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Excerpts from Sámuel Kerekes - Barnabás Enyedi:
A Monography and Detailed Directory of Győr-Moson-Pozsony County and Győr 1929-1930;

Gyula Szeghalmy: TransDanubian Counties 1938

These lists were compiled just a few years prior to the Shoa for the local government's annual directories. The listings clearly indicate that Jewish institutions and individuals were accurately recorded by the authorities since the late 19th century. These lists reflect recognition and remarkable appreciation for the merits and achievements of local Jews: a somewhat surprising phenomena in light of the horrors of the years to come.


1. Moson
Village including the settlements Krisztinamajor, Újmajor, Kisudvar, Izabellamajor, Károlyháza-puszta, Kozliktanya, Megyimoritanya, Priegltanya, Rábipuszta.v

Jewish population: 700

Private practices:

Dr. Jakab Löwin. Diploma obtained at the Budapest Medical Univ. in 1911. Worked in Budapest until 1914. Moved to Moson in 1919. Chartered physician of the National Health Service. Active service in the Great War as field doctor.
Dr. Ármin Malz (dentist)
Dr. Adolf Sommer
Dr. Károly Stadler


Dr. Lajos Weisz

State Primary School teacher:

Henrik Hirn – Diploma obtained in Eperjes 1902. Moved to Moson in 1923.


Szalag- és Paszományárúgyár Rt. (Ribbon and Laces Factory)
Managing Director: Géza Győri – Finished business school in Germany in 1907. Factory employee since 1908. MD since 1919. Member of the local council. Active service in the Great War.


Károlyháza-puszta - Leaseholder Sámuel Justh – Finished business school in Debrecen in 1894. Holds the lease since 1919. Earlier worked as farm steward at the Batthyany estate. With a large swine export, property is among most advanced estates in the region. Member of municipal Committee and Győr Agricultural Chamber. Served in the 11. Vienna Hussar Regiment from 1894-97. Discharged after a long active service In the Great War due to a serious injury.

Poultry trader:

Oszkár Steiner

Wine, beer and spirit retailer:

Ernő Deutsch. Shop founded by grandfather in 1869. Large spirit stock supplies Moson and neighborhood. Active service in war. Cousin Lipót Schneider, died in action at Doberdo (Italy).

Threshing machine owner:

Vilmos Schneider

Leather retailers:

Károly Gerstmann. Schools completed in Vienna in 1916. Company founded by his grandfather in 1851. In 1916 joined the 18. infantry regiment, active service on the Italian front. Adolf Reichenberg

Furniture retailers:

Salamon Gróf
Adolf Spitzer

Cement and lime retailers:

Antal Kurz
Antal Weisz
Footwear retailers:
Bernát Kohn
Mrs. Ferencné Sauer

Shoe and boot makers:

József Feigelstock
Lajos Rehberger

Confectioners and candy retailers:

Mór Berl

Garment retailers:

Rafael Bass. Learnt trade at Sárvár. Founded men's and ladies' wear shop in 1903. Member of the municipal committee and local council. Board Member of Moson Town and Environ Saving Bank. Joined the Komárom Fusiliers in 1915, active service in Russia.
Bernát Kohn
Wd. Ferencné Sauer
Lipót Topf

Men's tailor:

József Braun

Wood retailer:

Vilmos Schneider

Dental technician:

Ottó Stadler

Grocer: Pál Scheiber. Commodities wholesale trader. Studied trade at Jánosháza. Operates business since 1913. Large taxpayer, member of the municipal committee and the local council. Joined the 83. infantry regiment in Szombathely, active service in Russia, discharged due to injury.

