Podbrodz – As I remember
(Pabradė, Lithuania)

55°00' / 25°47'

Irving Engelson



Contact Person

Iris Engelson


Our sincere appreciation to Iris Engelson,
President of the Podbrodzer Progressive Benevolent Society,
for permission to place her father's memoir on the JewishGen web site.


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My father, Irving Engelson z”l (Dec 24, 1930 - April 21, 2020) was a native Podbrodzer and for many years an officer of the Podbrodzer Progressive Benevolent Society (PPBS).  Having survived the Holocaust, he went on to earn a PhD and had a long, successful career first in academia and later as a Staff Director of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers.   He rarely spoke publicly about his experiences during the war but after years of reticence, he wrote this short but detailed memoir which appeared in 2006 as a chapter of the PPBS published Podbrodze Yizkor Book, copies of which are held by the United States Holocaust Museum and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.   My father was a devoted family man, an actively involved member of the Jewish community, and the most resilient person I have ever met.   We lost him to complications of the novel coronavirus on Yom Hashoah. 

Yehi zichrono baruch; may his memory be a blessing.

Iris Engelson


Podbrodz – As I remember

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Contact person for this memoir Iris Engelson
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 24 Aug 2020 by LA