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In sadness the words of the Prophet Jerimiah are said: "He who-will give me water for my face and my eyes the ability to cry, I will cry for days and nights for my desecrated people". Then, how do we not have the strength to cry and to eulogize the righteous and the innocent nation of Israel, the elderly and its youth, fathers and mothers, the children and its babies.

Of the hundreds of thousands of Jews from the communities from Europe, who gave their holy souls in the name of G-d, and among them the 3000 souls from our city of greater Meziritsh and its surroundings.

Of the exile of the Jews for hundreds of generations hidden among the nations and spread throughout the lands in the countries of Europe during the 1940's.

Who are we! As 50 years prevented us from prostrating ourselves on the graves of our fathers and to ask for mercy from the ashes of Tsigalnia of Nevirkov and here to express sorrow on their burial place.

Who are we, the remaining survivors who saw before our eyes their suffering and their oppression when they faced the murderous angel of death.

I was not far away from the crying and I heard the din of the shots of death, the final walk of your death procession. The echo of the shots will always echo in my ears and my tears will never leave my face.

Of all of this, we are commanded to remember! Today September 13, 1992, the 15th day of the month of Elul 5753, we have arrived here! A delegation of Jews of Meziritsh, coming from Israel and Canada in order to participate in this historic ceremony and to reveal this grave-stone and to fence in this burial place of our brothers. The Nevirkov field of slaughter that we established and designed in memory of our parents, brothers and sisters and all those who are dear to us. With a sorrowful heart that is full of pain, we cry and eulogize our dearly departed on their most bitter fate. We prevent the community of Meziritsh from demanding an eye for an eye, in order that they realize the prophecy of generation in having their souls together with us residing here in Israel.

We have arrived from Israel and from many countries through-out the world, sons and daughters of Holocaust survivors with our families and with us the offspring of Meziritsh, grandchildren and great grandchildren, in order to revere the grave of our brothers and cover it with the flag of Israel, and with our spirit bring their bones to rest in a grave in Israel.

A s we mourn with our hearts we say, "Magnified and sanctified be His great name". All our brothers in the homeland and all the souls of Meziritsh spread throughout the world.

And we all answer, Amen!


Every person from Meziritsh living in Israel and throughout the world will remember the 3000 dear holy martyrs from the glorious and magnificent community of "Greater Meziritsh and its surroundings".

Fathers and sons, mothers and their babies, the elderly and the departed. Among them, the righteous and the doers of good deeds, the honest and the innocent, those who study Torah and keep all of the commandments, merciful communal workers and the benefactors. Their clean blood has saturated their brother's graves in the land of Nevirkov and the breath of their souls has been made holy and pure.

Due to their right to be in our holy land, their souls will be stones among stones to build and the built, for the sake of the liberation of the State of Israel.


Brothers and sisters, grandchildren and great grandchildren from Meziritsh, trembling and in fear, we bow our heads because this place upon which we stand has been made holy and pure by the blood split by our brothers.!

In front of our eyes, the graves of our great brothers from Nevirkov, the land of their sentence.

Again they have found a resting place, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, brothers and sisters, and all those who are dear to us after they drank from the poisoned cup from the defiled hands of the enemy of the Jewish people.

Their souls and their bodies have been returned by Divine Grace to this final resting place!...

Oh, these 50 years that we have been prevented from prostrating ourselves on the graves of our forefathers and to kiss their holy ground.

Their names and the names of their families written in the Scroll of the Holy Jews from Meziritsh and its surroundings will remain and will be etched into our memories forever and all generations to come. They are free. Their agonizing blood made clean by those rescued, the survivors, sons and daughters from the area of Meziritsh . Here we stand! Here we call to our loved ones! We cry as we read the names of the people from the holy scroll of Meziritsh. Freedom written on the tablets of our hearts, the names of our holy and pure kon, beyond account, sadness on the part of the agony from the last moments of their lives. Look, they are observing you and with their piercing glances, remind us and demand from us: That we will always remember them! That we will never forget them! Amen!

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 6 July 2002 by LA