Grain, commodity and wheat traders:

Károly Löwin. Completed grammar school in Magyaróvár, learnt trade at his father's (Sámuel Löwin) shop. Took over shop management in 1913-ban. In peace time, served at the Pétervárad Fusiliers, during the war active field service for 37 months. War decorations.
Manó Löwin. Grammar school in Magyaróvár. 1906-1910 works at flour mills and large grain companies in Orosháza. 1910-1914 clerk in Nagykanizsa and Magburg. 1920 became local representative of the archduke's court mill. Joined the army at mobilization, active service in field hospitals in Russia and Italy.
Mór Neumann
Jakab Stadler
Jakab Stern

Machinery distributors:

Lipót Seiden


Márton Fischer - 1893-1925 State Railway employee, retired as carriage-examiner. In 1927, founded its own workshop which is managed jointly with his son, Hugó.
Jakab Knapp


Manó Schlezinger. Learnt trade from his father. Took over shop in 1923. In 1915, joined 76. infantry regiment, active service in Russia during the war. Injured, disabled. War decoration.
Oszkár Steiner

Hat makers:

Sári Fischer
Béla Szigeti

Handicrafts retailers:

József Braun
Vilma Steiner

Book and paper retailers:

Ignác Fischer

Wheat traders:

Manó Löwin
Gizi Breiner

Cattle traders:

Jakab Weisz

Watchmakers and jewelers:

Lajos Weisz. Learnt the trade in Magyaróvár. From 1900, further training in Germany, Vienna and Debrecen. Since 1913 independent trading business. Large stocks of watches, gold and silver jewels. Military service from 1910-1912. At mobilization joined the army again and served on the Russian, Romanian and Italian front as 1st class accounting junior officer . Several war decorations.
László Friedmann


Ignác Fischer


Lajos Steiner. From 1915 voluntary service at the 76. infantry regiment. Active field service for 31months. From 1926 independent forwarding and hire car business.

Spirits wholesale trading:

Ernő Deutsch

Fuel traders:

Antal Kurz
Vilmos Schneider
Henrik Weisz

Trade agents:

Frigyes Berger
Károly Geiger
Hermann Kurz
Ignác Weisz

Sewing machine retailers:

Lipót Seiden


2. Israelite Community – Moson

Established in 1860. President: Adolf Spitzer; Vice-President: Sándor Friedmann; Treasurer: Ignác Fischer, Committee members: Manó Löwin, Miksa Weiner, Mór Neumann, Ernő Schneider, Mór Braun, Gyula Gerstl, Antal Kurz.

Rafael Bass textile trader. – Born in 1875 Sárvár. Learnt trade in Kőszeg. After the death of his parents, took over the Sárvár shop. From 1903 independent business in Moson. 1915-18 active war service in Italy. Shop founded in 1846. Local council member. Wife: Malvin Gerstmann. Children: László and Lili.

Ernő Deutsch merchant and farmer. Born in Moson 1883. Schools in Pozsony and Vienna. Diploma at Magyaróvár Business College in 1906. First worked in parents farm, from 1909 as partner. From 1918 military service at a car division. In 1918, director of Seed Improving Institute. Council member. Wife: Margit Fischer. Children: Marianne and Gyula.

Deutsch Testvérek Ecetgyára (Duetsch Brothers Vinegar Factory) Moson. Founded by the late Gyula Deutsch in 1896. Opened spirits and wine distributing business in 1916. Current owner: Ernő Deutsch.

Zsigmond Feigelstock ironmonger. Born in Moson 1905. From 1925 worked for ten years as apprentice. In 1935 became independent. Wife: Frida Zendan.

Oszkár Frischmann retailer of technical products. Born 1898 Sopron. Joined war army in 1916, active service on the Italian front, injured and disabled. War decorations. From 1930, independent business in Moson. Shop sells bicycles, radios, sewing machines and electric ware.

Károly Gerstmann leather trader. Born in Moson, 1897. Schools in Magyaróvár and Vienna. From 1921 independent business. Shop operates since 1851. In the war, active service for 13 months at the Italian front. Wife: Ilona Sági. Children: Péter and Pál.

László Kelen ladies' outfitter. Born in 1908, Magyaróvár. Graduated at Győr Business School. Worked in Budapest, in 1937 partner in his father's business

Mór Knapp ironmonger. Born in Moson, 1892. Apprentice in his father's (Gábor Knapp) business. In 1929 took over business. In the war six months field service in Russia. Treasurer of the Jewish Community. Wife: Elza Gerstl.

Antal Kurz - lime, cement and coal retailer. Born in 1887, Bezenye. In 1920, became independent in Moson. Active war service in Karpathia and Galicia, POW in 1915, returned in 1918. Wife: Kohn Blanka. Son: László.

