Mikulince Yizkor Book
(Mikulintsy, Ukraine)

49 °24' / 25°36'

Translation of
Mikulince; sefer yizkor

Edited by: Haim Preshel, Organization of Mikulincean Survivors in Israel and the USA

Published in Israel, 1985



Project Coordinator

Karen Rosenthal


Donated translations

George Trief


Our sincere appreciation to Sam Brandes, USA and Zelig Spierer, Israel,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

We wish to thank Karen Rosenthal and her father, David C. Rothaus, for their contribution to the translation
of considerable portions of the yizkor book in memory of their uncles Mottel, Herzl, and Kus Rathaus,
who were born raised, and murdered by the Nazis in Mikulince.
Ironically, none of them are mentioned in the List of Martyrs.

This is from Mikulince; sefer yizkor (Mikulince yizkor book) Editors: Haim Preshel, Israel, 1985;
Organization of Milulincean Survivors in Israel and the USA

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
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JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Title one: YIZKOR  
Names of Holocaust Victims from Mikulintsy   II
Names of the sons of Mikulince who lost their lives fighting the Nazis 1939-1945   24
Names of Mikulinceans who passed away in Israel and Diaspora   25
I will remember you forever Rivka Sommerstein-Doktorowitz 27
Our Jewish community will be remembered forever Zvi Hirsch-Glazer 31
Memories of our destroyed town Martin Heliczer 36
Extracts from an address given at the 25th anniversary of the
destruction of Mikulince
Yaacov Nassberg 39
Title three: HOLOCAUST  
My town during the Second World War Niusia Schweizer-Horowitz 49
Mikulince our friendly town Rabbi Leon M. Kahane 70
The life of horrors of Mrs. K. Reich-Schrenzel Mr. Y. Schmulevich 78
A baby girl captured by the gentiles Zalman Pelz 92
This time they could shake hands openly Patt Morrison 99
Pole, Rabbi he saved in reunion   102
Righteous gentiles Mr. Y. Schmulevich 104
On the way back Izhak Schwarz (Izik-Hersch) 113
Jewish doctors in the popular Army Shlomo Straus-Mark 114
a) Childhood memories:    
Shaie Trager (Shie the Porter) Haim Preshel Yaacov Nassberg 121
A bundle of memories   123
In my childhood Michael Goldhirsch 140
The source of our survival Michael Goldhirsch 142
 b) It's our duty to relate Phillip Feibush Amerant 147
I do not want to wear the halo of a hero- Interview with Mr. Philip Febush Amerant Editor: Haim Preshel 153
Balkan: Tel-Aviv Completed by: Izik Hersz Society and Economics,
culture and education Zionist -political organizations
Moiz Engel (Moshe Katz) 161
A page in Jewish history N. Kleinman 167
Mikulince facts and figures Diaspora Museum Archives Tel-Aviv 169
Livelihood and production Selig Spierer 178
Theater and Drama groups Izhak Schwarz (Izik-Hersch) 188
The musicians of Mikulince Izhak Schwarz (Izik-Hersch) 192
Football fever Izhak Schwarz (Izik-Hersch) 195
Gordonia Aharon Weisshois 197
Title five: MIKULINCE UNDER SOVIET RULE 1939-1941  
a) Society:    
Mikulince under Soviet rule Aharon Weisshois 203
b) Soldiers:    
A Soldier in the Red Army Michael Goldhirsch 211
The Brandes brothers reviewed by Haim Preshel 213
Title Six: MY EDUCATORS / Haim Preshel  
Rebbe Itzhak-Moshe   217
Yoshua the Sexton   221
Rabbi Nehemia Pekel   228
Jewish women teachers   233
Some summer camp   242
My grandmother of blessed memory Bracha Kidron-Gewirz 253
Chana Heliczer Tony Kosower-Heliczer 254
A Sabbath Uncle Ariela Reuveni-Rohan 255
Only after death was the vow understood Amir Vardi 256
Title eight: ABOUT THE BOOK  
Letter 1 Letter 2 Letter 3   258
Subjects to the book   259
The editor Izhak Schwarz (Izik-Hersch) 264

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Karen Rosenthal
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 17 Jul 2009 by LA