Navaredok Memorial Book
(Navahrudak, Belarus)

53°36' / 25°50'

Translation of Pinkas Navaredok

Edited by E. Yerushalmi

Published in Tel Aviv, 1963



Project Coordinator

Oskar Delatycki z”l


Our sincere appreciation to Dov Cohen of the Novogrudok Landsmannschaft in Israel
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Pinkas Navaredok (Navaredok memorial book),
ed. E. Yerushalmi, Tel Aviv, Alexander Harkavy Navaredker Relief committee in the USA and Israel, 1963 (H, Y 419 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Nowogrodek

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Translated by Solomon Manischwitz
and edited by Judy Montel and Oskar Delatycki

Note: [H] stands for Hebrew and [Y] for Yiddish

Introduction to the book
Introduction the editors [H]  
The prologue the editors [Y]  
History of the City [H] 11
The history of the Jews in Novogrudok Yaakov Goldberg [H] 11
The history of the town   [Y] 19
The Rabbis of Novogrudok Rabbi V.Ch. Kancipolski [Y] 25
The Musar movement Mordechai Ginsburg (Montreal) [Y] 33
What I remember of Novogrudok Shlomo M. Gutman (Argentina) [Y] 39
Leaders and ordinary members of the community E. M. Yerushalmi [Y] 42
The Bund in Novogrudok H. Kaplan and Y. Maslow [Y] 52
Memoirs from before the First World War Wm Uris (New York) [Y] 54
Old Novogrudok Shimeon Yosifun [Y] 61
Reminisces of Yischok Gurwitz: Rabbi Nachman Getzov  [Y]70
The Tailors' Synagogue   [Y] 72
The Seder night that was disrupted [Y]74
Dr. Benjamin Einhorn Yaakov Gershovski [Y] 76
Without a hammer, shears and a saw Menashe Unger, US [Y] 78
Alexander Harkavy Prof. Nosun Ziskind, US [Y] 79
Avrohom Eliyahu Harkavy   [Y] 82
The “eelui” (exceptional students of Tora) from Novogrudok
(in memory of Reb Kalman Aharon Midler)
Chaim Noy [H]83
The big fire (blaze) in Novogrudok Yaakov Gershovski [Y] 84
The Jewish Souls (from the Old Pinkas Navaradok) Dr. Eliezer Yerushalmi [Y] 85
Between the Two World Wars [Y] 89
Hebrew education in Novogrudok Moshe Steinberg-Sarig [H] 89
The kindergarten Sima Yonas-Portnoy [H] 97
Music in Novogrudok Menashe Rabina (Rabinovitz) [H] 98
Politico-Communal life in Novogrudok Shmuel Openheim [Y] 100
The Novogrudok orphanage     107
The history of the orphanage
  [Y] 107
Aharon Srebranik [Y] 110
The first child in the orphanage
Aba Rutkovski [Y] 112
The orphanage (1917-1919)
Shalom Cohen [Y] 113
Shokdey melocho (the trade school) Chaim Leibovich [Y] 114
Volunteer Fire brigade A. Shochor (Czarny) [Y] 117
The theatre in Novogrudok Zahava Rabinovich-Engel [H] 118
Chaluts (Zionist scouts) movement Yehoshua Brook (Kibbutz Negba) [H] 119
Personalities Shmuel Openheim [Y] 126
The last of the Rabbis Yehoshua Jaffe [H] 129
People and Images Yehoshua Yaffe [Y] 130
Jewish Gardeners Boruch Sapotnicki [Y] 134
Peculiar types of people A. Yerushalmi [Y] 135
The public bath A. Y. [Y] 137
Schloss gass – a distinct township Eliezer Berkovitch [Y] 138
Yiddishe gass Miriam Lipchin Negrevitski [Y] 140
United Jewish Artisans Association Samuel Nikolayevski [Y] 141
The Professional Movement Eliyahu Berkovitch [Y] 143
“TOZ” (a Jewish Health Organization) activities Majrim Ginzburg [Y] 144
Aid for Jewish prisoners Aharon Rudnicki [Y] 148
Village Jews D. Cohen [Y] 149
Benjamin Kotlover W. Uris [Y] 152
Weekly papers in Novogrudok Yehoshua Yaffe [Y] 153
A native of Novogrudok in the Herzelia Gymnasium Yishayahu Avi-Amots [H] 154
Zeydl Bushelevits Ch. Leibovitch [H] 154
Extinguishing the fire of hatred Noach Avni (Kamenitsky) [Y] 155
Those whom we remember [Y] 156
Edna Kagan Baruch Yakov and Meir Kagan [Y] 156
Louie Zlotnik Chaim Leibovich [Y] 157
Ilia Aranovitch Gumener Ch. L. [Y] 157
Shmuel Solomon Ch. L. [Y] 158
Yitzchak Gurvitz a fellow townsman [Y] 159
Vager Family Ch. L. [Y] 159
Grandmother slept (in memory of the old woman Etl Goldberg) D. C.[H]160
Alter Kamenetzki N. K. [Y] 161
