A map of Lithuania, with Yiddish captions. Jonava is circles. |
Places, structures, communal institutions
1. Bridge |
32. Barracks 33. Town hall 34. Horse and cattle market 35. Sawmill and flourmill (Opnitzky) 36. Park 37. Sawmill and flourmill (Segalovsky) 38. Post office 39. Lithuanian school 40. Lithuanian culture hall 41. Synagogue 42. Synagogue 43. Synagogue 44. Synagogue 45. Tarbut School 46. Jalinovich house 47. Market 48. Two storey house 49. Movie theater 50. Two storey house 51. Two storey house 52. Two storey house (Burstein) 53. Hall 54. Two storey house (Weiner) 55. New Beis Midrash 56. Madis sawmill 57. Synagogue 58. Street of the Road 59. Breizer Street 60. Synagogue 61. Kovno Street 62. Residence 63. Village |
Map of Jonava by memory |
{Image 9}
To perpetuate the memory
Of the Jews of the town
That was destroyed in the Holocaust
Published by the Organization of Jonava Natives in Israel
With the assistance of Jonava natives of the United States and South Africa
5733, 1972
Published by Arieli Co., Israel
{Note: this title page is in Hebrew, the one on the following page is in Yiddish. That explains the duplication. Image 11 repeats some of the material on Yiddish 10, once again in Hebrew.}
{Image 10}
In memory of the destroyed Jewish community of Jonava
Material collected by Yitzchak [Ben-David] (Burstein)
Edited by Shimon Noy [(Gorfein)]
Illustrations: Larisa Balnik
Published by the Organization of Jonava Natives in Israel
With the assistance of Jonava natives of the United States and South Africa
5733, 1972
{Image 11} Jonava on the Banks of the Vylia
[Page V]
{Image 13 }
On January 17, 1967, we unveiled the memorial plaque for the martyrs of Jonava that had been set up in the Holocaust Cellar. On that winter day, when snow covered the streets of our capital with a white blanket, about 30 natives of our town gathered for a modest ceremony to honor our martyrs of the Holocaust after 26 years. Those who were present will never forget those moving moments of unity.
At that gathering, the members of the organizing committee decided to publish a book that would perpetuate our town for future generations. An opinion was expressed not to publish a book. The reasons were that the end of the elders who remember Jonava will be death, and the younger generation, the children of those who came from the town, born in Israel, America, or Russia are not interested in such a topic. Therefore, it would be a shame to invest so much energy and money into this. The majority stood firmly on their opinion with the hope that the 350 natives of the town, scattered in the Land and throughout the Diaspora, would leaf through the book and read it with feelings of honor and love. Their town would spread out for a second time before the eyes of their spirit with its cultural and social institutions, buildings, activists, and common folk. They claimed that no small number
From right to left, from top to bottom: Hasia and Baruch Kursnik, Moshe Barron, Zeev Ofek, Daniel Rikless, Menachem Levin, Shimon Noy, Baruch Lin, Rabbi Aryeh Lipshitz, Panirsky, Yitzchak Burstein, Dina Rikless, Shmuel Bolnik |
[Page VI]
Zeev Opnik, Sheinka Friedland, Shlomo Gerber, K., Pinchas Shapira, K., Shlomo Perlstein; K., Izik Reibstein, Elka Untershatz, Sheinka Klibansky, K., David Veps, Leah Klibansky, K., Leah Yudelevich, Chanka Jalinovich, Leah Grodsky, Shimon Gorfein, X, Netanel Shapira, K. |
of the second and third generation of our town would taken interest in the book, in order research their ancestral heritage. There are some among them who know about the life of the town very well, and who know many of the typical stories of their parents and events that took place in the town.
Miriam Zakhary (Lomiansky-Wulf) wrote to us from California: In response to your request, I have decided to write memoirs. In this I wish to fulfil the request of my son Morton, who was born in America, who asked me: Mother, write your memoirs. I want my children to know about your roots.
Riva Shalovitz lives in Bat Yam. She is a teacher in the Geulim School, and a native of Jonava. She came here as a child. Her mother is Yentl Solomon. When the schools began exercises about destroyed communities, she recalled Jonava. How much effort did she put in to gather together the natives of the town, and to make contact with us! How much interest did the teachers and students display in their meetings and sharing of ideas with Zeev Ofek, Sara Burstein, Eliahu Kagan, Mordechai Rashkes, Chana Zimrani, and Yitzchak Burstein. The school dedicated a special corner to our town, and this served also as educational material.
As we began our efforts, we were astonished at the required monetary sums and the great effort involved in the gathering of material and fundraising. The Society of Jonava Natives of New York, founded in 1906, should be mentioned for praise. The chairman of the organization Yisrael Goldberg and the secretary Efraim Zilberman answered us positively and promised us their full assistance. They thereby strengthened our hands. We also received a warm and positive response from the Vinitzky brothers Julius and Maurie Vinton from Hartford, U.S.A. They aroused their wide-branched family to activity, including the second and third generations. Sara Baker (Solomon) and Alan Salkan (Bin) of Johannesburg must also be singled out for praise. Without the spiritual and material support of all of these and others, perhaps our hands would have weakened.
