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Betzalel Adler
He was a man of few words and believed in the saying that silence was golden. He was a modest man and barely managed to earn a living. He was in charge of the public bath for a while, then he was a religius trustee of the kosher butchers to see that everything is kosher in spite of the fact that they had kashrut certificates. Before Passover he would start to bake matzot and also bake Shmira Matzot or special prepared matzot. He also baked on the eve of Passover special light matzot for that day and also sold slivovitz brandy (brandy made from plums) kosher for Passover. He also helped his sons in the book binding business. Lately he lived along Florianski Street. He had several sons that received a tradiotional religious education and were members of the young Mizrahi club. His oldest son Mordechai Dawid was a typical youngster in the city. He was well read, loved to research material, familiar with Jewish Talmudic scholarship, and a well balanced mind. He sold books to the religious youth in the city. His brother worked for Rubel at the distillery in Siowniow.
P. Adler
Elimelech Goldstein's son-in-law; he lived for a few years in Jaslo.
Chanoch Chenech Adler
Mishket Miller's son-in-law (See Zelig Miller)
Oberlander family
The father of the brothers Nathan and Ludwig Oberlander, who were attorneys, settled in Jaslo when the oil refinery was built in Niglowic. The father worked there as a clerk. His two sons distinguished themselves as lawyers due to their excellent logic, deep penetration of cases and manner of presentation.
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Nathan Oberlander, doctor of law, was not pleased with his stay in Jaslo. He left the city for Krakow with the declaration of Polish independence. He was considered one of the best lawyers in the country. He distanced himself from any contact with the Jewish community.
Ludwig Oberlander, doctor of law. Contrary to his brother's philosophy, he was devoted to Zionism and gave a great deal to this cause until his dying day. He was always ready to battle for the cause whether it involved communal, municipal or national elections. He spoke well and to the point. He spoke with devotion and bluntness about his Zionist feelings and was always ready to defend the cause. I still remember the national elections and the electoral campaign between the B.B (or the ' Pilsudski Party) that was represented by the number 1, the Zionist Party by the number 17 and the Agudath Israel by the number 33. It was a bitter campaign and Oberlander devoted all his energies to the Zionist cause neglecting his office and his clients. He appeared everywhere, even amongst very religious people although he knew in advance that they would not support him. Still he went on Sabbath to the study center to try to reason and to appeal to all the worshippers to support the cause. His face was white, his forehead sweated, and the voice uttered logical and cool reasons for his cause. He attempted to penetrate the religious crowd.
He influenced the Polish author and statesman Kasori Pruszinski to visit Palestine and familiarize himself with the Zionist movements in
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Palestine He wrote many articles in the newspapers on Jewish topics and problems as well as on Zionism. He published a booklet entitled Judeous Propanos before Hitler became master of Germany and described the shoa that will take place in Europe
Dawid Oliner
He was quiet person who had liberal opinions. He was a wood merchant. His two daughters received a high school education. One of his daughters married the attorney Schnep and they lived on Kosciusko Street.
Chaim Reuven Ullman
He was the brother-in-law of Leibish Roth. He was a Hassid and knowledgeable individual as well as G-d fearing person. He was an easy going person and had a pretty good voice in conducting services, was familiar with musical instruments and most important of all prayed with feeling. He was well connected with the Rabbi's court. He lived in Karp's house where he also had a store that sold animal skins. Later on he moved to Florianski Street. Following WWI, he was discharged from the Austrian Army and began to reorganize his life. Suddenly he fell ill. He fought the disease but failed and died in the prime of his life. He left a wife, four daughters and a son named Dawid. The latter was a smart fellow, full of life and sympathetic to Zionism. He left Poland with his older sister Hannah for the USA with the independence of Poland. He and his family visited Palestine in 1935. He spent a few weeks in Tel Aviv and decided to settle in the country but due to the crisis at the time he was forced to return to the States. He was the head of the Jaslo landesmanshaft in New York.
Another daughter named Riwka, a member of the Zionist movement in Jaslo, left for Palestine in the thirties and settled in Tel Aviv. Following her marriage, she opened a leather workshop along Ben Yehuda Street in Tel Aviv. Meantime, another sister named Sarah also left for Palestine with her husband and two daughters and settled in Jaffa.
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Kopil Ullman
Kopil Ullman was the the son-in-law of the Hebrew teacher Ressler, in Targowica. He lived on Nowa Street in a wooden hut that was destroyed during WWI. He was very pious. He dealt with geese and feathers. He left Jaslo prior to WWI and settled in Germany.
Benyamin Unger Halevi
A wealthy individual and greatly respected. He was a follower of the Belzer Rabbi and an belonged to an old established family in the city. He was an important figure in the study center and as the name indicates was also a levi. He built for himself a one story house on the corner of Florianska and Sokolow. His store of kitchenware, glass and ceramics was also a workshop to cut glass for windows. In the twenties he fell ill and suffered for a long time. He had three sons that received a traditional education and two daughters. His oldest son Elisha lived in Tarnow and was considered a well-to-do person. The second son also lived in Tarnow while the third son lived in Krakow.
The two daughters were married to people devoted to the study of torah. One was named Yakili Cichanowski and the second one Shalom Shikler. Both were well respected in the city. Eventually Shalom Shikler and his family left for Belgium. His third son, Itzhak Unger that resided in Krakow recently arrived in Israel and settled in Haifa.
Eliezer Austro Halevi
He was born Szandiszow. He was the son-in-law of the well-to-do Awraham Shapiro of Gorlice.He was a wheat wholesaler in his house in the marketplace. The house would later be sold to Feivel Kleinman. His beard covered his face and his eyes revealed a clear thinking man. He married to Jaslo in the nineties of the previous century. He and his father- in-law left Gorlice after the big fire in the shtetl. He was very pious and helped socially the needy. He was a good natured and congenial person.
He started in the wheat business in Jaslo but later opened a grocery and a dairy store on Florianska Street in Branstadter's house.He was one of the most active people in the restoration of the destroyed old study center during WWI. He was appointed to be one of the beadles. With the establishment of the new Polish state he left for Germany with his family.
He settled in Palestine in 1935 and resided in Tel Aviv. He then took ill and died. He left a wife, four married daughters and a son named Moshe. The latter was a member of the study center in Jaslo but presently he employed as a clerk in his brother-in-law's shoe store named Phil in Tel Aviv. The owner of the store is Tzvi Tzichner who is the largest shoe dealer in the city and he is the youngest son-in-law of Eliezer Austro. Israel Austro, oldest son of the family, died in the shoa; he was an excellent student in the study center and was a founder of the association of Shlomei Amunei Israel, a forerunner of the Agudath Israel party. Following his marriage he settled in Oswiecim. In writing these lines an incident comes to mind of a political fight that I had with him when I was about eleven or twelve. When the Mizrahi organization in Jaslo opened its branch office, some of the best students at the study center joined the group. Some of the opponents decided to form their own group namely the Shlomei Amunei Israel to oppose the Mizrahi movement as well as the idea of Zionism. Israel Austro was one of the organizers of the group. In spite of my young age, I already realized that the main reason for the organization was his bitter opposition to the movement and to the idea of Zionism.
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On the eve of the Shavuot holiday, a poster was placed on the bulletin board of the great synagogue that the association of Shlomei Amunei Israel is organizing a branch in the city and asking people to join it.
When I came to the synagogue to pray and saw the big poster along the southern wall of the study center , I was furious and decided to rip it off, tear it and to leave the place in haste. Israel saw the entire incident from a distance and began to chase me. I managed to escape but did not return to the study center. During the holiday I no longer prayed there for fear of creating antagonism. From that day onward I avoided him and always managed to avoid meeting him.