Shmuel Goldberg Lyuba Cohen [H] 162
Yehuda Kaplinski Lyuba Rudnicki [Y] 162
My mother and sisters Lyuba Valkin [H] 163
Hersh Ostashinski a fellow townsman [Y] 164
With the coffin of Rabbi Yosef Yoyzl Hurvits in Israel   [H] 164
The Surroundings [H] 165
Karelich Ch. T. [H] 165
How I remember Selib (Wsielub) Y. Y. [Y] 167
My Shtetl Selib Liba Shmulevits [Y] 168
My shtetl Selub Sara Shmulevits [H] 170
Tsemach The Coachman (A type from the shtetl Selub) Yehushua Yaffe [Y] 170
Novoyelnie Chana Kamin (Kaplan) [Y] 171
Our sisters and brother in USA [Y] 172
The Alexander Harkavy Navaredker aid committee in US Ya'akov Maslow [Y] 172
Novogrudok Progressive Branch 146 B. Seltzer [Y] 174
Yaakov Maslov L.Ch. [Y] 176
Committee of Emigrants from Novogrudok in Israel Lyuba Rudnicki [H] 178
About the editorial staff of the Pinkas Novogrudok (Yizkor) book the Editors[H]181
Poetry and Prose in Novogrudok [H] 183
The song of Beseeching Aharon Mirski [H] 185
The Holy Ark Falls Chaim Grade [Y] 186
Mickiewicz and the Jews of Novogrudok Prof B. Marc, Warsaw [Y] 188
Adam Mickiewicz and his attitude to JewsS. L. Shnayderman[Y]191
A Preacher in Siberia Dr S. Shabbat [H] 195
My home, poem Bertha Kling [Y] 196
A Friday in Novogrudok Fruma Kamieniecki [Y] 197
The first Rosh Hashona of the survivors of the Holocaust Chaim Leibovich [Y] 199
Three Kol Nidrei’s Chaim Leibovich [Y] 201
Legends and fables David Cohen [Y] 203
The path to riches
  [Y] 203
Belief in the Messiah
  [Y] 205
“We will do and obey”– a legend
  [H] 207
An Ethrog for Succoth
  [Y] 208
A “Din Torah” a Jewish court
  [Y] 209
Yitschok “Yom Suf”
  [Y] 210
“Boze moyi”
  [Y] 211
Letter from a mother Edna Kagan [Y] 213
The Shloss-barg Dr. Avraham Ostashinski [Y] 217
My home town Emanuel Efron [H] 220
Shoah and Bravery [Y] 227
Shoah [Y] 229
I fear and dread the consolation (poem) Mirsky [Y] 229
On the threshold of the shoah Yaakov Kivelevich [H] 230
A sea of troubles Eliyau Berkovitz [Y]  
Under the German Yoke Lyuba Rudnicki [Y] 241
Outside of the Ghetto Lyuba Rudnicki [H] 246
In the days of annihilation Shmuel Openheim [Y] 251
The 52 martyrs Yehuda Slucki [H] 257
The slaughter Eshke Shor Levin [Y] 258
The First Slaughter Sima Yanos-Portnoy [Y] 259
Slaughters Chaim Kravets [H] 263
Under the German whip Sula Rubin-Wolozynski [Y] 272
They burned the town Yehoshua Yaffe [Y] 274
The great destruction Chaim Leibovitz [Y] 287
(told by Chana Kirshner)   294
How I survived Idl Kagan [Y] 299
The Ghetto in Peresike Frume Gulkovitz-Berger [Y] 302
Chapters from the Holocaust Y. Yaffe [Y] 304
The latest Kaddish (a poem) Zelig Limon [Y] 329
No Yahrzeit candle (a poem) Nechama Layzerovski [Y] 330
Where is my home? (a poem) Miriam Ninkovski-Berkovich [Y] 330
And the Bravery [H] 331
The partisans’ company of Tuvia Belski Samuel Amarant [H] 333
Jewish revenge Chaim Leibovich [Y] 346
Memories Reyzl Volkin [Y] 351
Jewish Partisan Intelligence Moshe Reznick [Y] 353
Jewish Bravery Yehoshua Yaffe [Y] 354
A. The first Jewish partisans
The four mass graves Miriam Ninkovsky [H] 357
People of Novogrudok after liberation Yehoshua Yaffe [Y] 357
Partisans of Novogrudok who fell in action S. Openheim [H] 359
Such were the Jewish partisans Y. Yaffe [H] 361
My brother Meir Yaakov Rudnicki [Y] 364
In memory of my father, Asoel Belski Asoella [H] 365
How does Novogrudok look now? a townsman [Y] 366
The Conclusion   [H/Y] 367
The Blood Bond with the Land of Israel [H] 369
To Those Who Fell For Their Country   [H] 371
Osher Gorodisky
Ya'akov Ginenski [H] 371
Yekuti'el (Kushi) Solchinski
Bilha [H] 371
With Kushi in his last days
Shlomoleh Shvartz [H] 372
Ruven Openheim
Shmuel Openheim [H] 374
Eliezer Kriner
  [H] 376
Luka Shapiro
a friend [H] 376
A List: We will remember the Names of the Martyrs of Novogrudok, the Vicinity and Korelich [H] 377

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