Károly Löwin – wheat and grain trader. Born in Moson, 1886. In 1913, became independent and took over his father's business. Active service in war in Russia and Italy. Several war decorations. Wife:
Olga Deutsch. Children: János and Miklós.

Károly Schneider - wood trader. Born in Moson 1890. Schools in Magyaróvár, Vienna and Brno.
Active service in war in Russia and Italy. Several war decorations. In 1926 became independent. Wife: Ilona Heves. Son: György.

Adolf Spitzer - furniture retailer. Born in 1876 Farkasd. Schools in Érsekújvár. Became independent in 1900. Active war service in Russia and Romania. Injured and disabled. Between 1905-12 president of the Jewish Community. Since 1930 President of the Chevra Kadisha. Board member of the Mosonmagyaróvár Savings Bank. Wife: Gizella Steiner.

Dr. Károly Stadler - chartered physician of the National Health Service. Born in 1893 Magyaróvár. Schools in Magyaróvár and Győr, Medical University in Budapest. Diploma obtained in
1917. Active service in the Great War as field doctor in Albania. Several decorations. First worked as district doctor in Szakcs. From 1923 worked in the Brody Hospital, Budapest. Opened private practice in Moson in 1926. Wife: Mária Keller. Son: Péter.

Stern Jakab - Grain Trading Co. Owners: Alfréd Stern and Ernő Stern. Ernő born in 1885 Moson, schools in Moson. Father (Jakab S.) founded company in 1876. Ernő became independent in 1923.
1915-18: active service in Romania. Member of local council.
Alfréd Stern born 1880, Moson. Schools here and Pozsony, joined the company in 1913. Currently manages the company's Győr branch. Wife: Rózsi Reichenfeld. Children: György and Andor.

Ernő Weisz - lime and coal retailer. Born in Moson 1884. Apprenticing in Győr, Losonc and Sárvár. Independent business from 1910. Active service in war in Romania. Wife: Ilona Melcon. Children: Tíbor and Éva.

Oszkár Weisz- machinery retailer. Born in Moson 1901. Learnt drapery trade in Pozsony. Opened shop in 1920. Dealer of Singer and Petrofor sewing machines. Wife: Teréz Luka.


3. Magyaróvár town

Includes: Fenyőmajor, Paulaudvar, Csikólegelő, Lóvár, Jánosmajor, Karoserdei erdő-őrlak, Gátőrház and Udvarrét. - Jewish population: 150.

Member of Moson and Magyaróvár unification committee: Dr. Béla Havas Managing Director of Magyaróvár Rayon Factory;
Member of Tax Revision Committee: Ede Hoffmann, merchant

Large tax payers:

Dr. Béla Havas Managing Director of Magyaróvár Rayon Factory;
Richárd Szekeres factory manager; Dr. Gyula Weisz district health officer; Ignác Weisz college-trained farmer; Ede Hoffmann merchant; Ödön Toldi Director of Magyaróvár Rayon Factory;
Council member: Ferenc Springer butcher.

Civil servants:

Dr. Albin Vámos. Schools in Miskolc, Budapest. Law diploma in 1906 at Kolozsvár (Cluj) university. Chartered lawyer with law office in Budapest. In 1914 appointed sub-judge in Nagykároly, from 1917 in Magyaróvár.

Treasury councellor:

Mór Oesterreicher.

Health institutions and doctors:

National Health Service Magyaróvár Branch consultant: Dr. Pál Szily urologist;
District physicians: Dr. Gyula Weisz district principal health officer;

Physicians :

Dr. Pál Szily of Szilsárkány surgeon and urologist. Grammar school and university in Budapest. Worked as specialist in various Budapest hospitals. In 1928 moved to Magyaróvár. During the war served as captain / field doctor. Several war decorations.
Dr. Vilmos Viltsek, dentist. Grammar school in Nyitra, university in Budapest. Diploma 1904. Worked in Pozsony, Cluj and Szombathely hospitals. Since 1914 local dentist practice. During the war, field service in Russia for one year. Several war decorations.
Dr. Gyula Weisz district medical officer. 1910-17 consulting physician in Moson county Karolina Hospital. From 1917- district medical officer. During the war head surgeon of 11. Hussar Regiment. In 1914 serious injury. War decorations.


