Table of Contents

List of Pictures

Prepared by Moshe Kutten

Picture(s) Pages
Sdeh Menukha Ha'Ktana – General view

Sdeh Menukha Ha'Ktana – A farmer's yard

Sdeh Menukha Ha'Ktana – The vegetable garden

Sdeh Menukah Ha'Ktana – The vegetable garden (during the beginning of the 1920's)

Yefeh Nahar – The synagogue

Sdeh Menukha Ha'Ktana – Drawing water

The well in the colony's fields

Sdeh Menukha Ha'Gdola – A farmer yard

Water drawers in the field

Cooperative work group (Artel) in the 1920's

Lvovo (on the bank of the Dnieper) – in the colony's vineyard

The colony of Nahar Tov (drawn from memory by Israel Betzer) 292/293
R' Zalman-Leib Veslnitzki, the patriarch of the large Simkhoni family in Israel – under his cherry tree in his farm in Sdeh-Menukha Ha'Gdola

The educator, R' Moshe – Yevzory – Yevzrikhin, the grandfather of Asaf Simkhoni on his mother side

The grandson – Major General Asaf Simkhoni, the commander of the 1956 Sinai campaign who was killed [in the last day of] the war

The memorial to the colonies' martyrs built by the Holocaust survivors from Sdeh-Menukha The inscription on the memorial, in Russian and Yiddish says:

“Here buried Soviet citizens from the village of Klininsk (Sdeh-Menukha), 1875 people, elderly, men, women and children, who were tortured and murdered by the fascist executioners and the collaborators during the temporary occupation, on the 16 of September, 1941”

At the victims' mass grave on the memorial day for the colonies martyrs

Sdeh-Menukha Ha'Gdola – the fruit tree orchard

The harvest in the field (during the 1920's)

Sdeh-Menukha Ha'Gdola – in the orchard

R' Avraham Simongauz. One of the first settlers of Inguletz (one hundred years old).

Dovora–Gitle Tverdovsky (nee Medem) One of the first girls born in NovoPoltavka (85 years old)




