue
353 The Cemetery
395 left – Zlata Kaplan; right – Ester Kaplan
401 David, son of Leizer Shebach
402 Keila, daughter of Leizer Shebach
411 Dora Shebach with a friend
413 L. Aryeh Lonsky
412 Chaim and Peseach Lonsky
430 Levin Family
431 Levin Family in America
432 top – Sara Glazer's parents and family; lower – Gingold Family
433 Abraham Valak
439 Founders of the Culture Society in Piesk
468 H. Vand
472 Leah'chy Levin
473 Debora, a daughter of Zishka the baker
475 Bobe Breine Shebach
476 The Shebach Family
483 the family of Yakob and Sedya Emial
484 The Family of Izy Bradzinsky in New York
485 no caption – Frei?
486 top right-the father; top right-the mother; lower right-sister and brother; lower left-Yakob Orlik, the cantor
487 right: the cantor's wife; left: the Orluk cousins
490 Mother and Father Binkovich
494 Keila Rosinsky née Shebach
495 Yoshke the teacher, Etel (his daughter)
500 right – Chaya Leah Levin; left – Alter and Chaya-Leah Levin
502 The cemetery of Piesk
523 The Late Meir Borovsky
541 Freda Varshavsky
544 Israel Lev

Note: Ira Levine has noted that this picture is not of Bunya Vinokur and brother Shimon. Instead, the person on the left is definitely Jankel Wand and the person on the right he believes is Mendel Wand (Trip Merchant). He has the original photo in his possession. Return
Table of Contents

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