Berthold, Oczart,
He was an engineer who recently serttled in Jaslo. He lived on Kosciusko Street. As an assimilated Jew he kept his distance from Jews and the Jewish community. During WWII his daughter came to Palestine with many Polish emigrants and resided here with a non-Jew. Eventually they left the country.
Yaakow Orgal
A pious Jew adopted by Eisik Dietenfas. He was a member of the study center. He had neurological problems but was cured. The effects of the disease depressed him and remained with him forever. He became weak and lifeless. Following his marriage he entered commerce but did not last long in trade. A job was found for him as the sexton of the study center instead of Awraham Hersh.
Awraham Meir Orenstein
He was one of oldest member of the Jewish community in the city. He had the stature and allure of an important person. He was the son-in-law of Leibish Winfeld, the first Jew to establish his home in Jaslo. He was very active in communal affairs of the Jewish community. He was one of the first beadles in the study center that was built during the period. He was a wine and spirit merchant at his home along Kazimierz Street,
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opposite the mayor's office and opposite the eastern wall of the synagogue, close to the holy arc. He had two sons and a daughter.
With his death at the outset of WWI, the family sold their assets in Jaslo and moved to Krakow.
Chaim Shaul Orszicer
He was one of the sons-in-laws of Yaakow Freund. He was a Hassid and very pious man. He was a gentle person who lived along Mai 3rd Street in the house of Shochet. With the establishment of the new Polish state, he left Jaslo and settled in Rzeszow.
Israel Igler
He was one of the dedicated and devoted Zionists in the city of Jaslo. He arrived in the city from Sambor in the thirties and became very involved in the Zionist cause as well as the in the social affairs of the community. As a Zionist visionary and clearly dedicated to the Zionist cause he not only supported morally the cause but also contributed financially to various Zionist campaigns. During the struggle in Palestine between the years 1936-1939, he headed the campaign to raise money for Jewish emigration to the holy land. During his brief stay in the city, he managed to acquire a large following and gained prominence in the Jewish community. He was also appointed to important positions namely the financial committee of the municipality of Jaslo and its leading spokesman. He was manager of the Oscindonosci Bank and a member of various boards in various Jewish organizations. He was well placed in the Jewish community but refused to run for office. He had many business interests in the city and was a partner in the oil drilling company in the area of Borislaw Drohobicz. He received a gold medal from the Polish government for his contribution to Polish commerce. In 1934 he helped acquire a large farm from a Polish major and together with three other partners they ran the farm of about 50 acres. The farm was located in Kriowic and had about 30 cows. This is where Zionist youth acquired agricultural training before they left for Palestine.
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In spite of his busy financial schedule, he never refused individual requests for help and enjoyed helping people. His wife was also very busy with social work especially amongst the Zionist women organizations. She was known as a large financial contributor to the Zionist feminine causes. She visited Palestine in 1935 and bought an orchard so that Jews should have a place to work. With the outbreak of WWII, the entire family managed to leave Poland and reach Palestine. Israel Igler was a member of the Revisionist party and supported the underground group in their war against the British. Lately he established a metal and a plumbing factory that provides many jobs.
Alter Chaim Eisenberg
He was the son of Yaakow Eisenberg and the brother-in-law of Moshe Zilbershtein. He was an honest and pious man. He was a merchant and lived in Targowica. Prior to WWI he left for Germany.
Chaim Eisenberg
He was a very modest man and kept to himself. He observed strictly the commandments. He was the son-in-law of Baldengrin and lived along Kazimerz Street and later moved to the market square where he rented a place from Eliezer Rosner. He dealt with animal skins and barely managed to make a living. He recently sold his business to a shoemaker by the name of Kaplan.
Itzhak Eichler
He was called Itzik Haker. He was a butcher along Kazimierz Street in Orenstein's house. He lived in the Targowica next to the animal market. The business was neglected for many reasons and eventually failed. It was finally liquidated. He was sick for a long period of time that resulted in his death. He left a wife and several daughters. Their financial condition was very poor. They were expelled from the apartment for lack of rent money, so they decided to settle in the study center and refused to budge. They lived there for a while until the daughters began to work and earn some money. They then left the synagogue and became independent.
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Awraham Ingber
He was one of the more educated and well read people in the city. Well behaved, avoided involvements, and refused to be drawn into community participation. He was a teacher. He became ill prior to WWI and the disease dragged on until he passed away. He left a wife and small children who managed with time to get a decent education and even reach high academic teaching institutions.
The oldest son, the son-in-law of Israel Moshe Blum, was a teacher at a high school in Krakow. He was in Russia during WWII and returned to Poland where he died. His sister came to Palestine as a Halutza in the thirties and married a grandson of Baruch Ganger and settled in Tel Aviv. Another sister is in a kibbutz. The mother came to Palestine after the war with a son Monik, who lives in Hertzlia.
Moshe Einhorn
He was a modest man who knew his limitations and was pleased with them. He was very observant person. He was the torah reader at the study center of the rabbi until his last day. He lived for many years at the house of Feivil Klinman. He dealt with yeast. His younger son Motele, a member of the study center left Jaslo following his marriage. Another son lived in Krakow.
Awraham Einhorn
He was the son of Moshe. He was familiar with the scriptures and tended to read but was basically dedicated to the Hassidic movement. He dealt with kitchen ware and pottery at the house of Feivil Klinman. Lately his business was in decline and had to struggle for every customer. He had two daughters and a son. They all received a traditional education.
Zeev Wold Eintziger
The old timers of Jaslo used to say that he was the eighth man for the minian and his brother Menachem Man was the ninth man in the new
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place of their residence. There were missing a tenth man to complete a minian that requires ten men. Bogusz Steinhaus was already thirteen years old but refused to go to services. Thus they frequently were forced to pray as individuals unless somebody from Ulaszewice joined them for minyan. (The family name means one or unique in Yiddish). The name stems from one of the many visits that the Austrian Emperor, Joseph the second, made during his reign. During one of his visits in the area of Nowy Sacz, he lodged at the home of the Eintzigers and stated to one of their forefathers while shaking his hand You are the first Jew that I slept in his house. The family then adopted the family name of Eintziger.
Reb Zeev or Wolf Eintziger as he was called, to be distinguished from Wolf Tzimet, who was his friend and shared his age. The former was a respected member of the Jaslo Jewish community that he helped to establish. He was deeply involved in communal affairs. He never acquired a technical education yet was authorized to deal with architectural and engineering building plans. He built most of the Jewish houses in the city and was rather a successful builder. He had six daughters and a son. His sons-in-law were observant and well read. Four of them resided in Jaslo and were engaged in commerce; they were: Yehoshua Kipel, Yehoshua Lempel, Chaim Feber, and Shulem Kuntz. The fifth son-in-law moved to Tarnow with the outbreak of WWI.
His sixth son-in-law, Rosentzweig L. owner of a candy store in the market square died at a very young age. He left a son and a daughter. (The daughter later left for Palestine as a pioneer and is a member of kibbutz Dan). His son Nathan recently reached Israel with his wife, the daughter of Eliezer Gorzik. They were first on the kibbutz with their sister-in-law but later settled in Haifa.
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Pinhas Eintziger
He was the son of Wolf Eintziger and the son-in-law of Shlomo Berger. He was well read in Jewish studies and was very religious. Still there was in him a flair of European knowledge and outlook as he expressed himself. He was always polite. He resided in Jaslo until 1913 and then moved to Brzeszow. He had a crystal and porcelain store. He had three sons and three daughters. They all received a higher education and all managed to reach Palestine. Yaakow Nathan Or (Eintziger), the oldest son of the family, finished the polititechnikum in Lemberg. He was very active amongst the Jewish academicians and was even elected president of the academic house in Lemberg. As a result of his efforts, the student building was enlarged and additional floor was added for Jewish students at the institution. He left Poland and reached Palestine where he received a good position with the Tel Aviv municipality. He was an excellent worker but soon left and opened an engineering office,
The second son, Moshe finished as an attorney and reached Palestine following the war. He settled in Tel Aviv. The third son, Yehoshua settled in Kfar Yehoshua. One daughter is married to a clerk in the Tel Aviv municipality. The second daughter, Esther, is a teacher and married to Mr. Ein Sela. The third daughter, Yaffa, works for the tnuva dairy organization.