Unlike other towns of Lithuania, Jonava had something unique. The reader will certainly discover its unique characteristics, about which he had not yet learned, as he reads through the book. To the Jewish residents of this town, to its youth who were educated with Mapu's novels and who dreamed of the Land of Israel, to those who have a part in what transpired and what is transpiring here in the Land, and to the scattered natives of Jonava wherever they are to you this book is dedicated.
In the name of the Book Committee
Yitzchak Ben-David [Burstein]
I commenced the work of editing with awe and trepidation, and I conclude it with mixed emotions; from seeing what this book has and does not have.
Those who toiled and labored to bring the book to print realize that the material is not balanced. It is possible that we elongated where we should have shortened, while other subjects came out brief and truncated. However, this matter was not dependent on us, but rather on account of the response to our request that we received from no small number of people, who for some reason did not pick up their pens and give of their time to write chapters, segments of life and memories of days gone by. If we had to visit all of these people to record what they had to say, the publication of the book would have been delayed for too long. For the most part, the lacunae are due to the fact that some of those who could relate a great deal about the life of the Jewish community of Jonava are no longer alive.
We attempted to fill in the lacunae with many pictures, which also tell a great deal. As the Chinese motto says, a picture is worth 2,000 words.
More than sixty people participated in the book.
You will not find literary works in the content of this book, but rather material dredged from loving and sorrowful hearts, which were glancing backward with anger and longing. Each person has his own style. As much as possible, we attempted to leave the material in the manner that it was written, as well as to make it easy to read, and to remove extraneous material that bogs down the reading, and repeats material that others, who wrote earlier, had already dealt with.
We could not provide too much material in Yiddish and English, for we were restricted by budgetary constraints that restricted the dimensions of the book.
We included in English the three articles that were given to us. These were fine, broad and exhaustive articles. They have also been translated into Hebrew. English speakers will be able to make up the lacunae in the long Yiddish section, provided that they have not forgotten that language. With regard to the second generation of our natives overseas, as their interest increases they will have to learn Hebrew.
In 1968, when the idea of the book was first presented in a meeting that was called for that purpose, we were of small faith. What before what material or material, that is to say, articles or money, or vice versa? Now that we have come to give our blessings to the completed task, we must first and foremost thank the dedication of Yitzchak Burstein who was the living spirit in this matter, and dedicated all of his free time and great effort to this endeavor.
All of those who answered us and assisted us must be thanked and these are not few. We must primarily thank Daniel and Dina Rikless, who gave over themselves, their home and their car to the activities on behalf of the book. Even though not everything is in it, one can turn it over again and again, and the years of our lives from our common past will be revealed once again.
First and foremost, this book should serve as a memorial to our dear ones, who were prematurely cut off from the land of life.
[Page VIII]
Bitter Events in the History of the Jewish Community of Jonava1895 The first great fire.
1904 The second great fire.
1915 The expulsion (on the eve of Shavuot).
1941 The day of murder in the forest, 20 Av, 5701, August 13.
[Pages IX-XII]
Y[israel] . Y[aakov]. Pogir and his wife Chana [USA] | 3 |
Sh[imon]. Noy (Gorfein) [Kibbutz Amir] | 6 |
Miriam Zakhary (Lomiansky-Wulf) [USA] | 8 |
Sholem the Balagole, wagon driver | 9 |
Youths on a raft | 11 |
Y[itzchak Ben-David] Burstein | 12 |
Blacksmiths | 13 |
Sh[muel]. Goldshmid [London] | 15 |
Noach Stern | 22 |
The cemetery | 24 |
Yitzchak B[en-David (Burstein)]. and Zelig Epstein | 33 |
Meir Tzoref (Goldshmid) | 38 |
At the play Yankel the Blacksmith | 41 |
Students of the Culture League | 49 |
Summer holiday in Sponenai | 52 |
The Street of the Road (Hakhvish Street) | 55 |
Gorfein’s house | 56 |