Prepared by Moshe Kutten


Name Index

Surname First Name Article's Author in this book Notes Page(s)
Alexander the 1st Russian Czar 23 - 25, 27, 40, 42, 44, 45, 50, 53, 149, 152, 195, 252
Alexander the 2nd Russian Czar 95, 101, 102, 104, 110, 115, 118, 405, 407, 408
Ekaterina the 2nd Czaritza of Russia, also known as Catherine the Great 19
Hershel the “Klezmer” in Sdeh Menukha 188,214
Joseph the 2nd Emperor of Austria-Hungary empire 16
Mar'el Atara Parag's brother 281
Motl The kleizmer 279
Nekhama Rakhel Pnini's sister 229
Nikolai (Nicolai) the 1st Russian Czar 45, 50, 54 - 57, 61, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 75, 79, 84, 102, 150, 161, 163, 245, 248, 348
Nikolai (Nicolai) the 2nd Russian Czar 239, 245, 298, 354
Pavel (Paul the 1st) Czar of Russia. also known as Czar Paul the 1st 19, 21, 23
Yaakov ben Khaviv 232
Yehuda-Leib Rabbi, Kleizmer 279
Yoelik slaughterer in sdeh Menukha Ha'Ktana 214
Zalman Israel ben Eliyahu's uncle (Sdeh Menukha Ha'Ktana) 214
ADLER Feiga 257
A'HARONI Aharon-Hirsh 351
A'HARONI Malka 350
ALEIKHEM Shalom Pen name of Solomon Naumovich Rabinovich 247, 275, 352, 422
ALEK Julius 429
ALEXEYEV Russian senator 39
ALKON Leon 23
ASTITAS Meir 257
ASTITAS Shmeul 258
AVIDOV Nesya yes 279
BACKENDORF Russian Minister of Police 66, 67, 68, 69, 74 - 76, 78, 79
BAKUNIN Russian Mohilev Provincial Minister 31 - 33
BALFOUR Arthur 263, 310
BALLIA Shneor 119
BAR–DROMA–GALLILI Tzipora yes 342, 347, 382
BAR-DROMAH Yehushua yes 343, 382
BARINSKI Yaakov–Leib 343, 344
BAVLI Khaim 319
BEIBILOV Khaim 209
BEILIS Menakhem-Mendel Russian Jew accused of ritual murder in Kiev 146, 234, 271
BEN ELIYAHU Israel yes Member of book's Initiating committee 8, 217
BEN ELIYAHU Shaike 216
BEN GURION David 330
BEN SADEH Menakhem yes 188
BEN TZION Simkha The pen name of the author Alter Gutman 301
BERKIN Khaia yes 280
BETZER Yisrael yes 274,292
BIALIK Khaim-Nakhman yes 144, 235, 248, 310
BLEICHROEDER Samuel Baron 118
BLUDOV Head of the committee of Jewish affairs and later the Interior Minister 64 - 72, 407
BOKAL Mania 119
BONAPARTE Napoleon Emperor, France 34, 40, 125
BOROKHOV Dov-Ber 329
BREKHMAN Yoel 298, 300, 302, 304
BRONIN Z. 122, 429
BRUTZKUS Ber-Dov (Boris) 122, 429
BUDYONNY Semyon Mikhailovich Red Army's general 233, 318
BUTRYMOWICZ Mateusz Polish noble, Sejm representative from Pinsk 17, 18
CHEBERYAK Vera witness in the anti-Semitic Beilis trial 146
CHERNOVITZ Khaim Rabbi (nicknamed in Hebrew "Harav Hatzair -"The Young Rabbi) 235
CHIRKOVITZ Russian senior official 79
COHEN Israel-Dov Rabbi 232, 235
COHEN Khaim yes 234
COHEN Yanke (Ya'akov) Melamed 243
CORNIES Mennonite. Head inspector of Jewish colonies in Ekaterinoslav 88
CZACKI Tadeusz Polish noble, head of the Sejm finance commission 18
CZARTORYSKI (CHARTORINSKY) Adam-Jerzy Polish noble,, Russian deputy foreign minister, a member of the Committee to Remedy the State of the Jews 23, 27
DANZIG Avraham Rabbi 348
DARBUSH Russian general, commander of the Gendarmes Corps 64, 65
DE HIRSCH Maurice Baron 9, 118, 119, 121, 383
DE RICHELIEU Russian duke, Novo-Russia Provincial Minister 32, 33, 37, 38, 42, 43
DELON Eliezer 41
DEMIDOV Russian Deputy Novorossiya Provincial Minister 72, 73, 75, 77 -79, 86, 92, 96
DENIKIN Anton Russian general 197, 225, 274, 315, 355, 366, 367
DERZHAVIN Russian senator 22, 195
DINKIN "White" Russian general 233
DIYAKOV Russian general, Provincial Minister of Mohilev 64, 67
DOLGORUKOV Russian Prince, Kharkov Provincial Minister 73, 74
DORFAMAN Gitl Ekaterina-Moiseievna Doctor 344
DORFMAN Moshe 344
DOR-SINAI Zeev yes 361
DRABKIN Rabbi 234