Pinhas Eintziger left Poland to settle in Palestine. He returned to Poland to liquidate his busness affairs in Poland where WWII caught him. He shared the fate of the Jews of Jaslo.
Menachem Man Eintziger
In the city he was known and called by the name of Mani Eintziger. He was involved with many activities and was very active in the community. He was very familiar with the municipality and community board. He was one of the movers behind the building of the big study center. He was later a member of the committee to build the large synagogue and was one of its first beadles.
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He was a tall man with a certain personal charm. He had an opinion on everything and expressed it everywhere. He lived in a house on Nowa Street. He was a wholesaler of animal skins. He kept his mother in his house until she died in 1916. Recently he rented his store and managed to live until WWII
Pessah Eintziger
He was a brother of Wolf and Mani. He was a modern person that you rarely encountered in Jaslo prior to WWI. He owned the hotel Victoria on Iglena Street. This was the first elegant Jewish hotel in the city. The first Zionist meeting in Jaslo took place at this hotel. When he left the city the hotel was converted to a residential building and was sold to Moshe Foist.
Zeev (Wilik) Eintziger ( Libler)
He was the son of a brother in Sands, son-in-law of Shlomo Berger of Koblow. He studied as a youngster in Jaslo and later at the Yeshiva in Unsdorf in Hungary. He settled in Jaslo following his marriage. He opened a luxury shoe store in the market square and was rather successful. But with time he started to neglect his business and devoted himself to social communal affairs. These activities demanded time that he had to take from his business.
In spite of his youth, he excelled in public activities and was a well known figure in the city. He became a well known communal leader full of energy and leadership. He was elected to the municipality on the Zionist ticket in 1920 and will retain his seat until 1931. He was also a member of the community board during the period of Dr. Kornhauser. He was one of the organizers of the soccer club Maccabi and as its presiding officer insisted that they enter the competing field of sport with the white and blue flag.
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He left Jaslo in 1934 and settled in Sanok. As a high government official he used his connections on behalf of the Jewish community in Sanok. With the outbreak of WWII, he managed to reach Russia where he was also involved in helping people. Following the war, he reached Palestine with his wife and two daughters. His only son remained in Poland where he obtained a high government position. The father was the founder of the Jaslo landesmanshaft in Israel.
P. Altholtz
A quiet person devoted to his commerce and livelihood.
Yehoshu Altman
He was one of the first settlers in Jaslo. He was a Hassid of the old tradition. He had several sons and daughters that resided in the city and carried on the Jewish life.
Berish Altman
He was Yehoshua's son and a Shiniawer Hassid. He was very pious and prayed regularly in the study center. He was a wood merchant. He owned a big house on Kosciuszko Street. He was considered one of the rich people in the city. His oldest son Shlomo left the city with the outbreak of WWI and settled in Vienna. His two younger sons and daughters remained in the Jaslo.
Yossil Altman
The second son of Yehoshua Altman was a devoted follower of the study circles at the study center. He was immersed in the study of Talmud. He had a grocery store on Florianska Street. He made a nice living. He had two sons. The younger one Moshe distanced himself from his father's ways and became influenced by modern trends. He became a member of the Maccabi soccer team.
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Yehoshua Altman
He was the older son of Yossel Altman. He was a quiet person and familiar with Jewish literature. He was follower of the Hassidic movement and prayed regularly at the study center of the Rabbi. His father also attended the same synagogue. He was a merchant and lived in his father's house.
Abba Altman
The third son of Yehoshua Altman had a short red beard. He prayed at the big synagogue. He dealt with eggs and also exported them with Hollander, Korzenik and Karp. He was an expert in incubating the eggs during the summer for the winter season when there is a shortage of eggs.
He was amongst the hostages that Russians took in 1915 when they retreated from Jaslo; he returned four years later, an exhausted man. He lived on Shaynochy Street. He had several sons; the oldest was called Zeev or Wilk who settled at kibbutz Gath.
Blumcze Altman
Daughter-in-law of Yehoshua Altman. Following her widowhood, she opened a grocery store in the Targowica area and there she also lived.
Chaim Altman
He was Blumcze Altman's son. He was very pious and studied in Sandz. He returned to Jaslo in the twenties. He was an egg merchant and lived in the Targowica.
Hersh Altman
He was Blumcze Altman's second son. He lived with his mother and helped her with the business. He was a member of the Zionist organization and of the Maccabi sport club
Meir Elliowicz
Very pious person, son-in-law of Moshe Tzimet
Yaakow Alexandrowicz
He belonged to one of the oldest Jewish families in the city. He runs the distillery for years after he obtained the license from Yaakow Freund of Ulaszoeice.
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He also owned two houses on the corner of Kazimierza and Nowa Streets, opposite the mayor's office. Both properties were later acquired by Amer and Kornfeld. Next to the house on Kazimerza Street there was an orchard and a vacant piece of land that reached the house of Shmuel Lehr. The plot belonged to Adamski who sold to a builder that built on it the homes of Eliasz, Kramer and Karp.
He was considered a very modern person in Jaslo. His three sons sold all the properties and the business and left the city of Jaslo. The distillery was acquired by Mordechai Anisfeld who owned it until 1939.
Meir Ament
He was an extremely orthodox Jew who worked in his tin workshop that belonged to Amer and Kornfeld on Nowa Street. He was known in the city as Meir Koler since he came from Koloczyc. He had two sons and five daughters who received a very religious education.
Shmuel Ament
Meir Ament's oldest son was well read in Jewish knowledge. He studied in his youth at the study center. He learned the trade from his father. He was very skillful and specialized in the production of tin ovens for gas. He worked with his father.
Moshe Ament
Meir Ament's second son was very smart and well read. With Polish independence, he left for Hungary to study in a Yeshiva. Later he told stories about Jewish life in Hungary. Married to Sokol but later returned to Jaslo and opened a grocery along the Przedmiace where he bought the house that he lived in.
Yehiel Engel
Following WWI, he left Zmigrod and settled in Jaslo. He was scholarly and behaved accordingly. He was considered one of the sharp Talmudic minds in Jaslo and his Talmudic interpretations and explanations
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were well received by those that attended the lectures. He avoided all glorifications and stressed his privacy. His children were raised in the Hassidic spirit and were all torah students. His first son-in-law, Reuven Eisenberg, was a Talmudic scholar of the first grade. He was very pious and learned. Recently he served as dayan in Zmigrod. The second son-in-law, Shmuel Bilt, born in Frysztak was a well-to-do person and soon left Jaslo. The third son-in-law was a merchant but studied daily at the study center in Jaslo.
Ozer and Moshe Engel absorbed knowledge at their home and both were well spoken and spoke several languages. (While writing these lines I am told that Ozer Engel managed to survive the shoa and reached the USA.)
Itzhak Engel was basically very depressed due to the loss of many of his children in childbirth but he did not let this factor influence his dealings with people. He settled in a small house along Wisoka Street on reaching Jaslo. The place was near the Yad Charutzim synagogue. He started to trade with yeast and then opened a kitchen ware store in Rosner's house.
Mordechai Engel
He was also a native of Zmigrod. A Hassidic Jew that dealt in wheat. He used to come to Jaslo and stay for the week and returned for the Shabbat home to Zmigrod. Several years prior to WWII, he stopped commuting and settled in Jaslo and began building a house along Korlowski street that was finished with the outbreak of the war. He managed to reach Russia in 1940. There he took ill and died as did one of his sons. His wife and two sons managed to reach Israel. One of them, Yehoshua, lives in Holon.
