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Part 4

Natives of Il'ya around the world


[Page 464]

The Shapiro Family in Mexico

Translated by Yitschok Tzvi Margareten

Submitted by Roberto Levin
(related to the Shapiro family of Mexico)


Our Fellow Countrymen in Mexico

The entire family of Rabbi Tzemach Shapiro, may his memory be blessed, left Ilya at the end of the 1920s and immigrated to Mexico. Rabbi Tzemach had a son, Zelig, in the United States and he made great efforts to bring the family to the States, but despite his will he did not succeed. In those years the gates of North America were locked fully and hermetically.

When their brother Zelig realized that for the moment it was impossible, he suggested to his family that they immigrate to the neighboring country of Mexico, hoping that with time he would succeed in bringing his family to the States. But not everything happens as planned. By the time Zelig could do something for his family, they had integrated in Mexico and established themselves economically. He only brought his youngest brother Samuel, who was underage, to the United States of America.

[Page 465]

In general, the whole Shapiro family is well known in Mexico and not badly situated. Naturally some better and some less. But the whole family excels in its active communal work in Mexico. They are active in the educational system, on the cultural level, in the press, in the Zionist funds, women's societies and show their active involvement supporting the Land of Israel, and for the Association for the Soldier. - In short, they lead all areas of Jewish national life. From far and near they follow the development of the Land of Israel with love and enthusiasm.

The Shapiro family in Mexico consists of:

  1. Yaakov Shapiro, his wife [Emma], children and grandchildren.
  2. Eliezer Shapiro and his wife Rachel.
  3. Gershon Shapiro with his wife [Dora], children and grandchildren.
  4. Raizel and her husband [Mendel Cwilic], children and grandchildren.
  5. Yehoshua Shapiro and his wife, children and grandchildren.
  6. Chana and her husband [Yale Zundelevich], children and grandchildren.
The editorial board of the Ilya Yizkor Book and the Israeli committee of Ilya, strongly thank the Shapiro family, for their material help which enabled the publication of this book that memorializes our town and its Jews, and wish them all personally, happiness, health and long life.


The Living Ilya People in America

Of the hundreds of Ilya people who immigrated to America at the end of the 19th century, nobody is left,..


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