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The Community of Lenin
Memorial Book

Kehilat Lenin; Sefer Zikaron


Captions translated by Rachel Ben-Chaim(Rochelle Moss Kaplan)

[See the corresponding pictures by clicking on the captions]

Caption Page
The New Synagogue (built in 1906) 7
A map of Lenin – drawn by Mordichai Zaytchick 8
A view of Podlipya Street – in the spring after the snow melted 21
The little bridge 33
Festival of the first fruits in Lenin 44
David Shusterman 62
Partisans 91
Near the Mass Grave 93
The Old Synagogue 108
The Jewish National Fund (J. N. F.) unit in Lenin 114
The Lag Ba'Omer outing – The Tarbut School, 1930 124
The first school in Lenin, 1913 138
The Tarbut School, 1928 139
"The Miser" by Moliere, August 19, 1923 140
The Orchestra, conducted by M. Zaytchik – 1926 141
The Soccer Team "Trumpeldor" 142
Reb' Yehuda Rubenstein 149
"Tarbut" members 153
The Orphans' kitchen, founded by the "Centus" Society 156
Banner Day, for the benefit of the "Centus" Orphan Society (1925) 156
Freyda and Reb Zelig Singalovsky 159
"Hechalutz" Chapter in Lenin 162
"Hechalutz" Organization in Lenin 163
The late Rabbi Yehuda Turetzky 167
The late Rabbi Moshe, son of Rabbi Zondel Tomashov 170
Reb Avraham Yitzkhok Chinitz 174
Reb Yisroel Isser Halevy Nekritz 177
Reb Zalman Shmelkin 179
Dr. Yisroel Shmelkin (son of Reb Zalman) 180
Reb Dov-Ber Baruchin 183
Reb Dovid, son of Reb Chaim Grive, and Mrs. Shprintza, daughter of Reb Ephraim Berkerman 185
Reb Yisroel Gelinson 187
Reb Arye Grive 188
Reb Yitzchok, son of Reb Chaim Arye Dannenberg 189
Reb Aharon Leib Zaytchik 191
Dr. Aharon Singalovsky 192
Moshe, son of Aharon Leib Zaytchik 195
Aharon Milner 199
The young lad, Eliezer Kolpenitzky 201
Yitzkhok Kolpenitzky 202
Reb Yosef Noach Rabinovitz, Itka, daughter of Reb Dovid Grive 203
Moshe Shmelkin 207
Reb Yisroel, son of Reb Menashe Latukha 210
Reb Avrohom Yitzkhok and Chava Slutzky 217
Elders of the town and members of the Eretz Yisroel Committee 219
The Book Committee 219
The only two story house in Lenin 250
The costumes of "Tevya the Milkman" 258
The "Big" Street – In the Spring 266
Daughters of Lenin 284
Chaya Gorodetzky and her husband, with their twins, Asher'ka and Yudela 288
Betzalel Zaytchik and his sons, Binyamin and Yehuda, with a grandson 292
Gathering of the Lenin Women's Relief Committee 303
Jews of Lenin bid farewell to Chaya Sarah Lifshitz upon her return to America 304
Rabbi Yehuda Turetzky 306
Reb Yisroel Chaim Hacohen and Reb Fayvel Chinitz 314
A funeral in Lenin 316
Reb Avrohom Yitzkhok Chinitz 319
My Uncle Moishe 320
Posters for the Lenin-Lachwer Benevolent Association, New York, 1942 329
Akiva Neiman and Chaim Dov Hershkowitz 330
Itka Chinitz – the mother of Lenin 335
Helen (Chaya) Buchler, daughter of N. Rubnetz and Etta Temkin with her late husband Chaim 337
Chisha Cohen 338
Nathan and Masha Rubnetz 339
Reb Yehuda Shulman 340
Avrohom Smith and Dovid Ben Yehuda Shulman 340
Yehoshua and Hisha Palay 341
The 20th Jubilee of the Lenin Benevolent Society in America 342
Lenin Landsleit in America 343
Yakov (Jacob) Yulevitch 344
Moshe Dolgin 346
Avrohom Topchik 347
In memory of our dear grandparents David and Shprintza Grive 351