Mendel Gorfein | 57 |
Sara Burstein | 58 |
David Burstein (Drawing) | 61 |
The Burstein family | 67 |
Dov Blumberg | 68 |
Ala Daltisisky-Abramovich | 70 |
Zelig prepares sulfur | 71 |
Zeev and Beila | 72 |
Rabbi Yehuda Movshovich, Aryeh Solsky | 73 |
Shoshana and Mordechai Rashkes | 74 |
Rachel Rashkes | 76 |
Father (drawing) | 77 |
David Rubin | 78 |
The Rubin family | 79 |
The Levin family | 81 |
The Goldshmid family | 83 |
Baruch Lin (Ilinevits) [Ramat Gan] | 88 |
Moshel | 89 |
Perlstein’s parents | 90 |
Zisla’s parents | 97 |
Chaim Khermoni (Munits) | 98 |
Leib Opnitsky, Batya Tauba Opnitsky | 102 |
Rachel Ben-Yehuda (Mintz) | 106 |
D[aniel]. Rikless [Tel Aviv] | 109 |
Rikless family | 111 |
Shimon Shapira | 114 |
Reb Chaim Mratchk | 117 |
Morris Vintshevsky | 117 |
Yisrael Davidson | 118 |
Dov Zisla | 120 |
Y[eshiyahu. Kulbiansky | 122 |
M[oses]. Ivensky | 125 |
Gordonia | 128 |
N[oach]. Stern in Kibbutz Amir | 130 |
Golda Sirek (Sakar) (Givataim) | 134 |
Moshe David Mar (drawing) | 140 |
Maccabee Sportsmen | 143 |
Eliahu Kagan (Tel Aviv) | 144 |
Members of Tzeirei Tzion – Hitachdut | 148 |
With soldiers, the Brit Hakhayil organization | 149 |
Members of the Hashomer Hatzair Chapter | 150 |
The teachers Yoselevich and Dov Zisla | 152 |
Shlomo Ber Meirovich | 156 |
Reb Menachem Mendel Deitz, Hashomer Hadati | 157 |
Memorial Plaque | 165 |
Yerachmiel Garber | 171 |
Nachum Blumberg | 173 |
I took up an axe.. (drawing) | 177 |
As the shepherd sees life… | 179 |
Lipa Berzin | 188 |
Chaya Leah Kravchok[2] | 189 |
Miriam Lan | 197 |
In the destroyed cemetery | 201 |
Shmuel Sofer | 218 |
Sinai Persky | 227 |
[Sidney Iwens] (Yeshayahu Ivensky) | 229 |
Dovid Friedman | 241 |
Shlomo Berzin | 242 |
Tzvi Levin | 243 |
Chana the partisan (drawing) | 246 |
David Burstein (drawing) | 263 |
Yitzchak and Miriam [Ben-David] (Burstein) in Siberia | 271 |
Eidel Burstein (drawing) | 273 |
Batya Perevoznik (nee Goldshmid) | 276 |
The girls of the Geulim School on the memorial day | 280 |
The students of Geulim at the identification event | 282 |
Yitzchak Pogirsky and his family | 283 |
Yerubaal and Hillel Lavie | 284 |
Mordechai Herman | 285 |
In the Yiddish Section | |
Y[Israel]. Pogir | 291 |
Efraim Zilberman | 294 |
A Maccabee March in the Girelka Forest | 295 |
Mari Vintman (Moshe Vinitsky) | 307 |
Yudel and Tzipora Vintman | 309 |
Avraham-Yitzchak the Shochet | 310 |
Make Hamotzie, child (drawing: A. Kanan) | 314 |
Dovid Friedman | 317 |
Shacharit Service (illustration) | 318 |
The Wagon Driver (illustration) | 327 |
Leiba the Water Carrier (illustration) | 328 |
The Fine Singer, Yosel the Tzimes (illustrations) | 329 |
Mende the Head of Hair (illustration) | 333 |
The Water Carrier (illustration) | 335 |
Avraham Yitzchak Avrahamovich | 337 |
Meita the Baker (illustration) | 339 |
The Policeman (illustration) | 344 |
Shmerl Stern | 359 |
Shmuel Balnik | 362 |
A Wedding in Siesiki | 364 |
At the Monument | 371 |
Reizl David (Rashkes) | 376 |
Yerachmiel Garber | 382 |
Chana Leah Gutler (Kravchok) | 392 |
Rachel Spigler-Mankovsky | 397 |
Hershel Levin | 402 |
Shaultufer and Greenblatt with Tzeirei Tzion | 409 |
A share of the Jewish Colonial Bank in the name of Basha Tartak (Perlstein), 1901 | 410 |
Memorial script in the Holocaust Cellar | 412 |
Managing Committee of the Jonava Organization of New York with the participation of Y[Israel]. Pogir | 427 |
In the English Section | |
Miriam Zakhary (Lomiansky-Wulf) | 5 |
Pretty girls at the waterfall of the mill | 6 |
Yoska Ablaz (illustration) | 6 |
Menda the Head of Hair | 10 |
Tarbut School, teachers and students | 12 |
The water carrier (illustration) | 14 |
[Sidney Iwens] (Y[eshiyahu]. Ivensky | 15 |
General views on the Vylia | 8 |
On the Street | 24 |
People of various ages and generations | 32 |
A party of the carpenters | 36 |
The Shapira family and the grandmother | 86 |
With the Achva Chalutzim, Hechalutz and Hechalutz Hatzair | 104 |
Drawings by A Kagan and [Yeshiyahu] Kulbiansky | 120 |
Drawings by Shifra Lomiansky | 124 |
Images | 128 |
Floods | 136 |
Organizations and parties | 144 |
Young Zion, Hashomer Hatzair, Revisionist Zionists | 148 |
Schools: Tarbut, Yavneh | 152 |
Fire in the Town, Smiths | 160 |
Jonava in flames | 168 |
Next to the memorial monument | 240 |
In Siberia | 272 |
Batya [Perevoznik (nee Goldshmid)] in Siberia | 276 |
Those making efforts, and the room of perpetuation | 280 |
Shmidan | 298 |
The four Voves and Pogir | 308 |
Siesiki | 364 |
With A. Zilberman | 428 |
Translator's Footnotes
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