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[Pages 237-346]

Lexicon of Jewish Musicians in Poland

A Partial List

Translated, Extracted and Compiled by Ada Holtzman

[See the enlarged pictures by clicking on the thumbnails]

No. Surname Name The Musician Years Town Page
1 AGEMAN Lea A teacher ?-1942 Holocaust Warszawa 239
2 AGEMAN Mojzesz A conductor ?-1942 Holocaust Warszawa 239
3 ALTENBERG Marian A pianist and a conductor 1907-1943 Warszawa 241
4 ALTERMAN Hilel The first cantor of Lodz 1849-1934 Russia / Lodz 241
5 ANHALT Pawel A musician, theoretician 229
6 APTE Henryk, Dr. A Vilonist ?-1942 Krakow 241
7 ARNOLD-HERSTEIN Roza, Dr. A pianist, pedagogue, manager of a music school 1896 - ? Krakow / Rzeszow 243
8 ARONOWICZ Dan A composer and music critic 1909-1981 Pultusk 242
9 ARONOWICZ Zygmunt A pianist Warszawa 243
10 AUSTERLIC Karol A jazz player 1906- Warszawa 240
11 BAGON Ber A conductor, composer Wilna 244
12 BAKMAN Icchak A cellist WWII, died in Russia Radom 245
13 BAKMAN Szymon A violinist virtuoso Radom 245
14 BAR Maria Miriam A pianist and a pedagogue Warszawa 246
15 BARUCH Waclaw A violinist Holocaust Warszawa 246
16 BAS Szalom Choirmaster and a teacher Holocaust (Partisan) Danielowicz (near Wilna) 245
17 BAUER Marek Dr. A violinist and a pedagogue Holocaust (Janow) Lwow 245
18 BEIGELMAN Abraham A pianist Holocaust Lodz 247
19 BEIGELMAN Chaim A violinist and a saxophone player 1916 - Lodz (the only Survivor) 247
20 BEIGELMAN Chanan A saxophonist and accordionist 1916 - Holocaust Lodz 248
21 BEIGELMAN Salomon A violinist Holocaust Lodz 248
22 BEIGELMAN Szymon A clarinet player, theater musician Holocaust ? Ostrowiec 248
23 BELZACZKI Dawid A conductor and composer Warszawa 251
24 BELZACZKI Jerzy A pianist and composer 251
25 BELZACZKI Stanisław A pianist and composer 1891-? Warszawa 251
26 BEM Czeslaw A viola player 1883-1942 Holocaust Warszawa 244
Fajwel A choirmaster and a teacher for singing Warszawa / Grodno 251
28 BEREZOWSKI Szaul A Yiddish theater musician 1908-1975 Grodno / Bialystok 252
29 BERKMAN Bernard A pianist and a pedagogue Holocaust Warszawa 252
30 BERMAN Jakub A choirmaster and a composer 1860-1932 Zdzieciol / Bialystok 251
31 BIALOSTOCKI Zygmunt A pianist and a composer ? 1942 Warszawa 247
32 BILIG Adolf Dr. A violinist 1900 - Holocaust Krakow 248
33 BIRNBAUM Abraham Ber A cantor, composer and a pedagogue 1865-1922 Pultusk 248
34 BIRNBAUM Zdzislaw A conductor 1880-1922 Warszawa, Berlin 250
35 BLECHAROWICZ Abraham A cantor and opera singer ?-1968 ? Near Wilna, Riga, Warszawa 250
36 BLUMENFELD Diana A folklorist singer 1906-1961 Warszawa 250
37 BODENSZTAJN Adasz A pianist 1911- Szpola (Ukraine) / Warszawa 244
38 BODENSZTAJN Chaim A viola player 1908-1981 Szpola (Ukraine) / Warszawa 244
39 BODENSTEIN Stanisław A violinist 1906-1939 Szpola (Ukraine) / Warszawa 245
40 BORENSTEIN Cwi A singer and a cantor Warszawa 247
41 BORUNSKI Leon A pianist. Winner of the Chopin Prize contest in Poland. He was among the best accompanists in Poland. He played in entertainment theaters “Morskie Oko” and “Qui Pro Quo”. During the war he was in Russia and played with the ensemble of Edi Rosner. After his return to Poland he was murdered by Poles in Otwock[1] near Warsaw. Borunski was the husband of the well known actress in Poland Stefania Gorska. 1909-1942 Warszawa 246
42 BRAUN Pola A composer and texts writer ? - 1943 (Maidanek) Warszawa 252
43 BRI Emil A jazz violinist 253
44 BROJDE Katriel A folklore composer 1907-1945 (Koenisberg) Wilna 253
45 BUSEL Eliahu A singing teacher and a conductor Holocaust Dziatlowo 247
46 CENTNERSZWER Maksymilian A violinist, music critic Warszawa 318