Dr. Miklós I. Stadler;
Dr. Győző Steiner: Schools in Pozsony and Győr, university diploma in Budapest and Vienna. Doctor of law in 1884, lawyer's examination passed in 1886. 1886-93 Érsekújvár legal practice. Member of county and municipal committee. During the war his sons - Ernő lawyer, Dezső railway engineer and Miksa pharmacist in Cluj – served in Russia.


Hungarian Charitable Teaching Order Magyaróvár Gymnasium. Ordinary teacher of Israelite religion Henrik Hirn
Royal State Elementary School. Teacher: Márta Vas; Teacher of Isr. Religion: Henrik Hirn


„Moson vármegye”. Launched as „Magyaróvárí Hírlap” in 1903. Editors and publishers: Gyula Anda President of the Chancery and Soma Gálosi county auditor.

Cooperatives and banks:

Magyaróvári Bank Rt. Solicitor: Dr. Miklós I.Stadler lawyer

Industrial companies

Magyaróvári Mûselyemgyár R.T. (Magyaróvár Rayon Factory) Managing Director Dr. Béla Havas, Director Ödön Toldi
Vadásztöltény-, Gyutacs- és Fémárugyár R.T. (Shotgun Cartridge, Fuse and Metal Factory) Director: Richárd Szekeres, Royal Counselor.


Ferenc Springer; Ignác Weisz.


Ferenc Springer

Footwear retailers:

Adolf Hecksch; Ede Hoffmann; Gábor Kohn; Gábor Steiner.

Threshing machine and tractor owners:

Ferenc Springer.

Licensed tobacconists:

Ferenc Sussmann; Vilmosné Viltsek.

Underwear makers:

Aranka Löwin.

Grocers and chandlers:

Dávid Singer; Jakab Stadler; Ferenc Sussmann

Grain dealer:

Mór Neumann


Izidor Feldmár; Ferenc Springer; Emil Weisz

Toy dealers:

Aranka Löwin

Hat dealers:

Gusztáv Kohn; Ignác Steiner.

Brush makers:

Vilmos Gerstl

Handicraft dealers:

Aranka Löwin, Adolf Hecksh; Ede Hoffmann; Jakab Stadler; Oszkár Sussmann.

Ladies' hat maker:

Antónia Sauer.


Adolf Hecksh; Ede Hoffmann; Jakab Stadler; Oszkár Sussmann.

Garment dealers:

Adolf Heksch; Ede Hoffmann; Gábor Kohn; Ignác Steiner.

Cap maker:

Zsigmondné Nemes

Sports goods dealer:

Gábor Kohn; Ignác Steiner.


Zsigmondné Nemes.

Men's and Ladies's clothing:

Adolf Heksch; Ede Hoffmann; Gábor Kohn; Ignác Steiner.

Electricians: Pál Schusitzky


Cikolasziget village

Restaurant owner:
Zsigmond Steiner. The owner of the popular restaurant was the first butcher in the village. Also farms his own land. Member of local council since 1902. Restaurant taken over by his son Béla. Brother Dezső killed in action in Russia, 1914.


Béla Steiner. Born 1902 Darnó. Operates pub since 1927. Wife: Gizella Lang. Children: Ferenc and Endre. Uncle Dezső Steiner killed in war.


Darnózseli (Mosondarnó) village

Jewish population: 12


Henrik Mauthner (Atti-major)
Chandler: Mór Grosz.


Oszkár Hirschler.


Béla Berger


Lajos Farkas also restaurant-owner, butcher. Independent since 1892. Lives in Zseli since 1914 Large tax payer. Member of local council. Active service during the war in 31. infantry regiment.
László Farkas publican and butcher, Born in 1903 Dunaszeg. Schools in Győr. Independent since 1935. Wife: Lenke Braun, daughter: Éva. Uncle: Ehrenthal Mihály, cousins Mihály Goldschmidt and Emil Rothbaum killed in war.


Dunakiliti village

Jewish population: 2.