DUBNOV Shimon 429
DUKHIN Yehoshua yes 285, 322
DYERZHAVIN Gavril-Romanovich Russian senator and Justice Minister, member of the Committee to Remedy the State of the Jews 21 - 23, 25 - 27, 29
EISENBAUM Antony 389, 396
ERESH Elimelekh 383
EREV Yaakov 194, 379
EREZ Yehuda yes 375
ERLICH Asher 429
ETTINGER Akiva 122, 413, 414, 429
FINKELSTEIN Nakhum 31 - 33, 394, 396
FRUGG Shimon yes 8, 14, 170, 249, 273, 310, 312
FRUMKIN M. Member of the "KOMZET" state committee 134
GAAN Russian head of settlers' Supervisory Committee, and later consultant and member of the Assets Ministry council 87, 88, 90 - 92, 95, 96, 98, 104
GALITZIN Russian Graf, Minister of Religions and Education 42, 44, 45
GAMM Russian head of the colonies' Supervisory Committee 105, 106
GEBEL Russian agronomist 89
GESEH Russian Poltava Provincial Minister 74
GESSEN Julius 27, 28, 429
GILBOT Meir 253
GLADKII Russian head of Ekaterinoslav department of state assets 87 - 91, 95
GLANZ Yaakov 255
GOLDA V. Member of the "KOMZET" state committee 134
GOLOMB Diklah yes 4
GORDIN Yaakov 352
GORSTEIN B. yes 386, 420
GRIGORIEV [OR GRIGOROV] Nikifor Ukrainian Hetman 296, 233, 315, 317, 318, 346, 347, 356, 357, 376
GUBER Mordekhai yes 257
GUBER Rivka yes 256
GUREVITZ A. yes 286
GUROVITZ (OR GUREVITZ) Herman-Bernard 101, 109
GUSAK Rusiian G. O. P interrogator 338
GUZMAN Yehudit yes 277
HALPERIN Khayim yes 4, 12, 272
HARUSI Imanuel yes 4
HAUSNER Gideon 248
HAZAZ Khaim 248, 252
HELLER Israel yes 370
HERDER Moshe 119
HERZL / HERTZL Theodor 9, 279, 300, 310. 311, 378
HIRSZOWICZ Avraham 17, 18
HOŁOWIŃSKI Polish Sejm representative, member of the committee to improve the state of the Jews 18
HURVITZ Itah yes 291
IGNATYEV Nikolay Pavlovich Russian Interior Minister 299
INZOV Russian general, head of the Guardian Bureau for the Settlers 44, 45, 47 - 50, 52, 55 - 58, 60, 61, 69, 73, 395
ISLAVIN A. B. Personal secretary of Kisliyov - Russian Minister of State Assets 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 108, 109, 110
ISRAELI Bentzion 384
IVANSCHINTZEV Russian inspector of the "Jewish Settlement" - in 1880 113 - 115, 116
JEZIERSKI Polish noble - head of committee to remedy the state of the Jews. 18
JOZEFOWICZ Tzvi-Herszel Rabbi 17
KAFRI Mikhael 280
KAHAN B. 429
KAHANA 393, 394
KAHANOV Leibel yes 194, 379
KALGAORIA Russian Ekaterinoslav Provincial Minister 37
KAMENEV Lev Bolshevik leader 285
KAMINKER Tzipora yes 236
KANKRIN Russian Graf, Finance Minister 63 - 66, 70
KARINOV Polish province-minister of Minsk 19
KARSON L. Member of the "KOMZET" state committee 134
KARTZEV Russian court advisor for special tasks 84 - 86
KATZENELSON Yehudah-Leib Dr. Also known in his pen name as the author "Buki ben Yagli" 122
KERENSKY Alexander-Fyodorovich A leader of the Russian revolution 187, 224, 235, 311, 342, 379, 380, 382
KESEH Yona 347
KHALILI Mordekhai yes Member of book's Initiating committee 8, 226
KHOLONOVSKY Russian member of the committee to remedy the state of the Jews. 18
KISLIYOV Russian Graf, Minister of State Assets 69, 72 - 76, 84, 86 - 92, 95, 96, 101, 108
KLAUS Russian senior official of Novorossiya Settlement Department 111, 112, 113
KLAUSNER Y. Doctor 235
KOCHUBEY B. P Russian noble - noble, chair of the Committee to Remedy the State of the Jews and later Interior Minister, 23, 26, 27, 29, 31 - 36, 45, 46
KOMAROV Ben-Tzion yes 198
KOMAROV Russian senior official in the Interior Ministry 71
KONDRENTZOV Russian Novorossiya Deputy Provincial Minister, Demidov's replacement 92
KONTENIUS Russian head judge in Novorossiya 36, 37, 42, 43
KOOK Tzvi-Yehuda Rabbi 266
KOSOI Berl 347