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Chaim Englander
Prior to WWI, he had one of the finest reputations in town as a scholar. He was descendant of a privileged and well known family namely Chaim Hacohen Englander, the son of Rabbi Israel Aaron from Frysztak and the son-in-law of the well-to-do Naphtali Shmuel Salomon from Koblow and Podzamci.
Chaim Englander was known as a smart person, well educated, loved to study, and connected with rabbis, pleasant and sensitive human being. His language was interlaced with sayings of the sages and quotes from the original sources. While still a young man he cultivated a beard that was well trimmed and gave him a stature of a learned man. He built the Grand hotel next to the railway station and managed it for many years. A year prior to the outbreak of WWI, he left Jaslo, sold his estate and settled in Tarnow. His sons received a religious and general education. One of his sons owned a toy factory and later left for Palestine in the thirties. Recently his wife and daughter joined him after they survived the shoa. They reside in Tel Aviv.
Awraham Englard
He was born in Rymanow and settled in Jaslo with Polish Independence. During the war he lived in Czechoslovakia. He was a pleasant person, fair and wise. He had a pleasant appearance and gentle manners. His language was well mannered and polished. He had a pleasant voice and conducted services in the evening. He was known for his cantorial rendition of the priestly blessing during the holidays, the omer prayer and services in general. He was a wine merchant and lived in Podzamci. He had four daughters; all were members of the Zionist movement. Two of them left for Palestine as pioneers. One of them is at kibbutz Dan and the second one Rishka Shtern lives in Tel Aviv. (She is a member of the Jaslo landesmanshaft committee.)
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Dawid Antner
He had three last names namely Dawid Antener, Dawid Zommer and Dawid Stolar. The last name reflected his trade, a carpenter. He was a carpenter and managed to make a living. He lived simply with what he could afford but was always content with life. Lately, his carpentry extended to building caskets. He lived all his life at the Targowica. He had three sons. (According to rumors, one son survived and managed to reach the USA)
Mordechai Anisfeld
He originates from Krakow. He was a quiet person with a good temperament. In spite of his education he kept away from political and communal life. His outlook was extremely modern for his days. He supported the Zionist movement and its activities. He was the son-in-law of Alter Tzucker. During the two great wars, he run the distillery and had the exclusive monopoly on the sale of Okuczim beer. He reached Russia during WWII. with his family. He suffered a great deal and passed away in Uzbekistan in 1942. His son Yonathan received an academic education and married the daughter of Shlomo Elias of Jaslo. They both reached Palestine. He received a job with the electric company in Tel Aviv. They live in Tel Itzhak. Recently his wife and daughter managed with great difficulty to reach these shores and settled in Ramat Hachail.
Nahum Shochet
I must devote some time to this noble figure that I admired in my youth. He was admired by the community. His deeds and manners were highly praised. He was born in Maden, near Przemysl. With the development of Jaslo, he reached the city and was accepted as conductor of the services and a ritual slaughterer.
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Prior to the existence of the great synagogue, the modern worshippers and those that liked cantorial prayers attended the services at the Getzler house. Here Nahum was the main attraction of the mussaf service or second half of the service during the high holidays. (Awraham Piar was his main assistant. He later became a known cantor and left for Vienna).
Nahum Shochet later conducted the first half of the High Holiday service when the great synagogue was opened with the regular cantor and the choir. He also conducted services twice a month at the synagogue. Frequently the beadle urged him to conduct the services, especially for the Neila service on Yom Kippur. He distinguished himself in conducting his services in a moderate tone. He prayed in the traditional emotional style of the cantorial school. His service was emotionally inspiring. His two sons Eliyahu and Yeshayahu were members of the choir. Lately he was assisted by his son Awraham Itche and his grandsons, Simcha Rothfeld, and the sons of Eliezer Weitzman.
He was a Hassid of Bluzow and was familiar with the court of the Rabbi, When he visited the Rabbi on a Shabbat, he was asked to conduct the services which the Rabbi and his Hassidim enjoyed immensely. In spite of the fact that the Rabbi had an excellent voice and also conducted services. Whenever famous rabbis visited Jaslo, he was always asked to conduct services.
He was known to have a great deal of medical knowledge without ever having attended medical school or any school. The story is as follows: while still a young resident in the city, he lived next to the Tzinglewicz family a non Jewish family- and made the acquaintance of one of their sons that just finished his medical studies and was granted the medical degree. This doctor influenced Shochet to study and develop an interest in medicine. The student showed aptitude and before long even acquired a rudimentary knowledge of Latin in order to read prescriptions. Word
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spread that Nahum Shochet was a doctor . He took excellent care of his Jewish patients and saved them lots of money. (We do not have records to show the amount of savings but they amounted to a large sum over the years). He conducted services and was a ritual slaughterer for over 50 years in the community. Each day, he used to visit the sick people in town from 10-12 in the morning and 4-6 in the afternoon.
On his visits, he was always dressed, his shoes were polished and his medical bag in his hand. He even had some tools to perform superficial surgery. He was a doctor to the full extent of the word. He diagnosed the person and prescribed medications with instructions for their use. He was pleasant and wished the patients good luck. He soaped and washed his hands on finishing the examination. Spoke to the patient and encouraged him to take care of himself and to the family told to carry out the instructions. If the disease was serious, he urged that another doctor be called in. The latter would always ask has Nahum been called, regardless whether it was a Jewish or Gentile doctor. This indicates the respect that the doctors had for Nahum Shochet and the work he carried on for years without looking for rewards.
He had four sons and four daughters. His first son-in-law was Hertzel Rothfeld, the second was Wachner (Apfel), the third son-in-law was Eliezer Weitzman and the fourth Avishai Naman. His oldest son Eliyahu lived in Pilzno near Tarnow and was a cantor and a ritual slaughterer. Kalman was the second son who studied at the study center. He was the sales representative of rubber stamps and grinders. He married to Przemysl and opened a successful business.
Yehoshua Apfel
Nahum's third son was a studious Hassid. He studied at the study center. He resided in Jaslo and worshipped regularly at the great study center and conducted services there. He dealt with money exchanges and made a pleasant living. With the outbreak of WWII he reached Russia. Following the war the family reached Paris France
Awraham Itche Apfel
The youngest son of Nahum was a studious member of the study center. He was a follower of the Hassidic court and observed every minute command. He was greatly influenced by his brother-in-law Naman. He married to Dukla and resided there for a while but soon returned to Jaslo and studied slaughtering but soon left it for commerce.
Shragai Feivel Apfel
He was Nahum's brother. He was a fine and gentle man. He was respected in the city and in the community. He also conducted services and followed the cantorial pattern of Bluzow of which he was a Hassid. He had a workshop in the market and sometimes between 1908-1910 he left for Germany.
Yudel Meir Apfel (Horowitz)
A scholarly student of the Talmud, son-in-law of Yaakow Freund, he owned a paper and toy store in the market. He left for Austria prior to WWI. and settled in Vienna. The business was assumed by Gittel Apfel (Nahum's daughter).
P. Apfel
A very gentle person who avoided all involvement. He was a clerk at the flour mill in Pocholenko, outside the city. His son finished legal studies and opened a law office in the city.
Shmuel Wolf Ehrlich
He was very religious and pious man, straight in his dealings with other people. Brother-in-law of Yakel Kalb. He always worked as a glazier. Since 1914 he lived in the house of Amer and Kornfeld on Nowa St. He passed away in the twenties following a prolonged disease
He left a wife and two sons Leibish and Naphtali and five daughters; Raala, Rachel, Roza, Neche, and Zlata (a son named Mendel died as a youngster).