Weisz Rudolf merchant, born Dunakiliti 1900. Took over father's shops. Wife: Józsa Lang.
Children: Miklós and Róbert. Brother-in-law Sándor Lang serviceman, injured in war.


Halászi village

Jewish population: 1.


Ignácné Gellei


Hegyeshalom village

Jewish population: 10.


Wid. Rehberger Mátyásné. Husband died in 1915 as PoW in Russia, brother killed in action in 1917 in Russia.

Shoe and boot makers:

András Rehberger

Cattle trader:

József Kohn

Antal Back haberdasher and draper:. Born in 1895, Pozsony. Schools in Moson. From 1915 active service in Russia and Italy. Several war decorations. Independent business in Hegyeshalom since 1932. Vice-President of the Magyaróvár Előre Bicycle Club. Wife: Borbála Gerlach. Children: László, Ervin and Irén.
Miklós Neumann dental technician. Born in 1908 Budapest. Independent business in
Hegyeshalom since 1935. Wife: Emma Winterstein. Daughter: Aranka. Father-in-law Hermann Winterstein , served in army during the war.

Dávid Singer small ware retailer. Born in 1911 Diszel. Schools in Tapolca, apprenticeship in Győr. With two brothers , Adolf and Izidor opened shop in Hegyeshalom in 1935. Member of Hungarian Boxing Club. Second place at Dunántúl Boxing Championship in 1931. Father Hermann Singer served in war.


Horvátkimle village

Jewish population: 12.


Irma Lunczer, Lipót Lunczer. Estate leased out. Member of local council. since 1901. Cousin Ede Fried killed in action in Russia.

Poultry trader:

Lipót Lunczer


Sándor Knapp. Since 1922 independent trader. Active service in war, injured, right leg amputated. Several war decorations.


Kisbodak village

Jewish population: 10.


Lipót Scheiber (Süly), member of local council. Active service in war. Owns local pub since 1908.


Lipót Scheiber

Poultry trader:

Árpád Gróf

Spices trader:

Árpád Gróf


Levél village

Jewish population: 5.


Andor Löwin


Lébény village

Jewish population: 47.


Mihály Winkler. Schools Pozsony and Magyaróvár. Independent business since 1903 in Magyaróvár. Branch in Lébény since 1926. Active service in 4. Fusiliers Regiment since 1914. Served in Russia as reconnaissance officer. In 1915 PoW in Russia, returned in 1921. Brothers József and Ferenc killed in action.
Etel Deutsch; Etel Nemschitz; Henrik Schlésinger; Vilmos Schlésinger; Simonné Wittmann.

Grain and commodity trader:

Alfréd Deutsch


Jakab Goldstein ; Gyula Goldstein

Watchmaker and jeweler:

Vilmos Schlesinger

Restaurant and pub owners:

Mihály Winkler


Lipót village

Jewish population: 3.


Gyula Berger

Restaurant and pub owners:

Béla Berger


Magyarkimle village

Jewish population: 29


Henrik Mauthner (Novák-puszta and Mária-major); Dánielné Lunczer

Industrial plants:

Mauthner Henrik Szesz-, dextrin-, szirup-, szőlő-, cukor- és faedénygyára (Wooden cask factory)


Wid. Dánielné Lunczer; Simon Gróf. Lipót Knapp


Máriakálnok village

Jewish population: 2.


Géza Singer.

Wheat retailers:

Géza Singer. Born in 1893 Vértesszőlős. Schools in Tata, apprenticeship in Budapest. Active service in the Great War for 28 months in Serbia, Russia and Italy. Twice injured. War decorations. Set up shop in Máriakálnok in 1923. Wife: Lenke Knapp


Mecsér village

Jewish population: 5.


Jenő Grotta leaseholder and merchant. Member of the local council. Born in 1877 Mecsér. Schools in Győr. Apprentice for 12 years . Took over father's business in 1917. Cultivates own land.
Wife: Gizella Wiener. Children: Andor, Béla and Margit.


Mosonszentjános village

Jewish population: n.a. .

Private practice:

Dr. Manó Bloch. University in Budapest. Obtained diploma in 1911. Worked in Arad (Oradeu) and Temesvár (Timisoara) hospitals. Began private practice in 1913. Chartered physician of local medical aid society. Active service in the war in Russia. Discharged as lieutenant / head doctor. Several war decorations.

