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[Page 324]

In Memoriam


An Eternal Light

Aharon Abramowitz (grandfather)
Sara (Abramowitz) Pinchuk

Eliezer Abramowitz

Dushka Abramowitz

  Dedicated in sorrow by:
Menucha Itzkovitz (Abramowitz)
Yaacov Abramowitz


In Holy Remembrance

Yisrael Berman

Your memory is perpetuated in sorrow and grief

  By his wife:
Raya Berman

[Page 325]

In Eternal Remembrance

David Schultz
Reizel Schultz (Yasselevsky)
Yitzchak Meir Schultz
(their son)

  Memorialized by:
Lea Ackerman - New York
Shifra Ackerman - New York

In Holy Remembrance

Nathan (Nissan) Ackerman
  Submitted in grief and sorrow:
His wife: Lea Ackerman
His daughters: Sylvia Ackerman
Reizel Ackerman

[Page 326]

In Eternal Remembrance

From left: Chaya-Bayle, Tama, Yudel Ovseyvitz


Binyamin Ovseyvitz        Michael Ovseyivitz
  Memorializing his wife, his brother and the children
Reuven Ovseyvitz

[Page 327]

In Everlasting Remembrance

From right to left:

Rachel Bernstein, born 1898
Yosef Bernstein, born 1890
Sinai Bernstein, born 1930
Aharon Bernstein (may he be set apart for a long life!)
Leibush Bernstein, born 1925

Moshe Kivelevitz
Eshke Kivelevitz, born 1889
Gutel Kivelevitz, born 1917
Aharon Kivelevitz, born 1920

  Submitted by:
Dr. Aharon Bernstein – New York

[Page 328]

A Monument to the Souls of our Dear Ones

Father: Moshe Berkowitz
Mother: Chana-Chava Berkowitz
Sister: Zalta Berkowvitz
Sister: Shimka Rappaport
Brother-In Law: Avraham Rappaport
Their son: Moshe Rappaport
Sister: Yehudit Fleisher
Brother-in Law: Mottel Fleisher
Their daughter: Masha Fleisher

Preserving their Memory Forever
  Family: Yosef (Berkowitz) Kushneir
Haim Berkowitz
Yossel Berkowitz
Honey Berkowitz

[Page 329]

In Holy Remembrance

From right to left:
Shmuel Issar Oshrovitz, Eliahu Chaim, Shaul Nachum,
Leah Deichah, Feigel (née Kivelevitz)

  Submitted in sorrow:
Kalman Bezalel Oshrovitz

We Sanctify the Memory of Our Dear Ones

Sonia Dovidovsky

Shlomo Dovidovsky

  Their memory is perpetuated in sorrow:
Miriam Dovidovsky – Argentina
Zacharia Dovidovsky
Eliahu Dovidovsky

[Page 330]

In Memoriam

Photo within the Photo:
Nachum Izik Beigin

Sitting from Right:
Tsirl Beigin, Libka (mother, nee Gordon), Sara-Leah Beigin

Standing from Right:
Michael Beigin (may he be set apart for a long life), Zlatka Beigin, Eliyahu Beigin


  Memorialized by
Sara and Michael Beigin - Jerusalem

In Holy Remembrance

Breina Gulkowitz    Grunia Gulkowitz (Weintraub)    Feigel Gulkowitz
  Their memory is perpetuated in sorrow:
Fruma Gulkowitz-Berger, Benzion Gulkowitz - New York

[Page 331]

In Holy Remembrance

Sa'adia Gertzovsky


In eternal sorrow we remember our unforgettable dear ones:

Father: Sa'adia Gertzovsky
Mother: Rachel Gertzovsky
Leah Gertzovsky
Shlomo Gertzovsky
Aunt: Chaske Gertzovsky
Uncle: Shlomo Gertzovsky
Uncle: Berel Gorodinsky
Aunt: Neshke Gorodinsky
Chishe Gorodinsky
Berel Gorodinsky
Avraham Gorodinsky
Benzion Gorodinsky
Family: Moshe Gorodinsky

  Their memory is perpetuated in sorrow:
Sonia Greenberg (Gertzovsky) - Toronto
Perle Carson (Gertzovsky) - Toronto

[Page 332]

In Eternal Remembrance

Sitting (from right):
Noach Gershonovsky (may he be set apart for long life), Avraham-Shmuel Gershonovsky (may he be set apart for long life), Herzl Ephroimsky, Yosef Gershonovsky.

Standing (from right):
Moshe Berkowitz, Yaakov Gershonovsky, Leah Gershonovsky, Haim Gershonovsky, Mushia Gershonovsky, Gedaliahu Gershonovsky (father), Musha Faralotzky, Aharon Faralotzky (child)/td>

  Perpetuating their memory in pain and sorrow
Noach Gershonovsky and his family

[Page 333]

In Holy Remembrance

  From left to right:
Shlomo Gershonovsky,
Bashke Gershonovksy,
Yashe Gershonovsky,
Soreleh Gershonovsky
From right to left (first row)
Moshel Gershonovsky,
Noach Gershonovsky

(may he be set apart for a long life),
Moshia Gershonovsky

(second row)
Hertzl Efroimsky
Reuven Perevelusky


  Their memory is perpetuated in sorrow:
Noach Gershonovsky

[Page 334]

In Holy Remembrance

Seated from right:
Yossel Gershonovsky, Malka Gershonovsky;
Their son-in-law: Mordechai-Reuven Begin
Their sons: Markol (may he be separated for a long life!)
Yeshayahu (may he be separated for a long life!)


From right
Yona Yellin, Yeshayahu Gershonovsky (may he be separated for a long life!), Avraham Gorodinsky

  Their memory is perpetuated in sorrow and grief:
Yeshayahu Gershonovksy - America, Lakewood, New Jersey
Markol Gershonovsky – South Africa, Capetown


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