Following his death, his wife opened a grocery store in the same house. Two of his sons-in-law lived in the city of Jaslo. On of them Yerachmiel Tevel who owned a grocery on Florianska St. next to Kalszturna. The oldest son Leibish left Germany and settled in Petach Tikva, Palestine. He was a very religious man and worked for a living. His son fell in the independence war. The fourth daughter Neche left Poland as a pioneer of the Mizrahi women organization and settled in Petach Tikvah and following her marriage moved to Tel Aviv. Shortly, thereafter, she took ill with a terminal disease and soon passed away, leaving a young child.
Akiva Arman
He was known in the city as Akiva Podzamci since he had a farm in the village by that name near Jaslo. He was a kind person, nice mannerisms, and an excellent host. He was also generous. He reached the ripe old age and used to tell stories about the old days.
He once told the following story. I received the order to appear before the draft board in 1928 in the village. He then went to visit the old Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Hacohen of Rymanow and he gave him the following blessing You will live a long live. Indeed the blessing fulfilled itself since he managed to see many grandchildren.
Yaakov Ehrinfreund
He was the son-in-law of Israel Meir Kornreich. He was well read and involved in the community. He lived in the Elias house on Kazimierz Street where he had his store of spirits. He reached Russia with the outbreak of WWII. and passed away there following a disease.
Hertzel Ashkenazi
He was the son-in-law of Leib Tzimet. Well educated and student of the torah.
Mandil, Baron, Rabbi
He was the son in law of Rabbi Awraham Yehoshua Heshil Rubin, the first head of the judicial rabbinical council in Jaslo.
Yona, Baron, Rabbi
He was the son of Mandil Baron.
Berish Baron
His last and first name were unknown to the Jews of Jaslo. He was known by his nickname, the bass. He held this post with the choir of the synagogue. He helped the dynasty of Jaslo cantors in their cantorial performances. He was brought especially for this post from the city of Sandz. He also traded in the market. He barely scraped a living from both occupations. He was a tall man with a big yellow beard that reached his shoulders and chest.
He had a son named Yaakow and a daughter that died as a youngster. Lately he stopped singing in the synagogue and prayed in the study center. When the Rabbi of Dukla opened his study center, Berish Baron joined him there.
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Yudel Bodner
He was a Hassidic Jew and each day partook in the lecture sessions dealing with the Talmud. He distributed charity and received guests warmly. He helped to rebuild the study center and was one of the first beadles.
Saturdays he was busy arranging the third meal of the day namely the Shalishides. He joined the Rabbi of Dukla when the later opened the new place and became a regular worshiper at the center.
He started out as a yeast merchant prior to WWI but then rented a store on Kosciuszko Street where he opened a grocery. He was a successful businessman and became one of the big sugar wholesalers in the city. He had five daughters and two sons that received a very religious education.
Mendel Bodner
He was the son of Yudel Bodner and was a member of the study center. He was well read in Hebrew and general literature. He married the sister of his brother in law, Reuven Kliman. The couple managed successfully the family business, specializing in importing wheat and sugar.
Baruch Bodner
He was the son of Yudel Bodner and was a member of the study center. He was also a member of the Young Mizrahi Movement. Following his marriage, he devoted himself to commerce.
(According to rumors he managed to survive the war and reach the USA.)
Leibish Bodner
He owned a farm in the village of Sowionow where he lived. He led a traditional religious life. He would occasionally come to the city to pray. Besides the farm he also dealt in commerce. His children received a general education in the city school system.
(I am informed that one of his sons reached Israel).
Nathan Boim
He was one of the first settlers of Ulaszewice between the years 1850-1860. He drowned in the river when he went to wash himself at a relatively young age
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Zeelig Boim
He was the son of Nathan Boim, one of the early Jewish children of Ulaszowice. He was very religious, charitable and highly respectable. He sold building materials.
He had two sons and two daughters. One daughter married Dawid Schwartzman and one son named Nathan left Jaslo in 1895 for Vienna and much later reached Israel and settled in Tel Aviv. One son and a daughter live in the States.
Shmuel Buch
He was the son of the ritual slaughterer from Koloczyc and the son in law of Moshe Margolies. He was a very smart individual and familiar with the environment. Interjected jokes in his discussions and conversations. He was a sympathizer of the Zionist movement. Always spoke the truth and disliked hypocrisy. He was a regular worshipper at reb. Mandil's minian.
He started by selling grocery products, wrapping paper and paper bags, then shifted to candy production. His venture was not successful. He had an only son Naphtali who tried to enter Palestine but could not make it because the British would not let him enter. Meantime the war started and he disappeared.
Tzwi Hersh Baumring
He was one of the oldest homeowners in Jaslo. He was the largest wholesaler and retailer of grocery goods in the city. He was a very representative person, and observed his religion and its customs. He always lived along Kosciuszko Street in his own house. He had three sons and four daughters. One of the latter was married to a member of the Shochet family. This family escaped to Russia with the outbreak of WWII where the husband died and the wife survived and presently resides in Tel Aviv with the Shochet family. Another son, Doctor Yaakow Baumring studied at the Yeshiva and received a general education where he excelled. He presented himself to the external examinations for the university and was accepted as a student. He later became a well known doctor in Krosno.
Leibish Baumring
He was the oldest son of Tzwi Hersh Baumring He owned a flour mill in Jaslo. He was modern in outlook and well read. He was one of the dedicated Zionist members in the city. With the outbreak of WWII he left everything and escaped to Russia. He and a son reached Palestine.
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Itzhak Baumring, doctor
The youngest son of Tzwi Hersh Baumring completed high school and graduated from dental school. He managed to reach London.
Buksbaum, the widow
She lived all her life in Kornfeld's house on Kazimierz Street. She sold items in the market on the down payment system. She had a son in Germany and a younger son at home in Jaslo.
Shlomo Bezner and doctor Itzhak Bezner
Meir Batman
He was the son in law of Mendel Meller. He was short and had large spectacles. He was familiar with the Hebrew literature. He prayed daily and then reviewed the available reading materials. He was a quiet person and somewhat withdrawn but very polite. He was a very good member of the Mizrahi Zionist movement in Jaslo while he resided in the city. He was a businessman.
Alter Shulem Bialywloss
He was a Hassidic Jew and a Cohen. He was the son in law of Mordechai Getzler and was considered one of the great scholars of the Jewish community. In spite of his lack of showmanship and young age, he was selected to be one of the beadles in the big study center up to WWI. Lately, he was a regular worshipper at the study center of the Rabbi and was the regular Torah reader there. His son Henech was raised in the Hassidic tradition. He lived in Rubel's house along May 3rd Street and there was his shop.
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Shlomo Biar
He was a quiet and withdrawn person. He observed the Jewish traditions and was the son in law of Ephraim Brick. He earned his living from the bar that was located downhill from the Targowice opposite the well. He had three sons and three daughters. They were all members of the Young Zionist movement. The youngest son Yaakow was very active in the pioneer movement and in the thirties left for Palestine. Another son, Shulem, was shot by the Germans on entering Bochnia. The eldest son supposedly survived and reached the USA.
Eliezer Bider
He was from Gorlice and came to Jaslo with the Gorlice Jews that were expulsed from their place because it became a battle scene in WWI. He was a quiet and well mannered individual. He was well read and fluent in several languages. He gave private lessons in accounting. He prayed at the big study center where he had a seat near the southern wall. Here he revealed his inner most thoughts.
He had three sons and two daughters. The oldest son Ori was a member of the Mizrahi movement. All the children were active Zionists and were the first pioneers to reach Palestine from Jaslo. Ori was killed in 1921 in Jerusalem during the riots. His brother Shmuel joined the Communist party in Palestine and then left the country. The daughters also left the country and one is supposedly in the USA.