KOZODAVLEV Russian vice-interior and interior minister 39, 42, 44, 45
KRIVESKY Russian Inspector of the colonies 75
KULISHOV 87 - 89
KURAKIN Russian Interior Minister 38
KUTIN Shlomo 258
LANSKY Russian Office Manager and later the Interior Minister 53, 55, 56 - 58, 407
LARIN V. Member of the "KOMZET" state committee 134
LENIN Soviet Union Communist Ruler 382
LENOV 42, 43
LENPORT Israel 31
LESHCHINSKI Yaakov 140, 429
LESHKROV Russian government official 43
LEV Leah 249
LEVINSOHN V. Academic consultant of the rabbinical colleges in Vilna and Zhitomir 102
LEVINSON [RIBAL] Yitzkhak-Ber Rabbi 80, 81
LEVISON V. Professor, Curriculum advisor for the Jewish rabbinical and teaching college in Vilna 102
LIEBERMAN 32, 33, 188, 192
LIKHTMAN Breina yes 259
LILIENBLUM Moshe-Leib 118, 119
LIPNOV Y. P. Russian government's inspector 37, 42 - 44
LITVINOV M. Member of the "KOMZET" state committee 134
LIVNEH-LIEBERMAN Tzvi yes 4, 7, 13
LUBARSKI / LIUBARSKI/ LOVARSKI Sh. Agronomist 122, 380, 416, 417
MAHLER Rafael 429
MAKHNO Batko Ukrainian gang leader 129, 198, 200, 225, 239, 253, 261, 263, 315, 318, 319, 376, 377, 383, 417
MANDELSHTAM A. L Professor. Academic consultant of the rabbinical colleges in Vilna and Zhitomir 102
MANEH Mordekhai-Tzvi 273
MEDEM Yehoshua yes 262
MELTZER Shimshon yes 4, 176
MENDELSTAM Benyamin 80, 81
MENDELSTAM A. L. Curriculum advisor for the Jewish rabbinical and teaching college in Vilna 102
MENUKHI (NINBURG) Yehuda yes 197, 216
MEREZSHIN / MARZHIN H. Yevsektsia representative to committee for settling Jews in Crimea 429, 386
MERZHIN A. 134, 343
MESTCHEKIN Yosi yes 4,
MILMAN Hershel-Aba 232
MIRKIN Agronomist 272
MOKHER SFARIM Mendele Pen name of Shalom Yaakov Abramovitz 275, 397
MONETFIORY Russian minister 81
MORADOV 369, 370
MORAVIOV / MURAVYOV Russian Minister of State Assets 102, 104406, 407
NIKITA Russian Babkova Farm's Vice-Manager 364
NINBURG Avraham-Moshe 199, 379, 380
NINBURG Doba 200
NINBURG Feiga 199
NINBURG Shlomit 199
NINBURG Shternah yes 200
NINBURG Tuvia 216
NITKIN Victor 429
NIVOKHOVITZ Yehuda-Leib 23, 28
NOODLE Aharon 242
NORDAU Max 310
NOTKIN (SHKLOVER) Neteh-Nathan 20 - 23, 28, 29, 35, 80, 81
NOVKOVSKY Yehuda Rabbi 352
OBAROV Russia's Secretary of Education 102
OGIŃSKI Lithuanian duke 22
OSCHUK Rusiian G. O. P interrogator 336
OSTROVSKI G. Jewish estate owner in Ekaterinoslav 115
OVADIA 393, 394
OVOLYANOV Russian attorney general 22
OVROV Russian minister 81
OZSHIGOV Russian Police Chief in the Kherson province 75, 76
PADYIEV Russian assistant of General Inzov 44, 47, 48, 50 - 53, 56, 60, 61
PALKOV Alter 286
PALKOV-LEV Leah yes 290
PARAG Atara yes 282
PARAG Nakhman yes 282
PELN Russian Baron, Courland Provincial Minister 73
PERES Ya'akov 81
PERETZ Avraham 23, 27, 28
PERETZ Y. L. 187, 247
PERL Yosef yes 393
PETLIURA Symon Ukrainian gang leader 225, 239, 274, 310, 315, 339, 355, 356, 380, 383, 417
PINNES Arye-Leib 348
PINSKER Leon 118
PINSKI David 247
PIODOROV Russian Kherson's Provincial Minister 90
PITKIN Mordekhai yes 4, 177
PIVNIAK Rusiian G. O. P interrogator 338
PNINI Khaim 230
PNINI Rakhel yes 229
PNINI Zisel 230
POLIASTRO Bilha Doctor 344
PONIATOWSKI Stanisław-August Polish king 19
POPKIN Eliezer 235, 237, 239
POPOV Russian government's Secret Advisor 39, 41, 53
POTYOMKIN Russian prince 27, 28
PRANAITIS Feiga witness in the anti-Semitic Bailys trial 146
PRIZEL Adam Polish noble - Russian deputy Foreign Minister, a member of the Committee to Remedy the State of the Jews 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26
RASPUTIN Grigori Yefimovich 311
REDA A Ukrainian leader and a gang leader 380