47 CHAJKIN Szymszon A violinist, soloist and pedagogue ? Holocaust (Astonia) ? Lithuania 286
48 CYMBLER A. Dr. A theoretician, musicologist and a pedagogue Russia, Wilna 318
49 CYMERMAN Chaim Dr. A cantor and singer Lublin 318
50 CYMERMAN Jakub A violinist and  violins repairer. Was born in Staszów. In his youth, he taught himself to play the violin, and later he learnt from a local Kleizmer. He moved to Warsaw, where he was vilolin-maker and repaired violins.  Great  artists were among those who visited his workshop. They were impressed by his work and asked his opinion on the sound of the violin. 
                                                      (Translated by a descendant, Nadav Eshkar)
Staszow 318
51 DARGUZANSKI Mojzesz A conductor, singing teacher and music critic 1867-1930 Olkieniki / Trok 262
52 DATYNER Herman Dr. A pianist, accompanist and music activist Warszawa 262
53 DATYNER Leon A singer and Zionist activist Warszawa 262
54 DAWIDOWICZ LICHTERMAN Sonia A pianist and accompanist Warszawa 262
55 DIAMANT Ala A soprano singer Lodz 265
56 DOBRZYNIEC A. A violinist, part of a quartet 1897-1944 Holocaust Warszawa 261
57 DOBRZYNIEC Stanislaw A violinist and a conductor Warszawa 261
58 DOLICKA Hilda A soprano drama singer Warszawa 262
59 DOREMBUS Nachman A choirmaster Zakroczym 263
60 DROBNER Mieczyslaw A pedagogue and a music theoretician Krakow 265
61 DURMASZKIN Akiwa A conductor, composer and a cantor Holocaust (Wilna) Radom / Wilna 265
62 DURMASZKIN Wolf A pianist, accompanist and a conductor 1914-1944 Holocaust (Astonia) Wilna 263
Icchak A conductor, pedagogue and a compo 1896-1973 Warszawa 237
64 EIDELSON Josef A cantor and a singer 1910 -? Warszawa 241
65 EIGER Wladyslaw A pianist and a compositor Lodz 240
66 ELBAUM Wladyslaw A soloist pianist Warszawa 238
67 ELBOJM Samuel A musician and a conductor 1892-1942 Holocaust Kutno 238
68 ELMAN Adam A singer Warszawa 239
69 ENGLENDER Szymon A violinist and a pedagogue Warszawa 239
70 ERWEST Ida A singer ?-1942 Holocaust Warszawa 239
71 ETKIN Roza A soloist pianist Warszawa 238
72 FALKOWSKA Lena A pianist and a pedagogue Warszawa 311
73 FAMILIER-HEFNER Janina A pianist Holocaust (Aktion in Ghetto Warszawa) Warszawa 311
74 FATER Issachar A musician, conductor, pedagogue and a music researcher 1912- Drobin, Zakroczym, Warszawa 309
Szmuel Icchak A cantor and a composer 1888-1942 Holocaust (Warszawa Ghetto) Makow Mazowiecki, Drobin, Zakroczym 308
76 FEIER Bernardo A conductor and a teacher of singing 1910-1967 Lwow 314
77 FEIERBERG Zygmunt 249
78 FEIFER Roza A singer Warszawa 314
79 FEINSTEIN Edwarda A pianist, soloist and an accompanist Warszawa 313
80 FEINSTEIN Regina A pianist & an accompanist Warszawa 314
81 FELTENSTEIN Stefania A virtuoso pianist Warszawa 316
82 FERSZKO Chaim A pianist and a composer Warszawa 316
83 FERSZKO Michael A pianist and accompanist ?-1942 Holocaust Luck 316
84 FERSZKO Sara A singer 31
85 FERSZKO Stanislaw (Szmuel) A pianist accompanist Luck 316
86 FIEDLER Bobi A saxophone player and jazz player ? - 1942 Holocaust Warszawa 312
87 FILIP Ludwik A musician, opera and theater orchestras conductor 1901- ? Lwow 314
88 FISCHAUT Josef A professor, pianist, accompanist and a pedagogue ? 1942 Holocaust Warszawa 314
89 FISCHMAN Henryk A violinist 1896-1942 Holocaust Warszawa 315
Grzegorz A violinist, conductor and a composer 1879-1953 Dwinsk (Latvia), Warsaw Poland 312
91 FLASTER Juta A pianist, soloist Holocaust Krakow 315
92 FLATO Arkadi A violinist, jazz player Warszawa 315
93 FLIDERBAUM Mieczyslaw Mosze A violinist, player in string quartet, conductor 1896-? Petersburg, Warszawa 315