Shmuel Bilt
(See Yehiel Engel)
Hershel Bindiger
He was a Hassid of the court of Lejansk and was greatly involved with this dynasty. He was a simple man and contented himself with the bare minimum as was the aspiration of the Hassidic world that rejected luxury. He was a yeast merchant. His wife Sheindil
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was born into the Handel family. In the twenties, his daughter Feiga opened a candy and fruit store at Mendel Meller's place. She was married to a religious student named Yaakow Hanoch Rosen. They had a nice income.
Lately he lived in Shmuel Stillman's place in the market. He had three sons and three daughters. One of the sons left Jaslo in the early twenties. The younger son Ezriel managed to survive the Germans and reached Israel where he settled in Jerusalem.
Zinwil Bindiger
He was the son of Hershel Bindiger. He was very religious and strictly observant. Lately he became a follower of the Dukler Rabbi. He was the son in law of Menashe Shtern. He married Shosha Shtern. Following the marriage, he became a partner in the haberdashery store of his brother in law on Kazimierz Street.
Itzhak Binder
He was well read and familiar with religious literature. He was the brother in law of Awraham Shecht. He produced vinegar but was not very successful. His economic situation kept declining and lately it was very bad. He had a few sons. One of them was born with six fingers on his hands and toes. The family left the city in the twenties. The mother of the family helped out in the Rabbi's house until she passed away.
Elimelech Bikower
The Jews in Jaslo did not know the family name. He was known as Elimelech Bikower since he came from the village of Bikowa near Brzostek where he had a large farm. He was a Hassid and follower of the Rabbi of Willipoli. He was a simple person and highly respected educated people. He contributed largely to the special Shmira matzo fund.
He was a tall man and always looked down. His beard was disheveled and the side curls reached the beard. He wore a large woolen belt when he came to the city to visit his in laws.
Just as the child bestows credit on the father, sometimes, the son in law bestows credit on his father in law as was the case in point. He had one daughter named Frida Leah for whom he selected a an excellent husband namely Ben Tzion Gutwirt. The latter was a Cohen and an excellent yeshiva student. The supporter of the marriage was the Rabbi of Willipoli. The marriage gave Elimelech a great deal of prestige
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Elimelech Bikower made no secrets of his status and behaved as a simple farmer. He even said himself that he was a simple person and should be accepted as such. He had two sons that helped him on the farm. They behaved in a similar manner.
Shlomo Bildengrin
He was a butcher and lived in the Targowice. He was a quiet and easy going person. He was a Hassid that followed the Rabbi of Rymanow and later became a follower of the Dukler Rabbi, He had several daughters.
Chaim Shlomo Blut
He was born in the village of Pezatzlew and was the son in law of Treitel. He was one of the partners of the non-Jewish Polish printing company named Wisloka located in the Targowica square. His family was very interesting and he was a peculiar type of person. He was a sympathizer of the Zionist movement and the Mizrachi Movement. He was a strong supporter of the Polish Worker Party (P.P.S.) in Jaslo. He observed tradition and the religious aspects of Judaism but also celebrated the workers holiday of May first and participated in all labor manifestations with the red flag flattering above his head. He was the only bearded Jew that participated in the May celebrations in the city. As a student at the study center in his youth he acquired a large Jewish religious education and he loved to quote from the sources. He had comments on everything and made frequent interesting observations. He was in general contemptuous of events and situations. His trimmed beard covered his bespectacled face. He wore large gold rimmed glasses that gave the impression of a writer or a poet of the Jewish enlightenment. Indeed he was well read and familiar with many books. His Hebrew was fluent and he loved to read Hebrew papers.
His children received a general education and were influenced by left wing ideas and ideologies. They all belonged to extreme left wing parties and rumor has it that one of his sons was killed in the Spanish civil war fighting for the Republican forces.
Eliezer Blum
One of Zeelig Miller's son in laws. He was very involved in the community and was beadle for many years in the big synagogue. Things that did not suit him were highly criticized and explained but
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were never accepted by the leaders of the community.
He was very influential in establishing the prayer house of the Hevra Kadisha on Sokola Street, next to the house of Benyamin Unger. He had a haberdashery store on Kosciuszko Street that also sold items of the latest fashions, especially lady hats. He had three sons and four daughters.
Israel Moshe Blum
He was one of Eliezer Blum's sons. He had a haberdashery store in the market square.
Eliezer Blum
He was always called Der blinder Eliezer the blind Eliezer since he had limited vision. Still he studied daily the Talmud wrapped in his praying shawl and phylacteries at the synagogue. He prayed along the suggested lines of the mystic of Tzefat, Itzhak Arieh Luria, and was deeply influenced by Jewish mysticism and Kabbala books. He was always studying texts and next to him was always his sniff box.
He sold the items used for Sukkoth namely the etrog, the lulav, the myrtle and the willow branches, In order to obtain most of these items, he traveled yearly to Italy and other places where he purchased them.
His wife Sheindel sat daily in the market until 1914 and sold oriental fruits and sweets. Lately he lived in Feivel Kliman's house. He had one son that left for Germany where he was very successful businessman. He also had a daughter that opened lately a candy store.
Yermiyahu Blum
He was a watchmaker and a jeweler. He was a quiet person and lived on Florianska Street. He died in 1914 with the outbreak of WWI.
P. Blum
He was an enlightened person and a member of the Zionist movement in the city. He owned for many years the pharmacy called Pod Gwiazdon or under the star along Kosciuszko Street.
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Adam Blumental
He was an engineer that worked in the technical department of the oil refinery in Niglowic. With the outbreak of WWII he left Jaslo and wandered about until he reached Palestine where he settled in Haifa. Sometimes later he left for the USA.
Feiwil Blonder
He was a typical type but very interesting. In his youth he was a member of the Poalei Tzion movement and later became very religious. He worshipped at the Rabbi's study center. He had progressive ideas but adhered strictly to his Hassidic concepts of life. His beard was well kept and trimmed in the shape of a square. He wore a large yarmulke of velvet that was tall and broad. He also wore a three quarter coat and a large silk band around his waist.
He was busy as a matchmaker and opened a centrally located kiosk next to the movie house Sokol. He barely made a living but was always happy.
He was very involved in communal affairs, especially social affairs. He was very active in the association of Hachnesset Kalah or support for the unmarried girls. He was the band leader of the orchestra that entertained at weddings. He always carried in his hand a baton with a silver ball at the top that was the tone giver for the band. He used this position to visit prenuptial couples and their families with requests for donations for the various charity funds.Feiwil was also a member of the ' Bikur Cholim society to help the sick where he called the doctors and took care of the patients. He also preceded the funeral cortege with a charity box in his hand asking for donations. He was active in the Talmud torah group to raise money for charity and was also responsible to receive guests in the city.
He made several statements against Zionism and was very active during the elections to the kehilla board. All these jobs that he performed did not help his income. Lately he received a job on behalf of the association for the poor or Tomchei Aniim to distribute the coupons for the needy or poor people that came to the city of Jaslo. This job kept him fully occupied. (In writing these lines, I am informed that one of his sons reached the USA).
Moshe Balzam
He was the son in law of the widow Keller who operated the kiosk near the municipal court house along the road to the railway station. With his marriage he took possession of the kiosk. He also
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took over the job of Moshe Winkler who ran the bathhouse. He made several changes and his income increased. Then in 1934, a fire started in the boiler room that soon spread to the study center. The latter building was burned, luckily the bathhouse was lightly damaged and he continued to operate it.
Israel Eliyahu Belzer
He was the owner of a large store that dealt with animal skins and shoes on Kosciuszko Street. He was a good man and very honest. He was observant and was one of the first worshippers at the big synagogue.
He took ill at a relative young age and the best doctors of Krakow and Vienna could not help him. He died on the tenth of the month of Elul in 1924 in Bad-Neuheim. His body was brought to Jaslo where he was buried.