ROTHSCHILD Nathaniel Mayer Baron 9, 118
ROZHENSKI Arye yes 353
ROZIN Rakhel 192
RUDNITZKI Russia special envoy of the Ministry of State’s Assets 102 - 105, 109
RUPIN Arthur 429
SAMUELEV / SAMUILOV father and Family 270, 295, 297, 298, 301
SAMUELEV Sara Mother 295
SCHINDLER Russian provincial physician 73
SCHNEERSOHN Dov-Ber Admor, Rabbi 80
SCHNEERSOHN (SHNEUR) Zalman Rabbi 80, 351, 378
SCHWARTZ 293, 298
SHADMI Sara yes 193
SHADMI Tzvi yes 190
SHEIKEVITZ Nakhum_Meir with the pen name SHEME"R 192
SHEVCHENKO Taras Hryhorovych Ukranian poet 310
SHINMAN A. Member of the "KOMZET" state committee 134
SIMKHONI Yehudit yes nee Yevzori-Yevzrikhin 311, 314, 319, 379
SIMKHONI Yeshayahu 319
SIMKHONI (VESILNITZKI) Mordekhai yes Member of book's Initiating committee 8, 210, 216, 318, 319, 358
SIMONGAUZ Avraham 350 - 353
SIMONGAUZ Khana–Stesya 351
SIMONGAUZ Shmuel 350
SIMOV Russian general, Patron of the colonies 272
SIVIRIN-POTOCZKY Polish noble - Russian minister and a member of the Committee to Remedy the State of the Jews 23
SKOROPADSKY Ukrainian leader 346
SLUTZKI Yehuda yes 4
SOKOLOV Nakhum 116, 118
SOLOGUV Russian head of Bobruisk office of the Ministry of State Assets - 97
SPERANSKY Mikhail Russian manager of the interior ministry 24, 27
STALIN Soviet Union Communist ruler 373
STEIN Doctor 236
STEMPEL Baron, Russian Supervisory Committee's manager for the Jewish colonies in Kherson and Ekaterinoslav 90 - 92, 95
STEPHANOVKA Estate noble owner in Ekaterinoslav 115
STERN Betzalel (Bezilius) 82
STROKOV Russian senior official in the Ministry of State Assets 95
TAGAICHINOV Russian Ekaterinoslav forest inspector 89
TATIANES Dunika 215
TCHERNIKHOVSKI Shaul 8, 205, 249
TIKHAYEV Russian provincial minister 119, 120
TIOMKIN Zeev 236, 302
TOKARVITZ Yaakov Rabbi 344
TOREN Avraham yes 237
TRIBMAN David yes 382
TROKOV Russian investigative commissioner 95
TROTSKY Leon 337
TRUMPLEDOR Yoseph 187, 329
TVERDOVSKY / TVERDOVSKI Avraham-Ber Mentioned in his pseudonym Ber'eh-Volf 148, 149, 152, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163
TVERDOVSKI / TVERDOVSKI (NEE MEDEM) Dvora-Gitl Also mentioned as a pseudonym as Dvora Zeisel 147, 153, 175, 353
TVERDOVSKY / TVERDOVSKI Moshe-Leib Mentioned in his pseudonym as R' Yehuda Leib 145 - 175
TZEITLIN Yehoshua 27
VASILCHIKOV Russian Provincial Minister of Kiev 406, 407
VERLINSKY Nakhum 236
VESLNITZKI Zalman-Leib 304
VLADIMIROVITZ Ivan Russian Babkova Farm's Manager 364
VON GRUBER Russian inspector of the Jewish rabbinical colleges in Vilna Zhitomir and teacher college in Vilna 101, 102
VORONTZOV Russian Novorossiya Provincial Minister 72, 73, 75 - 78, 81 - 83
VOZNESENSKI Sokolov Russian provincial minister 159
WILFNED Yosef yes 4
WRANGEL Pyotr Russian White general 225, 226, 318, 320
YAFEH Yitzkhak 56
[YAVETZ] Yosef-Meir Rabbi 242
YEHUDAI Rakhel yes 266
YELIN David 301
YEVZORI-YEVZRIKHIN Benyamin 319, 324, 325, 328
YEVZORI-YEVZRIKHIN Moshe yes 291, 301, 304, 314
YEVZORI-YEVZRIKHIN Yehuda yes 311, 312, 316, 319 - 322, 341
YEVZORI-YEVZRIKHIN Zrubavel 314, 318, 319, 321, 324 - 326, 328, 329
YIEDANOV Russian Head Inspector over the Jewish colonies 48
YIGNATIEV Russian minister 116
YITZKHAKI (RASHI) Shlomo Rabbi 246, 254
ZALMAN Eliyahu ben Shlomo The Gaon from Vilna 378
ZELENOI A. A. Russian Minister of State Assets 109
ZELTZER Eliezer 233, 237, 239
ZELTZER Israel yes 240
ZELTZER Shoshana 233
ZLIYONI Ukrainian Hetman 346
ZOHAR Tzvi yes 4
ZONKOVSKII Russian head of religions and education ministry 42
ZUBOV A. V. Russian general, a member of the member of the Committee to Remedy the State of the Jews 23
ZUSMAN 350, 353


