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[Pages 392-393]

The Chapter of the Physical Destruction of the Jews of Piesk and Mosty

Translated by Alan Rems

A yizkor book of Volkovysk (region) would tell how they concentrated the Jews of the small shtetls: Piesk, Mosty, Volpa, Zelva, Pruzhany, Ruzhany, Lyskov and Izabelin. [They went] with small packs in hand, weighing no more than a few kilos; large packs were not allowed. They were led into dirty and very crowded cow and horse stalls. Finally, they were loaded in locked cattle cars. And, they were taken away to the camps, where they were shoved into gas chambers and annihilated. The aim of the Nazis was to physically liquidate the Jews. Actually, they did that to six million. We, however, the living, have perpetuated the memory of the dead in our hearts as well as in these very pages. Thus, they will always be with us.

Words of Peace

With holy trembling, I approached the sacred task of recording the story of our holy little shtetl, Piesk. This task was also difficult since my material powers were limited; and I generally did not possess documentation.

However, I did not give up. I sought a great deal, conversed, and remembered more and more.

I looked upon this as a mission. Piesk gave forth valuable religion and culture, which enabled us to compete in life. And if Piesk was the spring from which we acquired all that we possess she is that for our children as well. Life has demonstrated that this was true, because the shtetl's descendents, as well as their children, who were not born there, have accomplished much in many areas.

This space is too limited to tell everything. One can recollect, however, individual details. First, about the descendents of the shtetl from the day their feet (first) trod the earth of the Holy Land. They sweated, working to sustain themselves in agriculture, fishing, and highway construction. But even when they worked 14-hour days and more, they felt that they were realizing a prophetic vision.

In 1928, when Hulda was under attack by the Arabs, among the first volunteers was Yoel Godes, "blessed be his memory", and Ze'ev Ruven, "may he live", comrades from the gravel work team.

In supplying the Hagganah, there was distinguished Yekutiel Shebach, who was ordered to deliver weapons ammunition in the Haifa area. He and his wife Chana, "blessed be her memory", often put their lives at risk by delivering weapons and in various actions.

Piesk's children did a great deal in the branches of construction, industry and transport.

The greatest pride of the Pieskers, as of their comrades, was in the six kibbutzim spread out in the land: Aylon in West Galilee, K'far Giladi in Upper Galilee, Yifat in the Jezreel Valley, Ein Hashofet in the Ephraim Hills, Givat Ha-Shlosha in the middle of the country, and Ramat Rachel near Jerusalem.

In part, the younger generation, in the tradition of their elders, worked in Israeli communications. One thinks that there was no greater pleasure than to see the handsome youngsters sitting at the wheels of their buses, swallowing tens of thousands of kilometers on the roads of the land.

Other youths served in the army. Also, non-military tasks were fulfilled by those who worked in important state positions and in the institutions of the Histadrut.

Many youths, male and female, studied at the university and even attained the highest titles.

And there were youngsters from Piesk who live in our memories. They died on the sea and dry land sacrifices on the altar of endeavor, of work and of the fatherland.

May their memory be blessed.

[Page 394]

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