94 FOLGER Dr. Martzin A violinist and a conductor. Born in Brod, Galicia; he studied music in Vienna. Upon his return to Poland, he settled in Stanislawaw. conducted and taught there at the gymnasium. During many years, he conducted the orchestra of the Association named after Munioshko. He was murdered by the Nazis in 1941. ?-1941 Holocaust Brody, Stanislawow 310
95 FOLMAN Lola A folklore singer and soloist Warszawa 311
96 FREIMAN - SOSNOWSKA Izabela A pianist, musicologist and music critic Krakow 317
97 FRENKEL Meir choir master Kutno 317
98 FRIEDMAN Salomon 253
99 FRONT Julek A violinist Warszawa 317
100 FRYDLAND Aleksander A violinist and conductor 1915- ??? 253
101 FURMANSKI Adam A trumpeter and conductor 1883-1943 Holocaust (Aktion in Ghetto Warszawa) Warszawa 311
102 GELBART Israel Jehoszua A teacher of singing 1895-1942 Holocaust (Aktion in Ghetto Lodz) Ozorkow / Lodz 260
103 GELBRUN Artur A violinist, conductor and composer 1913-1985 Warszawa 260
104 GELERNETER Kazimierz A young pianist Warszawa 260
105 GERSZOWICZ Tamara A pianist and pedagogue Wilna 259
106 GERSZTERNKORN J. A viola player Warszawa 261
107 GERT Jerzy A composer and conductor 1908-1968 Tarnow 261
108 GERTL Mechl (Michal) A musician and cultural activist Hrubieszow 261
109 GIMPEL Adolf A violinist, player of clarinet and theater conductor 1875-? Holocaust (Lwow Ghetto) Lwow 256
109a GIMPEL Bronislaw A violinist ? - 1979 Lwow AS
110 GIMPEL Jakub, (Kuba) A pianist 1906 - Died in Los Angeles (1996?) (AS) Lwow 256
111 GIMPEL Karol A pianist 1890-1942 (hospital in Buchara)[2] Lwow 256
Arie vel Alfred A violinist 1911-1980 Warszawa 256
Baruch vel Boleslaw A celist 1906-1990 War 257
114 GINZBURG Dow vel Bronislaw A pianist, percussion instruments player and composer 1906-1989 Warszawa 258
115 GINZBURG Grzegorz A violinist 1904 - Warszawa 257
Pesach Pawel A viola player 1881-1944 Warszawa 258
117 GISER P. A music teacher and violinist Radom 258
118 GLATSTEIN Josef Szlomo A choirmaster and music critic 1890-1942 Holocaust (Warszawa Ghetto) Lublin 259
119 GLEZER Chanan A choirmaster 1904-1942 Holocaust (Kovno) Wilna 260
120 GOLD Adam A clarinetist 259
121 GOLD Artur A violinist and composer of dance music 1897-1943 Holocaust Warszawa 254
122 GOLDBERG Filip A jazz player Warszawa 254
123 GOLDBERG Szymon A violinist artist and conductor 1909-1991 Wloclawek 254
124 GOLDBLUM Artur An engineer, composer Radom 254
125 GOLDSTEIN Jakub A cantor and singer 1897- ? Warszawa 255
126 GOLDSTEIN Josef A pianist, pedagogue and opera conductor 1899-? Kalisz 255
127 GORNOWSKI Jan A violinist Warszawa 255
128 GOTLIB Zdizsław A violinist, clarinet and a saxophone player 253
129 GUTWERK Mosze choirmaster and composer 1906-1942 Holocaust Wars 255
130 HABER Leopold A pianist and organizer of jazz orchestra Krakow 265
131 HAK Szmuel A choirs conductor and a singing teacher Luck 269
132 HALLER Tinka A singer and teacher of singing Stanislawow 266
133 HALPERIN Henryk A violinist and conductor 1896 -? Warszawa 266
134 HALPERIN Maksimilian A contrabass player and conductor of entertainment theaters 1869 - ? Lublin 266
135 HAMERMAN Israel A pianist, accompanist and conductor 1914-1943 Holocaust (Ghetto Warszawa) Warszawa / Lwow 267
136 HARRIS Albert A musician, texts writer and jazz player 270
137 HARRIS Miecislaw A musician and texts writer Lublin 270
138 HEILMAN Icchak A conductor and pedagogue 1906 - Lwow 270
139 HEIMAN Zygmunt A jazz player and a banjo player Warszawa 271
140 HELLER Leon A violinist and saxophone player, mainly jazz music 1908 or 1906 Warszawa 272
Ida A violinist 1925 - Chelm 272
