Nashelsk: a Name, a City,
a People Eternal!
(Nasielsk, Poland)

52°35' / 20°48'

Edited by: Benjamin M. Bendat, assisted by Abe Korn

Los Angeles 1953

Our sincere appreciation to Bear Hartman for his great assistance
in enabling us to place this material in the JewishGen Yizkor Book Project

This is from “Nashelsk: a name, a city, a people eternal!”,
Edited by: Benjamin M. Bendat, assisted by Abe Korn,
Published by United Nashelsker Relief, Los Angeles 1953 (E, Y 84 pages).

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English articles
Foreword Benjamin M. Bendat
Book Contributors  
Irving Chroman  
Abe Korn  
“Nachlat Nashelsk” Benjamin M. Bendat
Our cross-country tour on behalf of our project Abe Korn
Pledges to the Housing Project in Israel  
Translated Yiddish articles
Memories of Nashelsk Leybush Silvershteyn
To the Sacred Memory of Nashelsk Gershon Prag
My Nashelsk Family Abraham Mordechai Bendat
My Shtetele [small town] Nashelsk Gershon Prag
The Man of the People, Abe Korn! Joseph Korn
My Young Memories of Nashelsk Joseph Korn
Nakhman Elia Korn  
The Opponent of Zionism in Nashelsk in 1918 Mendl Engel
Communal Life in Poland Feyvl Ziontz
Nashelsk - Program  
At the Housewarming Gershon Prag
A Letter to Chaim Laks in Nachlat Nashelsk Benyamin Bendat


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