District veterinary:

Rezső Breuer. After finishing veterinary college in 1917 Vienna, began practice locally. Since 1927 district veterinary. In the war served as veterinary in Romania and Italy. Decorations.
Dr. Emil Székely. Grammar school in Győr, university studies in Budapest. Obtained doctoral degree in 1904, Law examination in 1909. Active service in the war in Russia, Italy and Serbia.
Mosonszentjános Medical Aid Society was established in 1884. Society physician: Dr. Manó Bloch

Shoe retailer:

Arnold Székely.

Gent's, ladies' outfitters:

Paula Bloch ; Arnold Székely


Bernát Goldberger

Henrik Bloch entrepreneur. Born in 1854 Komárom. After grammar school joined his father's business as tax concession holder. Later moved to Mosonszentjános and worked as flour mills agent until 1914. Wife: Janka Flaschner (dec). Children: Anna, married name Gáborné Kelen, Manó physician and Paula fashion retailer. Son, Imre was killed in the war.


Mosonszentpéter village

Jewish population: 5.

Licensed tobacconist and grocer:

Henrik Szarvas. Shop taken over from his father in 1918. Member of the Rifle Club and the local Choral Society. Joined the 64. infantry regiment in peace time; during the war served in Serbia, Russia and Italy. Several war decorations. Discharged as sergeant.

Small ware retailers:

Mihály Schay and Henrik Szarvas
Merchant Henrik Szarvas born in 1890 Mosonszentjános. Active service in the war in Serbia, Russia and Italy. Discharged as sergeant. Several war decorations.
Took over his father's business founded in 1897. Since 1919 independent merchant in Mosonszentpéter, Wife: Frida Weisz. As a large tax payer, Henrik is a member of the local council.


Mosonszentmiklós village

Jewish population: 23.


Géza Krausz ; Gyula Szende.

Grain and commodity trader:

Sándor Krausz

Miksa Spitzer - estate clerk. Born 1883 Aldebrő. Grammar school in Gyöngyös. Worked in various estates as farm steward. Since 1922 senior clerk at Count Pál Wenkheim's estate in Mosonszentmiklós. Active service in war in Serbia and Italy. Once injured seriously. Discharged as sergeant. Several war decorations. Wife: Etelka Goldstein, children: Juliska, married name Istvánné Holczer; Ibolya and János.
Géza Krausz - merchant. Born locally in 1877. First jobs in Győr. Later took over his father's local business. Since Géza died in 1930, the shop is managed by his widow and son. Géza served in the war in Serbia and Romania. Promoted to military policeman. Discharged as corporal. Wife: Katalin Koralek, children: Irma and Dezső.
Szende Gyula - grocer. Born locally in 1881. Took over his father's business in 1918. Active service in the war in Romania. Wife: Eszter Lusztig. Son: László.


Oroszvár village

Jewish population: 8.

Oroszvár Civil Casino Treasurer: Simon Berl.

Insurance broker:

Károly Krausz.

Cement and lime retailer:

Wd. Epstein Mihályné.

Licensed tobacconist:

Simon Berl


Simon Berl; Henrik Dux

Flour mills:

József Grosz. Owner of the mill since 1915. Four employees. Member of the local council. Brother Ferenc served in the war.


Manóné Ferundl


Pusztasomorja village

Jewish population: 5.


Mórné Stern


Rajka village

Jewish population: 160.

Local Jewish community. No local rabbi. Local Synagogue.
Community president: Vilmos Weisz merchant. Shochet : Mór Szendrovics.

Poultry retailer:

Ábrahám Silberberg.

Leather retailers:

Samu Löwin ; Gábor Trődl.

Lime and cement retailer:

Ferenc Kurz.

Shoe retailer:

Gyula Klinger.


Jenő Lang.