Organizations of and for Jews

Organization Name Notes Page(s)
“Agro-Joint” A branch of the “Joint” for resettling Jews 134, 135, 194, 385, 386
“A'havat Tzion” Literally - “The Love of Zion” Zionist organization 302
“Am Olam” Literally - “Eternal People” - An organization for the establishment of socialist agricultural settlements in America 10, 118, 121, 430
“Bikur Kholim” “Visiting the Sick“, welfare organization 351
“BILU” (“Beit Yaakov Lekhu Venelekha” ) Literally - “House of Jacob, let us go”, a movement for settling in Eretz Israel. 10, 118, 209, 430
“Bund” General Jewish Worker Alliance Party 243, 250, 343, 366
“Central Committee for the Assistance to Jewish Refugees” 346
“Central Committee in Petersburg” JCA organization for helping Russian Jews to develop skills for productive occupations 122, 123
“Christian-Jewish Society” Organization establish by Czar Alexander the 1st to convert Jews to Christianity 45
“Formanta Agraria” A corporation for the development of the Jewish agriculture - in Argentina 9
“Fraternidad Agraria” Financial center cooperative agriculture federations in Argentina 9
“Geulat Akhim” Literally - “Brothers' Salvation“, Zionist organization 233
“Hakhnasat Kallah” Literally - “Bringing the bride under the bridal canopy” , welfare organization to help poor brides 232, 251
“Ha'Shomer” Literaqlly - The Guard – a Jewish defense organization 314
“Hatkhiya” Literally - “The Revival” - Zionist organization 280
“He'Khalutz Ba'Moshavot” Literally - “The Pioneer in the Colonies“, youth pioneer organization 311, 314
“He'Khalutz” Literally - “The Pioneer“, Zionist organization 139, 187, 194, 197, 209, 224 - 226, 233, 259, 280, 281, 290, 313, 314, 318, 326, 328, 330, 331, 337, 342, 346, 347, 359, 360, 363, 366-370, 377, 379, 381, 385, 386, 430
“He'Khaver” “The Comrade' - the students' Zionist Union 346
“ICOR” Organization for the Jewish Colonization in Russia (from Yiddish - Yiddishe Kolonizatsie Organizatsie in Rusland”) 421
“JCA” (“Jewish Colonization Association”) Established by Baron de Hirsch 9, 122, 123, 124 - 127, 135, 190, 201, 220, 244, 245, 262, 263, 266, 271, 273, 274, 291, 303, 342, 371, 376, 380, 383, 384, 413, 414. 416, 418, 419, 430
“JDC” (“Joint”) “American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee” 132, 134, 371, 385, 430
“Jewish Colonial Bank” 303
“JNF” (“Keren Kayement Le'Israel” or KKL) The Jewish National Fund 209, 233, 258, 279, 280, 286, 311
“Khevrat Talmud Torah” The organization of Jewish and Torah study 232, 351
“Khibat Tzion” Literally - “Lovers of Zion” –the precursor to Zionism 9, 118, 121
“Kol Israel Khaverim” (“Alliance Israélite Universelle” – or in short “The Alliance”) Jewish educational and social organization founded in France in 1860 116
“KOMZET” (or KUMZET) Russian government's “Committee for Assisting Jewish Agriculture” 134 - 136, 138, 374, 421, 430
“Lekhem Evionim” Literally - “Bread for the Poor“, welfare organization 232, 351
“Maccabi” Zionist organization 233
“Ma'ot Khitin” Literally “Pennies for Wheat“, welfare organization 251
“OPE” – “Khevrat Mefitzei Haskala” “Organization for the Dissemination of Education” 189, 346
“ORT” “Association for the Promotion of Skilled Trades” 118, 119, 132, 135, 383 - 385, 416 - 419, 421
“OZET” Society for Settling Toiling Jews (“GEZERD” in Yiddish) 134 - 137, 374, 386, 421, 430
“Poalei Tzion” “Workers of Zion“, Zionist organization 366
“Socialist Zionism movement” (S“Z) 261, 281
“Tarbut” Literally - “Culture“, a secular organization for teaching Hebrew. 342
“Tzeirei Tzion' Literally - “Youths of Zion” , Zionist organization 187, 209, 233, 236, 237, 239, 346, 363, 369, 376, 377, 380
“War Relief” Jewish American wellfare union 325
“Yevsektzia” Jewish section of the Communist Party 137, 139, 254, 261, 328, 329, 352, 366, 368, 379, 381, 386, 430
“Z” S Yugend” “Zionist - Socialist Youth's 329, 334, 335
“Z” S” (or “S”Z”) “Zionist-Socialists” - Labor Zionist party 261, 329, 330, 334, 376, 377, 379


