25th Anniversary Book
of the Moghileff Brotherhood
(Mahilyow, Belarus)

53°55' / 30°20'



Yiddish Translator

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Serebryanski

English sections typed up by Genia Hollander


This is a translation of: 25th Anniversary Book of the Moghileff Brotherhood,
American Brotherhood of Moghileff, Published: Chicago, ~1926 (Y, E 110 pages)

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A Quarter of a Century The Editors 5
Me and Them Z. Veinper 7
How the Mohilev American Brotherhood Guild was founded Harry Levin 8
Our compatriot association – this is our letter of our lineage connection in America Shmuel Niger 13
The closest problems of the Mohilever compatriots A. Levitan 17
Aphorisms Y. Skolnik 19
Altinke - Cute old one D. Pinsky 20
The compatriot organizations of America Dr. Y. S. Gallin 24
My Village Y.H. Radotsky 27
My Village Hillel Tzeitlin 28
We want to know 34
Silhouettes of the past Avremel 36
Mohilev in the saga of the Jewish revolutionary movement K. Marmar 39
A bucket of Nettle Yoel Coco 41
Moghilever Antiques A. Litvin 45
Letters to Mohilev Societies 51
Man and Wife Z. Libin 57
Brief questions and answers   59
Our new Institution B. Shapiro 60
A monologue from a chossid who was at the Rebbes daughter's wedding   62
Our compatriot union Z. Tigel 64
Our activities in numbers B. Shapiro, A. Kroll & Y. Karapov 65
Greetings   66
American Brotherhood of Mohilev Anniversary souvenir book Dr. Y. S. Gollin 67
Greetings from the members of the “American Brotherhood of Mohilev”   68
Viligemer Society meeting Ben Shlomo 69
Night M. Bogdanski 77
Thanks Dr. Y. M. Gollin 77
Sponsors' Advertisments   80
English section
A Quarter of a Century   112
Twenty-Five Years Ago Chas. B. Shapiro 110
The “American Brotherhood of Moghileff” – One Large Family Anna Levin Aron 109
How American Jewry Developed J.Z. Jacobson 108
The Development of the City of Moghiloff J.G. Lipman, Ph.D 106
Why do Jews Feel Restrained in a Goy's Presence? Miriam Gollin 103
The Jews of America Carve Institutions in their own Image Harold Berman 102


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