In Holy Remembrance
Sa'adia Gertzovsky
In eternal sorrow we remember our unforgettable dear ones:
Father: |
Sa'adia Gertzovsky |
Mother: |
Rachel Gertzovsky |
Leah Gertzovsky |
Shlomo Gertzovsky |
Aunt: |
Chaske Gertzovsky |
Uncle: |
Shlomo Gertzovsky |
Uncle: |
Berel Gorodinsky |
Aunt: |
Neshke Gorodinsky |
Chishe Gorodinsky |
Berel Gorodinsky |
Avraham Gorodinsky |
Benzion Gorodinsky |
Family: |
Moshe Gorodinsky |
Their memory is perpetuated in sorrow:
Sonia Greenberg (Gertzovsky) - Toronto
Perle Carson (Gertzovsky) - Toronto |
[Page 332]
In Eternal Remembrance
Sitting (from right):
Noach Gershonovsky (may he be set apart for long life), Avraham-Shmuel Gershonovsky (may he be set apart for long life), Herzl Ephroimsky, Yosef Gershonovsky.
Standing (from right):
Moshe Berkowitz, Yaakov Gershonovsky, Leah Gershonovsky, Haim Gershonovsky, Mushia Gershonovsky, Gedaliahu Gershonovsky (father), Musha Faralotzky, Aharon Faralotzky (child)/td>
Perpetuating their memory in pain and sorrow
Noach Gershonovsky and his family |
[Page 333]
In Holy Remembrance
From left to right:
Shlomo Gershonovsky,
Bashke Gershonovksy,
Yashe Gershonovsky,
Soreleh Gershonovsky |
From right to left (first row)
Moshel Gershonovsky,
Noach Gershonovsky
(may he be set apart for a long life),
Moshia Gershonovsky
(second row)
Hertzl Efroimsky
Reuven Perevelusky |
Their memory is perpetuated in sorrow:
Noach Gershonovsky |
[Page 334]
In Holy Remembrance
Seated from right:
Yossel Gershonovsky, Malka Gershonovsky;
Their son-in-law: Mordechai-Reuven Begin
Their sons: Markol (may he be separated for a long life!)
Yeshayahu (may he be separated for a long life!)
From right
Yona Yellin, Yeshayahu Gershonovsky (may he be separated for a long life!), Avraham Gorodinsky |
Their memory is perpetuated in sorrow and grief:
Yeshayahu Gershonovksy - America, Lakewood, New Jersey
Markol Gershonovsky South Africa, Capetown |
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Updated 19 Aug 2013 by JH