Memorial Book to a Community
that was Exterminated During the Holocaust
(Olkusz, Poland)

50°17' / 19°34'

Translation of
Olkusz (Elkish); sefer zikaron le-kehila she-hukhehada ba-shoa

Editor: Zvi Yashiv

Published in Tel Aviv 1971/72

This is a translation of: Olkusz (Elkish); sefer zikaron le-kehila she-hukhehada ba-shoaz
(Olkusz; memorial book to a community that was exterminated during the Holocaust),
Editor: Zvi Yashiv, Olkusz Society, Published: Tel Aviv 1971/72 (H,Y 280 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Olkusz

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Introduction - The Organization of Former Olkusz Residents in Israel 5
From the Editor 7
Olkusz - an Old Town
History of the town 11
History of the Jews in Olkusz 12
The entry “Olkusz” in the Hebrew Encyclopedia 17
Olkusz in the 18th Century [Y] Excerpts from Travel Books 18
Rabbis and great Torah Scholars in Olkusz 21
R'Shloime'le, R'Moshe Charif's son [Y] 31
Olkusz Jews in the “Council of the Four Lands” 35
Tho community leaders flee to Olkusz [Y] 36
The Krakow-Olkusz Yiddish [Y] 37
Olkusz M. Tzanin 40
Data and dates 47
The Gentile Olkusz after the Holocaust 50
Before the Holocaust
Memories from those days Eliezer Goldberg 53
Cultural and other Institutions in Olkusz Shimon Friedman 55
The Olkusz that I knew Yekutiel Krouk 58
My hometown Olkusz in 1925 - 1935 Mordechai Shehori (Schwarzfeld) 63
Memories from Olkusz [Y] L. Blumenfeld, Paris 68
Personalities that I remember Eliezer Goldberg 79
My birth town Olkusz [Y] Yosef Lifschitz 82
Zionist pioneer youth in Olkusz Mordechai Shehori (Schwarzfeld) 92
The Radomsk Hasidim Binyamin Zev Weizman 98
Organizing the Mizrahi Association 100
Poalei Agudat Israel in Olkusz Israel Zukerman 101
Beit Yaakov in Olkusz Dina Bolimovski 106
Youth and sports Yekutiel Krouk 108
The Years of Horror 1939 - 1945
The first victims Mordechai Ehrlich 115
That night Yochanan Kalickstein 117
Four years between life and death Pinchas Gleitman 120
The bloody Wednesday [Y] Moshe David Weizman 125
Memories from the horrible days [Y] Yochanan Kalickstein 133
From Olkusz 1939 to Olkusz 1945 Yosef Lifschitz, Paris 144
My war wanderings until I arrived to Eretz Israel As told by Yehuda Derori 181
Six and a half years of my life As told by Dina Bolimovski 193
The years that I will never forget As told by Hinda Pasternak-Weissblat 201
My Camps From the story of Tzipora Eylon 206
Testimony of a survivor As told by Sara Okmyanska 211
Among the French in 1942 - 1945 [Y] L. Blumenfeld 216
My last stops after the War [Y] Yosef Lifschitz 214
Suffering and hardship after liberation Israel Zukerman 229
Life in Those Days
My father-in-law Yosef Tendler HY”D A. Podolski 237
My grandfather Yeshayahu Grossman z”l [Y] Shlomo Grossman 238
Types from the old days [Y] L. Blumenfeld 240
The wretched and the unfortunate L. B. 249
In Memory of Those who Perished
Shootings - the beginning of redemption Esther Etzyon (Koltz) 257
A shattered dream Mordechai Shehori (Schwarzfeld) 258
A visit after the war [Y] I. Kalickstein 258
Olkusz friends in Paris [Y] L. Blumenfeld 264
The Olkusz memorial monument in Paris [Y] Yosef Lifschitz 266
The activity of the Committee Eliezer Goldberg 268
A Memorial to the Olkusz Martyrs 269


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