142 HERMELIN Artur A soloist pianist 1901-1943 Lwow 273
143 HERMELIN Natan, Law Dr. A violinist, conductor and composer 1875-1941 Holocaust (Lwow, Suicide) Lwow 273
Mordechai A cantor and musician 1886-1943 ? From Wolyn 273
145 HERSZMAN Szlomo A cantor and singer ? From Wolyn 274
146 HIMELSTEIN Abraham Mordechai A musician, conductor 1905-1978 Warszawa, Grodzisk, Plock 271
147 HIRSCHFELD Jakub A pianist, accompanist, opera conductor and pedagogue. 1870-1934 Warszawa 272
148 HIRSCHIN Eliahu (Elinke) A cantor, conductor, composer and a writer 1876-1960 Plonsk, Warszawa 271
149 HOFFMAN Jan A pianist, admirer of Chopin, a pedagogue Krakow 268
Jehuda Juliusz A musician, conductor and accompanist 1878-1941 Holocaust (Auschwitz) Odessa / Krakow 268
151 HOFFMAN Mieczyslaw Mietek A pianist and an accompanist Holocaust (Lwow) Krakow 268
Dr. Szlomo A composer, musicologist and pedagogue 1909 - Warszawa 268
153 HOFMAN Tobiasz Szymon A tenor singer 1907-1942 Holocaust Warszawa 268
154 HOFMEKLER Liole A conductor Holocaust (Wilna, Ponar) Wilna / Kowno 269
Ludwik A violinist and conductor 1889-1942 Holocaust (Treblinka) ? Near Warszawa 266
156 HOROWIC Marceli A violinist, pedagogue and conductor 1909-1942 Holocaust (Lwow) Stryj / Lwow 269
157 JEDWABNIK Dawid, Dr. A musician, activist, artists and musicians guardian Wilna 286
158 JELENSKI Hirsz A singer Lwow 286
159 JOFE Miron A pianist and master choir Radom 286
160 JOSELZON Tadeusz A violinist and saxophone player Lodz 285
161 JOSKOWICZ Abraham Iser choirmaster and A singing teacher Holocaust (Wilna) Piatnica near Lomza 286
162 KAC Albert A cellist, chamber music player and conductor 1910- Wilna 287
163 KAC J. A viola player Warszawa 287
164 KAC Mordechai Markus A cantor and singer Near Krzemieniec in Wolyn District 287
165 KAC Renate A soprano lyric singer 287
166 KACMAN Dawid A cantor, lyric tenor singer Lwow, Bialystok 323
167 KAGAN Jakub A pianist, jazz player Warszawa 319
168 K- KOCHANOWSKI Feliks A violinist and operas conductor 1889-1943 Holocaust Nowogrodek 319
169 KAGAN - KOCHANOWSKI Mieczyslaw A violinist and operas conductor 1887-1943 Holocaust Nowogrodek 319
170 KALECKI Jakub 270
171 KALMANOWICZ Halina A pianist, soloist ? - 1942 Holocaust Wilna 321
172 KAMINSKI - GORDUS Klara A singing teacher Warszawa 321
173 KAMPELMACHER Bernard A singing teacher and conductor Galicia, Sochaczew 321
174 KANTOROWICZ Aleksander A violinist, conductor and pedagogue 1900- Wilna 322
175 KAPLAN Pesach A conductor, composer and music critic ? - 1943 Holocaust (Bialystok) Bialystok 322
176 KASZOWSKI Frydryk A trumpeter, soloist Warszawa 323
177 KATASZEK Szymon A pianist, conductor of jazz bands ? - 1943 Holocaust (Warszawa) Warszawa 320
178 KINSTLER Becalel A choirmaster Lwow 327
179 KIRSZBRAUN Arnold Dr. A violinist and musicologist Warszawa 327
Pawel A conductor, composer and violinist 1900-1973 Lodz 328
181 KLEIMAN Teodor A violinist, player in quartet and soloist Lublin, Warszawa 327
182 KLINICKI Mendel A singer, lyric tenor Luck 327
183 KLINICKI Rywka A lyric soprano singer Luck 327
184 KLINKOWSTEIN Szmuel A violinist and cellist Plock 328

Translator's Footnotes

  1. As per A. Szpilman in an email message from 3 October 2003, Karol Gimpel was killed by Soviet NKWD and did not die in a hospital in Buchara. Return

  2. As per A. Szpilman in an email message from 3 October 2003, Leon Borunski was in Otwock for treatment of the tuberculosis and returned shortly before the mass deportations to Treblinka. He was murdered by the Germans in Treblinka (source: “The Pianist”. By W. Szpilman). Return

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