Jewish Colonies

Jewish Colony Location / Notes Page(s)
A'havat Avoda Ekaterinoslav province 401
Akhdut (Unity) Crimea 426
Akhdut (Unity) Crimea 139
Aleksandreny Bessarabia 412
Avoda (Work) Crimea 139
Beit Lekhem Crimea 139, 426
Beit Lekhem Yehuda USA 10
Beridnova Odessa region 424
Blalalo–Blad Bessarabia 412
Bobrovy-Kut Kherson province 11, 34, 103, 137, 187, 189, 192, 210, 229, 269, 273, 274, 294, 354, 355, 356, 357, 372, 383, 409, 419, 423, 429
Bogodarovka Ekaterinoslav province 409, 427
Brichevo Bessarabia 412
Dobroye Kherson province 11, 34, 111, 129, 273, 293, 314, 316, 317, 320, 335, 341 - 347, 356, 381 - 383, 409, 418, 429
Dolgintzova Kherson province 425
Dombroveny Bessarabia 412
Eriozova Odessa region 424
Eyegene Mi (Our Own Effort) Odessa region 424
Frei Erd (free land) Odessa region 424
Freiheit (Freedom) Odessa region 424
Freiland Kherson province 371
Freiland (happiness) Odessa region 424
FrieHeim (Free Home) Odessa region 424
Friling (Spring) Odessa region 424
Gil'ad USA 10
Gorkaya Ekaterinoslav province 409, 427
Grafskoya Ekaterinoslav province 112, 115, 409
Ha'Tikva (The Hope) Crimea 139
Horostaipoli Kiev Province 374, 375
Ikar (Farmer) Crimea 139, 426
Inguletz (Har-Shefer) Kherson province 11, 34, 47, 350 - 353, 393, 409, 425
Izraelovka (Ya'azor) Kherson province 11, 34, 103, 233, 234, 237, 238, 393, 409, 429
Kadima (Forward) Crimea 426
Kaminka (Kamenka) Kherson province 34, 36, 47, 393, 409, 425
Kapresht Bessarabia 412
Karmel USA 10
Karmia USA 10
Katovsky Odessa region 424
Kauzschitz Pinsk province 129
Khaklai (Agriculturalist) Crimea 139, 426
Kherut (Freedom) Crimea 139, 426
Khlebodaravka Ekaterinoslav province 409, 427
Khliyebarov Odessa region 424
Kiliyanovka Podolia, Belarus 257 - 259
Komzetovka Odessa region 424
Konstantinova Belarus, Grodno province 348 - 353
Krasonselka Ekaterinoslav province 93, 112, 409, 427, 429
Lasker USA 10
Likht (Light) Odessa region 424
Liser USA 10
Lvov (Lvovo, Libovo, Lvova) Kherson province 78, 82, 103, 137, 240, 372, 383, 409, 418, 423
Lyublin Bessarabia 412
Ma'ayan Crimea, Hakhshara settlement for the He'Khalutz movement 139, 385, 426
Markuleshti Bessarabia 412
Mazor Kherson province 11
Merapeskaya Ekaterinoslav province 245
Mezhirich Ekaterinoslav province 93, 115, 409, 427, 429
Mi on unzer tzukinft (Our effort is our future) Odessa region 424
Mishmar Crimea, Hakhshara settlement for the He'Khalutz movement 139, 385, 426
Montefiori USA 10
Nadezhnaya Ekaterinoslav province 409, 427
Nahar-Tov (Nahar-Tov Ha'Gdola, The "New" Nahar-Tov and the "Old" Nahar-Tov) Kherson province 11, 34, 38, 69, 72, 84, 176, 194, 248, 267 - 341, 383, 393, 409, 423
Nechayevka Ekaterinoslav province 93, 112, 115, 129, 241 - 247, 409, 427, 429
