Pan Kapitan of Jordanow

Compiled by William Leibner



Project Coordinator

William Leibner


Edited by Erica S. Goldman-Brodie

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Pan Kapitan of Jordanow

William Leibner


I Jews in Jordanow  
II The Drucker Family  
III Residence in Siberia  
IV The Ander's Polish Army  
V Berling's Polish Army  
VI Drucker Joins the Chaplaincy Office  
VII Drucker Activates Jewish Religious Community Centers  
VIII Yeshayahu Drucker devotes himself to the Zabrze home  
IX Pan Kapitan Continues  
X Competition Amongst the Homes  
XI Life at Zabrze  
XII Some Children Came to Zabrze of their own Free Will  
XIII Forceful Redemption Cases  
XIV The Dismantlement of Jewish life in Eastern Europe  
XV Partial list of children at Zabrze  
XVI The Drucker Family in Israel  
XVII Partial list of Jews of Jordanow  


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Contact person for this translation William Leibner
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 12 Apr 2018 by LA

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