Fashion wear retailer:

Jenő Nádas. Schools in Budapest. Trade College Diploma obtained in 1913. Village shop operated since 1920. Director of Budapest-based Szalaggyár Rt., Managing Director of the local ribbon factory, member of the Crediting Co-operative. During the war, active service in the 25. joint infantry regiment in Russia and Serbia. Discharged as invalid. War decorations.
Jakab Weisz: Grammar school in Pozsony. Attended Budapest Veterinary College. 1922-25 lives in Vienna and Berlin. Since 1925 independent retailer, member of the Crediting Co-operative. In 1918, joined the 23. infantry regiment and fought in Italy. Discharged as sergeant.

Licensed tobacconist:

József Gelehrter.

Wood retailer:

Ferenc Kurz. Schools in Boldogasszony and Vienna. His business to retail building materials, fuel firewood, coal and lime was set up in 1908. Entered military service in 1904. Active service during the war in Russia and Italy. Twice injured. Several war decorations. His younger brother, Lipót disappeared in Russia in 1915, and the other brother Miklós died due to a war-inflicted illness in 1922.


Samu Löwin. Took over the shop from his father in 1897. Former president of the Jewish Community. Former member of the local council. Member of the Crediting Cooperative. Several family members served in the war. His son, Mór served as lance corporal with an air division in Italy.
Gábor Trődl ; Wd. Jakabné Weisz; Vilmos Weisz.

Grain and commodity trader:

Mór Löwin. Schools in Pozsony. Since 1920independent grain trader. Business managed jointly with younger brother. Sells agricultural commodities also at foreign markets. Treasurer of the Jewish Community. During the war active service with an air division;
Lipót Löwin.


József Weisz. Learnt skills from his father. Became independent in 1904. Worked for several years in Moson and Pozsony. Shop opened in 1910. Exports live and slaughtered animals to foreign markets.Large tax payer, member of the local council. His elder brothers, Ignác and Sándor served as servicemen in Italy and Russia. His cousin, Ignác Spuller was killed in the war in Italy, 1916. Ignác Weisz.

Cattle trader:

József Weisz.

Soda water maker:

Wd. Miksáné Spuller. Manages the factory jointly with her son since his husband's death in 1918. The factory produces about 15,000 bottles annually. Two of her sons also served in the war: Rudolf was injured and captured, released only two years later. Emil injured twice, became disabled.

Egg seller:

Róza Weisz

Feather dealers:

Fülöp Kohn; Izidor Schwarz; Izidor Ungár.

Restaurant and pub owners:

Henrik Pollák (Kosher restaurant) ; Wd. Ferencné Pollák


Rajka Jewish Community

Birth, marriage and death events are registered only since 1835, but the Community had existed much earlier. Currently, 35 families with 110 individuals belong to the Community which has a Synagogue and a Prayer House. The rabbi is Mózes Krausz who joined the community six years ago. His wife's grandfather, József Schlesinger served as Rabbi for 35 years in Rajka. There is a Chevra Kadisha. Cantor: Mór Szendrovics. President: Sámuel Löwin. Vice-President: Lipót Kurcz.

Merchant Mór Löwin born in 1899 Rajka. Schools in Rajka and Pozsony, learnt trading skills from his father, Samuel. Became independent in 1924. Six years later, he and his brother established a grain trading company. Wife: Frida Hertzka. Children: Dorottya, Irén and Júlia; Pál Löwin wife: Stefánia Neumann. Son: Tibor.

Magyar Szalagipar Nádas és Hackenberger, Rajka. (Hungarian Ribbon Industry). Established in 1912 by Emil Homberg. 120 employees, 2 clerks and 1 storeman. Current owners bought the factory in 1931. Károly Hackenberger is the Plant Manager. Factory modernized in 1933-34.

Zsigmond Spuller grain trader. Born in 1901 Rajka. Set up business in 1930. Large export to foreign markets. Wife: Rózsi Fleischmann. Son: Miklós. Zsigmond's brother, Jenő born 1903 Rajka.

Soda water Factory of Zsigmond and Jenő Spuller, Rajka. Established in 1915 by the father of current owners ,Miksa Spuller. The family is believed to have lived in Rajka for 400 years.

József Weisz butcher, animal exporter. Born in 1885 Rajka. First, manager of the family's Pozsony shop. Established the Rajka shop in 1910. Wife: Kornélia Klein. Children: Miklós, Zsuzsanna and Anna.

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 9 Mar 2013 by LA