Nei Heim (New Home) Odessa region 424
New Odessa USA 10
(Novo) Berislav Kherson province 78, 82, 103, 383, 409
Novo-Kovno Kherson province 103, 248, 250, 409, 425
Novomirka Odessa region 424
Novo-Podolsk Kherson province 248, 409
Novo-Poltavka Kherson province 11, 34, 82, 103, 112, 122, 129, 190, 153, 220, 260 - 266, 271, 273, 342, 343, 346, 352, 356, 371, 376, 377, 380 - 383, 409, 416, 418
Novo-Vitebsk Kherson province 248 - 255, 409, 425
Novo-Zhitomir Kherson province 409, 425
Novo-Zlatopol Ekaterinoslav province 93, 112, 409, 427, 429
O?ed???apter Odessa region 424
Pavlova Belarus, Grodno province 348 - 353
Petrovska Odessa region 424
Pobeda (Victory in Russian) Crimea 426
Poltavska Kherson province 78
Priyutnoya Ekaterinoslav province 409, 427
Promukloya Kherson province 409
Rabattnik (?) Crimea 426
Roiter Oktiober (?) (Red October?) Odessa region 424
Romanovka Kherson province 78, 81, 82, 101, 109, 271, 273, 294, 314, 315, 383, 409, 423
Roskoshnaye Ekaterinoslav province 409, 427
Rosnopola Odessa region 424
Rovnopol Ekaterinoslav province 409, 427
Sdeh Menukha Ha'Gdola (Tatarka, later Kalinindorf) Kherson province 11, 34, 38, 103, 137, 187 - 190, 192, 193, 201, 209, 210, 214, 227, 230, 238, 248, 269, 274, 294, 314, 318 - 321, 334, 336, 337, 354, 355, 357, 373, 378, 383, 393, 409, 419, 429
Sdeh-Menukha-Ha'Ktana (Nevel) Kherson province 11, 103, 176, 185, 188 - 230, 274, 304, 314, 320, 334, 354, 355, 371, 373, 378 - 380, 383, 393, 409, 418, 419, 423
Sehaidek Kherson province 11, 231 - 240, 409
Selkhoz Odessa region 424
Shchedrin Bobruisk Oblast, Belarus  80
Sicily Island LA, USA 10
Sladkovodnaya Ekaterinoslav province 409
Sofyovka Vohlyn 410
Tel-Khai Crimea, Hakhshara settlement for the He'Khalutz movement 139, 277, 385, 426
Touro USA 10
Tova Ekaterinoslav province 401
Trudoliubovka Ekaterinoslav province 93, 112, 115, 129, 409, 427, 429
Vertyuzhany Bessarabia 412
Vesselaya Ekaterinoslav province 93, 112, 409, 427, 429
Vogotzlova Odessa region 424
Volnaya Kherson province 409
Waldheim (later llych’s Wills) Birobidzhan 422
Yefeh-Nahar (Effengar) Kherson province, On pages 145 - 176, it is mentioned in its pseudo name - Nahar Gilovka 11, 34, 163, 192, 164, 145 - 176, 269, 272, 314, 317, 320, 335, 341 - 347, 371, 376, 380 - 384, 393, 394, 396, 409, 418
Yetzira (Creation) Crimea 139, 426
Yizluchistoye 49, 409
Zatishe Ekaterinoslav province 409, 427
Zelenopolya Ekaterinoslav province 409, 427
Zemerov Crimea 426
Zemliedieliyetz (worker of the land) Crimea 426
Zguritza Bessarabia 412
Zokhorveka Odessa region 424
Zorya (or Dorya)? Crimea 426


Table of Contents

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