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Appendix 9

Recipe For Jewish Bakery Strudel (Fluden)

In Kopaigorod and Bar, Jewish women baked their strudel using the recipe below.










Jewish strudel


6 glasses of crumbs - appr. 2 loaves of white bread. Bread must be bought a few days before baking, to let it dry.
4 glasses of nuts (finely chopped)
4 glasses of sugar
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
2 grated lemons
0.5 liters of cherry jam
300 gr of raisins
Rose jam


5 glasses of flour
100 gr of melted butter
2 eggs
3 tablespoons of oil
0.5 glass of sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder and vinegar

Everything is measured with 250 gr glass

Make dough with warm water.

Cut nuts with a knife

Grind lemons with peel but without seeds through a meat grinder

Grate the dry bread into the bowl.

Combine the cut nuts, sugar, raisins, rose, lemon, lemon juice and taste everything. It must be a little more sour than you would like. Add about 1 glass of oil and mix the ingredients. If you don't have rose jam, you should add cinnamon. Taste again and add more lemon juice if needed.

Mix the dough.

Divide the stuffing and the dough into the equal parts. Use a pan with high edges. Oil the pan, sprinkle the bottom with crumbs.

Roll out the dough, making it very thin. Oil it, put one part of the stuffing, then cherries and wrap the strudel properly. Do the same with the other parts of the dough and the stuffing. Then oil everything, sprinkle it with crumbs and make cuts. Pour oil between the parts of the strudel.

Bake in a preheated oven or on a small fire. Don't overbake.

Add more oil if needed. You can take the strudel out of the oven when the edges start to brown. Cover with paper. Wait until it cools before cutting.

Good luck!


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