He left a wife and two sons; Shachne and Feiwil. He also left three daughters. With time the business flourished and they received the exclusive representation rights of the Wudetta rubber factory. The family also bought shares in the oil drillings in Poland and Rumania that were successful. The family became one of the richest families in the city and distributed charity on a wide basis.
The widow sends daily food to the poor people and to the Jewish prisoners at the jail. She also tried to help the latter with whatever she could.
Shachne was one of the soccer players of Maccabi as well as an enterprising young businessman. He managed large business affairs in Warsaw and Lemberg until the outbreak of the war. He managed to reach Russia and then with the Polish Army he reached Palestine. He settled in Tel Aviv where he opened an electrical plant.
Benyamin Bliman
He lived at the top of Florianska Street. He was nicknamed Yemin the grave digger. He used to walk daily the streets of Jaslo with a bag under his arms and a broken umbrella, These symbols served to advertise that he repaired umbrellas, bought and sold rags and bought antics.
He had two sons.
Leibish and Michael Bliman
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Leibish was the oldest son. He was a quiet person and was a tenor in the synagogue choir. He assisted all the cantors in Jaslo that prayed at the synagogue. Singing was his source of income. The second son worked with his father.
Aaron Blank
He lived in Dembowce near Jaslo. He was the son in law of Mordechai Ris. He dealt in commerce and was a fine host and very observant.
He had two sons and four daughters that were educated in the city. The oldest daughter settled in Zmigrod following her marriage.
The family left Dembowce in the thirties and settled in Jaslo.
One son named Yossef managed to survive the Germans and after many detours managed to reach Israel. He settled in Tel Aviv and works in the printing shop of Shochet.
Tzwi Benet
He settled in Jaslo in the thirties, He was a modern minded person. He was a partner in the glass factory in Jaslo.
Joel Menachem Beck
He was nicknamed Joel Mendel. He was a native of Trziciano near Jaslo, He settled in Jaslo in the seventies and was one of the first people to have their homes in the city.
He was a moderate person and avoided involvement. He concentrated on his business that consisted of timber, coal, chalk etc He was the only one to sell these items in the city.
Dawid Beck
He was the oldest son of Joel Menachem Beck. He was highly respected in the community. He dealt with the same items that his father. He lived all the years on Florianska Street. He had two son in laws; Saphir and Segal. Both were quiet, concentrated on the business and lived in Jaslo. His oldest son Herman left the city for the USA.
Motel Beck
He was the youngest son of Joel Mendel Beck who was born n Jaslo. In his youth he studied at the study enter daily until he was married. He remained in Jaslo and conducted his business of building materials and heating implements. He was aware of the environment and was interested in activities in communal activities as well as Jewish Zionist affairs. He was active in the municipal sphere as well as one of the founders of the local Mizrahi branch movement in the city. Motel also partook in the creation of the bank ludowy. He was the presiding officer of the of the mutual charity fund Gmilat Hessed. He was a devoted Zionist and defended the movement everywhere. He was a steady reader of the Hebrew Press namely Hatzfira and Hamitzphe and others. He was a friend of doctor Kornhauser and the other older Zionists in the city. He was elected to the community council on the Mizrahi election ticket.
He was an honest man, avoided combinations and shortcuts and always expressed his true feelings. Near the stores of Moshe Tudor and Chaim Krisher in the corner between Kosciusko and Iglena, was the political center where he expressed himself in public
He had four sons and two daughters. All received a religious and Zionist education. Mendel the oldest son was one of the first to leave Jaslo and study at the Tachcomani School in Warsaw. He completed his studies and graduated from law school and became a lawyer in the Polish capital. He was also secretary of the lawyers association. With the outbreak of the War , he escaped to Russia and nothing was heard of him.
Genia, his daughter left for Palestine in 1933 and married Npahtali Shochet. She was one of the founders of the former residents of Jaslo. The oldest daughter Itka and her family perished in the shoa. One son fell in the battle of 1939 as a Polish soldier. Two sons; Romek and Zeelig survived the war and reside in Toulouse France where they have a clothing factory.
Following the war, he and his wife managed to leave Russia and reached Israel. He was very happy that finally his youthful dream
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was realized. These were difficult days for the country just received its independence. He settled in Jaffa and was about to open a store when he suddenly fell ill and passed away within a few days.
Moshe Beck
He was Dawid's son and observant. He sold timber, coal and chalk at the bottom of Targowice next to the well. He lived in his apartment on Korlowskiego Street.
He was bleesed with sons for he had thirteen of them. All of them were strong and played soccer. Some of tem left the city in the twenties for Belgium. According to rumors only two children survived the war, one of them is in London and a daughter.
Tzwi Bergman
The family was originally from Gorlice but settled in Jaslo during WWI. He lived all his life in Targowice. Lived a simple life and avoided extravagance as befits a Hassidic Jew. He introduced the Shabbat and havdala wax candles. He had two sons and three daughters. The latter were known as excellent seamstresses and were nicknamed the Gorlitziankes to indicate the place of origin. The youngest daughter was married to A. Rosenfeld. She and her husband managed to reach Israel and settle in Kfar Saba.
Shlomo Berger
Almost everybody knew Shlomo Berger in Jaslo. He lived for many years in the village of Koblow near Jaslo. He left the village in the twenties and settled in the city. He was rather known by the name of the village were he used to live.
Following his marriage while still being a yeshiva student, he settled in the village of Dembowce. He became a timber and forest merchant. He succeeded rather well in business and began to purchase real estate. He also bought the big quarry near Griowic and owned a large brick factory. His latest acquisition was the famous Koblow estate.
Most of the parcels of land among Kosciuszko Street near the railway belonged to him. He was forced to sell the three story house opposite the court house because he signed as a guarantor for friends and they could not pay. So he had to bail them out fore as a Hassid of Rymanow how could he leave someone in debt.
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Mr. Shlomo Berger and wife |
He gave charity and was an excellent host. He was friendly with the Rabbis and was on very good terms with Rabbi Mandil
Daily he came to the city with his horse driven cart. Two beautiful and well groomed horses drove the cart. He himself was dressed in fine Hassidic clothes. He had in his hand a black cane with a silverized handle. Slowly he walked and distributed food and dairy products from his farm for the needy. He called the action my anonymous charity. He always provided the synagogues with greens for the Shavuot holiday.
He left for Sanok where he lived a full and long life. He even managed to celebrate the golden wedding ceremony. He had seven daughters and two sons. He married his daughters to educated men from good families. His first son in law was Chaim .Zilber from Sanok. The son in law of Dr. Israel Plotzker (two of Ch.Zilber's sons are in Israel). His second son in law was Pinhas Eintziger the son of Wolf Eintziger from Jaslo, the father of the engineer Yaakow Or (Eintziger). The third son in law was Yehoshua Gutwin the son of Wolf, the shochet from Trziciano near Rzeszow. He lives today in kibbutz Gever-Am with his daughter and son in law (one of his sons serves as police officer in Tiberius). The forth son in law was Zeev (Wilik) Eintziger of Sandz. He lives in Tel Aviv. The fifth son in law was
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Emanuel Kronenthal from Bezun. The sixth son in law was Kopil ( Hans) Kamnitzer. He was the owner of the famous pension Kamnitzer in Hertzlia.
The seventh son in law was Tzwi Hersh Langsam of Bokowsk. The oldest son Dawid received a religious and general education. He left Jaslo and settled in Germany but lives today in London. He visited Israel several times. The second son Mendel settled in the USA.
Hersh Yaakow Berger
He was the brother of Shlomo Berger. He was a Hassidic Jew. He lived many years in the village of Koblow and then moved to Ulaszowice and then to the village of Blaszkowa near Brzostek.
He had five sons and the oldest left for the USA where he was very successful. He sends tickets for the entire family and they all left for the USA.
Meir Berger
He was the son in law of Moshe Dam from the Targowice. He was a student and devoted himself to the study of torah. Together with this author they fixed and restored many of the books at the big study center.