Yehoshua, Mordkhai, Bayla (Grive), Chaim, Esther, Sarah Tchechik 352
Reb Avrohom and Rivka Chinitz 353
Reb Yisroel Isser Halevy Nekritz and Chana Nekritz 353
Reb Yosef Noach and Itka Rabinowitz 354
Yosef and Necha Zaretzky and Chana, Dovid and Aharon Milner 355
Dvora Faygel and Aryeh Grive 356
Basya and Avraham Eliezer 356
Yitzkhok, Nechama, Yakov and Faygele Kivitzky 357
Ephraim, son of Reuven Goldberg, and Finkel, daughter of Dovid Grive 358
Esther and Dovid Minsky and their daughter Zahava 358
Elka and Reb Dov Baruchin 359
Golda, daughter of Yehuda, and Mordkhai, son of Yakov Mandelbaum 359
In memory of Zalman and Sarah Leah Shmelkin and Hindel Bressler (top) 360
In memory of Zalman and Sarah Leah Shmelkin and Hindel Bresser (bottom) 360
Zalma Bressler, his wife Ethel, their son Dovid and daughter Shayna 361
The Budnetz family 362
Ozer Gelman 362
The Shusterman family 363
Reb Eliahu, son of Asher 363
The Gurevitz family 364
Aharon and Sima Gellenson 365
Tzvi Yekutiel and Sarah Gellenson with Leiba, Chaim, Shlomo. Eliezer and Mendel 366
Reb Aharon Leib and Rishka Zaytichik with Moshe, Minka, Bayla and Batya 367
Gittel, Masha, Miriam (Mera) and Petesh 368
Hershl and Rachel Sadovsky – Eliahu Sadovsky 368
Reb Shlomo Nissan and Rochel Leah Vershel 369
Dvora and Shimshon Rubenstein and their children Sonia, Yonah and Moshe 369
Yitzkhok and Miriam Vershel 370
Avrohom and Idel Chinitz 371
Aharon and Sarah Migdalovitch 372
Chaim Dovid Migdalovitch 372
Feivel Migdalovitch 373
Esther, daughter of Aharon Migdalovitch 373
Reb Zev Migdalovitch and family 374
Reb Yeshayahu and Freidel Latukha 375
Shaindel and Reb Mordekhai Yulevitz 376
Mina and Reb Avrohom Laks 377
Yakov Yulevitz 378
Reb Natan Yulevitz 379
Chaya Kreina Olienik and her daughter Dvora 379
Dov (Beryl) Zev Latukha 380
The Rubenstein family and the Starobinsky family 381
Chaim Betzalel and Dina Kolpenitzky with Yitzkhok, Bella, Esther, Eliezer Aharon and Batya 382
Basha (Rubenstein) Podarsky and her family 383
Reb Noach, son of Avrohom Rubenstein and his wife Yehudit 384
Liba (Kabek) Rubenstein and Noach, son of Yehuda Rubenstein 385
The Reibach family 386
Reb Shamai Rubenstein and his wife Chana Miriam 387
Lipa and Lisa Rubenstein and their daughter Bebba 387
Miriam (Rubenstein) Migdalovitch and Reb Elyakim, son of Ovadyahu 388
Sarah and Shaindel 389
Yitzkhok 389
Reb Mordkhai and Esther Mishalov and family 390
Yitzkhok and Esther Dannenberg 390
Yosef and Reb Chaim Slutzky 391
Aharon Migdalovitch and his wife Malka 391
Freida and Reb Aharon Zelig Singalovsky 392
Eliezer Chaim, Neachama and Bayla Lilienberg 392
Masha Feinstein and Reb Chaim Slutzky 393
Vitya Tennenbaum and Chaya Fayga Segal 393
Dr. Yitzkhok (Isak) and Chana (Anna) Gitler 394
Reb Yakov Shkliar 395
Yisroel Aharon and Nechama Sarah Kislovitz 396
The family of Yitzkhok Reingold 397
Reb Hirsh Leib and his three sons 397
Yehayahu Slutzky and his wife Leah 398
Reb Dov Ber Vinik and his wife Duba (Dobka) 399
Nechama, daughter of Shlomo Tzukrovitz 399
Reb Avrohom Ozer and his wife Itka 400
Reb Moshe Valitzkin and his wife Dvora 400
Risha, wife of Reb Yeshayahu Tziklig 401

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