[Fifth unnumbered photo page]
Efraim Frakt; Mina Zak, Rachel B.[urstein], Shifra Lomiansky; Leva Koper, Yitzchak B.[urstein], Batya Zandman, Aryeh Stern, Yosef Fridland, Pesia Dembo, Miriam Levin, Yaakov Dembo, Chana Goldshmid |
Alter Sandler, Moshe Baron; X, Sheva Segalovsky, Bluma Pogirsky, Chana Segalovsky, Yesha Epstein, Yaakov Miltz;Zelig Epstein, Moshe Miltz |
Sara and Yitzchak B.[urstein], Shimon Zak; Efraim Frakt |
Miriam Nochimovich; Tzvi Levin, Sara Burstein, Sheina Levin, Efraim Frakt; Anna Kagan, Rachel and Miriam B.[urstein], Bluma Pogirsky |
[Sixth unnumbered photo page]
Charna Baron, Liba Stern. Yaakov Dembo, Shlomo Perlstein, B. Kremenitzin; Dvora Goldshmid |
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