He was a disabled person; he had poor vision as a result of WWI. On his discharge from the Polish Army he received a license to deal in sprits from the Polish government.
During the thirties he started to build a five story house on a plot that belonged to his father in law at the end of the Targowice square next to the well. But he could not finish it due to the deterioration of his health. He himself lived all his years in a poor flat that belonged to Weinberg next to the synagogue. With the building of the house, he moved there although the place was not ready.
He had several sons, the oldest escaped from Poland where he faced a jail sentence for belonging to the Communist party.
Dawid Berger
He owned a chocolate and fruit store in Leibish Amer's house along the Iglena Street. He was successful in business and moved to May 3rd Street where he opened a large store that sold candy , fruits and soda.
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He was the son in law of Israel Haber. He was a quiet businessman. His son reached Palestine after many tortuous roads. He lives in the Sheik Mounis section near Tel Aviv.
Zishe Bruder
He observed tradition and was very familiar with the surroundings. He was a member of the 'Yad Harutzim association from the first day of its inception. He was also a member of the community board and a member of many other organizations. He owned a house on Badanarska Street where he lived.
He had five sons and four daughters. All the children received a general education. His sons helped in the business. Three of them are presently in Australia and one in England one daughter lives in the USA. The youngest daughter left for Palestine and following her marriage, she settled in Tel Aviv.
Yaakow Bruder
He was the brother of Zishe. He was an old member of the Zionist party as well as an old member of Yad Harutzim. He was quiet but very efficient in his work. He was modern in his thinking and rose early each morning to attend services at the synagogue.
He had a house on Nowa Street where he lived all his life. His workshop was located in Yossef Manashe's place. He had two sons and two daughters. His oldest son, Michael left Jaslo in the twenties and settled in Dantzig where he opened a business. His second son was a dentist and the youngest daughter left for Palestine as a pioneer and settled in the village of Ness Tziona.
Ephraim Brick
He was an old timer in Jaslo. He was very presentable and easy going person. His had one of the first butcher stores in Jaslo. He was a founding member of the Yad Harutzim Association and was the beadle of their synagogue for many years.
He lived his life in his house that was surrounded by greenery and trees. To reach his house you needed to go down the stairs that paralleled the road to Ulaszowice and faced Shanojchy Street.
He had two daughters; one was married to Shlomo Biar and the second one to Chaim Goldblat and an only son.
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Michael Brick
He was the son of Ephraim Brick. He was a modest and shy person. He also opened a butcher store in the market square. He lived in Branstadter's place next to the municipal building. He devoted himself to business.
He died after a prolonged disease while still a relatively young person. He left a wife, a son named Libik and a daughter named Idela. In the early thirties, the daughter left for Palestine as a pioneer and married there Israel Shtoier. The son was a dentist and lived in Krakow.
Shlomo Brand
In Jaslo he was nicknamed Der Kleiner Shlomale or the small Shlomo. He lived in a small wooden barrack near the study center, a few yards from the holy place where he spent most of the time as some other idlers. In the winter he used to sit next to the burning oven, his hands behind his back or they were tucked in the long sleeves of his coat. He sat next to the small table that was placed near the stove and the Talmud book open.
He was a book binder but not terribly successful. He was a crude worker and used primitive binding materials that stained the pages or threads that were visible to the naked eye.
He had many jobs but little income. He also sold books, religious articles and haberdashery items. Every Friday he and his wife Ita Neche opened their stand at the market. On occasion he even traveled to other markets nearby.
He always begrudged the book salesmen that came from other cities and sold their merchandise in Jaslo. He considered them to be competitors that cut into his business. He observed with anger as the city residents approached these merchants. In general however, he was a pleasant man and the students at the study center liked to hear his opinions on different matters since he considered himself a scholar, a businessman and a fine binder.
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In spite of the numerous complaints about the foreign competition, he sold many books. I personally bought books from him and a large part of my library was purchased in his stand. I also gave him many books to rebind and some of these were from the study center. When I bought the Talmud edition in 1928 for the study center and wanted that he should rebind it, however the membership decided otherwise and gave the job to Shlomo Goldfaden. He did not protest since he knew that he could not do the job.
He lived all his life in the wooden barrack. He never wore glasses and was always healthy. On returning one evening from the study center, he went to sleep and passed away. He left a wife, a son and a daughter.
Awraham Hersh Brenner
He was born in Dembice and was the son in law of Rabbi Yona Tzanger that was Rabbi of Jaslo. He did not assume airs or behave with arrogance; on the contrary, his manners were simple. He told stories about the Hassidic saints of Dzikow, Rozwadow, and especially of the Rabbi of Dembice.
Following the resignation of Asher the sexton he assumed the position at the study center that lasted almost twenty years.
Lately his economic situation improved as a result of his business dealings and he resigned his position. He always lived in the Amer and Kornfeld house. He had five daughters and two sons. Two of his daughters left for the USA, and one son left for Belgium.
Yona Brenner
He was the oldest son of Awraham Hersh Brenner and was a member of study group at the study center. He studied tailoring and returned to Jaslo in 1918 where he opened his workshop that employed many workers and trained many religious workers to be tailors. He left for Antwerp.
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Eliezer Brenner
He was born in Pezatzlew and was the son in law of Dawid Elias. He was well read and an excellent businessman. He had a large house and a big store where he sold timber. The place was located near the Ulaszowice Bridge.
Two of his sons received higher education; one Mendel became a lawyer and practiced law in Krosno. The second son Abish reached Israel and settled in Jaffa.
Henryk Brenner
He was the owner of a store that sold books and office supplies. It was located in Dr. Willush's place in the market. Lately, he kept open his business on Saturday in spite of the protests of some religious Jews.
He was of an assimilationist inclination but he still kept an active interest in the Jewish community. His wife was very active in the Zionist movement, in Wizo and in other social Jewish organizations.
He had two daughters and a son that received a general education and continued their studies, The son was killed trying to escape the Germans by crossing the river.
Wolf Brandstadter
He was one of the early settlers in the city and one of the richest property owners. He owned a private bank as well as a large knitting store. The store was located in his house on the corner of Florianska Street opposite the municipal building, prior to WWI. He was not a religious person and was a descendant of Mordechai Dawid Brandstadter from Tarnow. We are told that he avoided all public contact in order to avoid giving charity.
There was a story that circulated in the city to the effect that a poor person once came to his store to ask for a donation. The owner dismissed him and even insulted him. The poor man left and wished him a Zakana. The owner was under the impression that he received a blessing and rushed to the door where he asked the beggar why did you bless me when I refused to give you a donation. The poor man answered, you are an educated man that avoids giving contributions so you should also know the meanings of the initials of the word Zakana: Ziftzen-to sigh, krechtzen-to groan, Nissen-to sneeze, and Hissen- to caugh. The store owner understood the meaning of the word and felt a bit humiliated but still gave the poor man a donation.
He had one son that was married to the daughter of Shingel from Sczenica. He lived in Dantzig and had a private bank.
Dawid Berenstein
He was a progressive man. He was a violin teacher and also played at weddings. He was also an accountant. He lived in Targowice and later moved near the post office. His sons received a general education. His son Moshe excelled in music and left Jaslo for Krakow.
His old mother used to live opposite the synagogue and gave Yiddish lessons. She lived to a ripe old age.
Yehoshua Bresman
He resided in Jarniowka near Koczerow and was traditional. He led a simple farmer's life. He had a small farm and was also involved in business. Two of his sons are in the USA. One is named Awraham and the second one Itzhak
Yossef Berkowicz
He was a barber. He was the son in law of Yaakow Bruder. He was a pleasant and kind person. He was progressive in outlook. Following his discharge from the Austrian Army, he became ill and passed away. He left a wife and small children. The widow remarried another barber. The children left Jaslo as they became older.
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